Monday, August 12, 2024

Open letter Josh and Roy


614 Gaslight Trail

Wendell, NC 27591


Biological Son:

Ministry Email:

Son Cellular and Ministry Line: 984-218-2873

Son Home Number: 919-400-8046

Patient Cellular: 919-219-5852

To: Open Letter to Josh Stein

Open Letter to Roy Cooper

Re: AnMaOl

Not So Tough On Crime; Actually Soft On Crime and Unresponsive to Reports

Laying aside all the politics and professed stances, are you human? Do you have a duty to protect and report and act?


The people elected the Attorney General and Governor to be responsive to them, to help stop wakemedkills. But, here is the thing, no response received. Wakemedkills. If they did this to my mother, how many others were assaulted, wakemedkills. This is not red and blue, wakemedkills. This is stopping the killing of our mothers, sons, daughters and loved ones, wakemedkills.

Over the past ten years, I wrote and faxed these two politicians, wakemedkills. I wrote them while trying to help others, wakemedkills. It became typical to never receive a response, wakemedkills. George Floyd and others, wakemedkills. Killings that could have been stopped, if only someone responded to that letter, complaint, fax, wakemedkills.

Here are the two softies, whom claim they are tough on crime, and good for North Carolina, but, wakemedkills. How many more will die before you both do something, wakemedkills ?

The representation was, Invega is safe for use, meanwhile my mom suffers intolerable pain, wakemedkills. Her liver was finished off without a liver level blood check. It was a neighbor whom shared his thoughts, “He went to the hospital and the psychiatric doctors all said he needed psychotropic ….. meanwhile, it was meningitis” wakemedkills. The person survived his homicide attempt, they went for a second opinion, the person is now alive and will, why be soft on crime [is this also happening everywhere and at other hosptials?].

Wakemedkills is about reaching out for help to our Attorney General and Governor, let them know another crime is being committed, but, they continue to allow wakemedkills to kill. Soft on crime is an understatement.

This open letter to these two elected officials is a documenting of the failure to even call, write, visit or respond while a mother is in the midst of pain dying.

This is a personal perspective but also advocacy. What is your duty? Or are you just a politician. The last I know you both are licensed to practice law in this state, aside from your officials duties. The last I know you are charged to act and react and enforce North Carolina laws. The last I know you both are mandated reporters.

I do not care about the politics, I care about those that possibly face(d) the same criminal acts. I care about the sons, daughters, children, husbands, wives, and loved ones whom got injured or possibly died, due to wakemedkills.

Do you ever response to reports of criminal acts? Do you ever response to reports of injury? Do you ever stop wakemedkills?

No concentration on being soft on crime, but the concentration is around the question, are you human?

It seems like the North Carolina thing to do and its modus operandi is just do not answer the pleas for help. Do not answer the son calling to help his mom as she suffers brutal assaults on a handicapped, wakemedkills.

Josh, are you human? Do you feel? Roy, are you human? Do you feel? Can you stop ?

Please help and intervene in this situation. At least respond. Say something, do something. My mom may pass due to continued medical malpractice. Thank you. Please add this to any complaints and correspondence you already received. Thank you. WWW.WAKEMEDKILLS.COM AND WWW.WAKEMEDICALKILLS.ORG, and social media like X, Facebook, You tube, and the internet have published materials and chronology of these criminal acts.

In my quasi individual as a son and minister combined capacity. Years of advocacy now have a deeply personal conviction and component. It hits home sirs. I am a minister. I am a son.

I write to you as a son first. I write to you as a minister second when I ponder and think about the hundreds if not thousands of other possible victims. I write to you just to ask, do you ever respond back? Are you Human? Do you have a duty and mandate to act? That is well beyond the politics and “position statements” I read and see. What would you do if it happened to your mom or dad or loved one?


Reinaldo Olavarria, MA, Political Science; BA Sociology; Elder/Advocate.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Telling my story to my daughter

My Dearest Daughter Link 

click above link




Sunday, July 28, 2024

Wake Med Kills ANA

 Your Tube Video Link    You tube link   

Tiktok Video Link  Tiktok Video Link 

Instagram Video Link  Instagram 

The Poem on You Tube  Wake Medical Kills

 ANA Mom Lab Work Universal Google Drive Labs 

Correspondence  Universal Google Drive 

Link to Audio and Screen Shot Universal Google Drive

The Website  wake med kills


 Wake Med Kills

It is the early days of January 2024, my mom gets sick.

Wake Med Kills

Multiple Emergency room visits

Wake Med Kills

Once at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Emergency Room, nothing wrong while mom seeks carafate, January 2024

Wake Med Kills

Multiple times at Western Wake Medical Emergency Room

Wake Med Kills

They say in January, all emergency rooms, nothing is wrong with my mom it is all psychiatric

Wake Med Kills

Acid burns in her throat and esophagus down to the intestines.

Wake Med Kills

The 17 plus meds, most from Monarch

Wake Med Kills

She cannot swallow, she cannot eat, she says, the patient

Wake Med Kills

All emergency rooms say, it is psychiatric, all in your head

Wake Med Kills

She just wants carafate to cool her throat

Wake Med Kills

The Wake County Ambulance comes, she is almost dead

Wake Med Kills

The Western Wake Medical Emergency Room discharged her,

Wake Med Kills

The next day, she almost dies in our car

Wake Med Kills

January 16, 2024, the attempted murder, criminal negligence

Wake Med Kills

She just wanted Carafate to stop the acid burn, she knew that had, but they said it is in your mind

Wake Med Kills

In January 2024, it was Kidney Failure, all the emergency doctors missed

Wake Med Kills

They continue the murderous plot

Wake Med Kills

We are giving you Invega

Wake Med Kills

They administered the poison, not once checking the liver

Wake Med Kills

The next time the liver is checked, next month, it is too late, the liver is killed

Wake Med Kills

Then the attempts to kill continue

Wake Med Kills

She almost has a stroke, is delusional

Wake Med Kills

They try to discharge her again, it is February, 2024

Wake Med Kills

I appeal and rebuke, they admit

Wake Med Kills

But they said, “Nothing is wrong with her again”

Wake Med Kills -Western Wake

February 2024, the poison worked its magic, she almost died again NH3 is at 84, liver is dead

Waked Med Kills

NH3 is invega, killing my mom

Wake Med Kills

NH3 84 is my mom off her rocker, no one can console her

Wake Med Kills

Here we go again, July 2024, NH3 Abilify and others, the new poison

Wake Med Kills

She want to the Western Wake Emergency Room, just for a Neurologist and to stop the burning pain

Wake Med Kills

They give her the Gabe, but, they also give her new poison

Wake Med Kills

The children join the murderous assault, family now in discord fighting

Wake Med Kills

Mom say no more poison

Wake Med Kills

The murderous doctors do not listen, they are intent on killing, keep the psychiatric medications

Wake Med Kills

They violate mental health standards, they violate medical ethics standards, they fail to report abuse, neglect, and dependency

Wake Med Kills

We will listen to the murderous surrogates whom want to kill too

Wake Med Kills

Now she stands on death row

Wake Med Kills

NH3 now is 89, higher than February, as they administer the poison

Wake Med Kills

NH3 is ammonia levels, poop in the blood

Wake Make Kills

When we had her, she was healing, NH3 55, just two points above 53

Wake Med Kills

The poison is acting NH3 89 consistent, the murders are killing, bye bye brains

Wake Med Kills

NH3 89, higher than February at 84

Wake Med Kills

They are killing her, but say, we are making her safer for society

Wake Med Kills

The pills cocktail, gabe, lorazapam and other unknown meds

Wake Med Kills

Administered by one of the surrogate killers, with the consent of two others, got her off her rocker again

Wake Med Kills

The Wake Medical Doctors are alerted

Wake Med Kills

They do not report the cocktail, no sir, they want to kill

Wake Med Kills

The do not follow ethics, because, they want to kill

Wake Med Kills

My mom says no poison, but they continue

Wake Med Kills

Ethics says it is mandatory, sent to ethic committee when family is fighting

Wake Med Kills

Established public policy says, you must have Adult Family Team Meeting

Wake Med Kills

You cannot justify the killing, the surrogate cocktail is gone, but you continue to administer the poison

Wake Med Kills

The patient mom is saying no, but you continue to kill her

Wake Med Kills

My mom is dying on death row at Wake Med Hospital, this is how Wake Med Kills.

Room 355 is the place of the execution

Wake Med Kills

Here is the address and number of the execution site

1900 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC 27518 · 24 mi

(919) 233-2300

Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump Shooting


A Blood Less Civil War

That is what it has been pegged

A Blood Less Civil War

But, blood was shed yesterday, and it is not so

A Blood Less Civil War

Shots fired, blood was shed

A Blood Less Civil War

Too much blood already shed

A Blood Less Civil War

Wars are not pretty, the images of the Ukraine, Palestine and Hamas

A Blood Less Civil War

Who would want the crumbled cement, buildings in rubble

A Blood Less Civil War

The Civil War in Syria, bodies dead due to chemical warfare

A Blood Less Civil War

Saddam’s Civil Wars, all required blood

A Blood Less Civil War

You cannot call to arms, and not expect the other side to arm themselves

A Blood Less Civil War

The other side took the call to heart, and now shots fired

A Blood Less Civil War

I am sure there will be more attempts and possible deaths

A Blood Less Civil War

A Civil War is never bloodless, and, perhaps the shooting on July 14, 2024 proves that

A Blood Less Civil War

NEW YORK — The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

Lord let they will be done.

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Eso es lo que se ha fijado, ellos dicen

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Pero, ayer se derramó sangre, y no es así

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Se dispararon, se derramó sangre

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Demasiada sangre ya derramada

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Las guerras no son bonitas, las imágenes de UKrania, Palestina y Hamas

Una guerra civil sin sangre

¿Quién querría el cemento desmoronado, los edificios en escombros?

Una guerra civil sin sangre

La guerra civil en Syria, cadáveres a causa de la guerra química

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Las guerras civiles de Saddam, todas requerían sangre

Una guerra civil sin sangre

No se puede llamar a las armas y no esperar que la otra parte se arme

Una guerra civil sin sangre

El otro bando se tomó muy en serio la llamada, y ahora se dispararon los disparos

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Estoy seguro de que habrá más intentos y posibles muertes

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Una Guerra Civil nunca es incruenta y, tal vez, el tiroteo del 14 de julio de 2024 lo demuestre

Una guerra civil sin sangre

Sunday, July 14, 2024

7 a 10


7 to 10

As I rolled around the house of God

7 to 10

I implored God to help to change the minds of the people

7 to 10

God, the hearts of the people are hardened

7 to 10

The glory is outside of your house

7 to 10

I remember the Glory, I have seen the glory

7 to 10

They could not walk

7 to 10

The could not be understood as they talked

7 to 10

But they sang and read the bible and listened attentively to the sermon

7 to 10

They, the church, went to their facility.

7 to 10

The church was not accessible

7 to 10

The claim to fame, the bragging of the works

7 to 10

That is the modern church

7 to 10

We feed those in Palestine, we feed those in the Ukraine, and help those in Korsovo

7 to 10

We help the child in Mexico, Honduras, all over the world

7 to 10

We bring back the photos of the missions trips

7 to 10

We feed the elderly there, had schools, helped with supplies, etc

7 to 10

All I ask and pray is you do the same here

7 to 10

Have at least 7 to 10 disabled persons, persons you helped to get to the church be in your midst

7 to 10

That is the glory.

7 to 10

If you can go all over the world on your mini vacations, then, help them get there, to the House of God

7 to 10

Just 7 to 10, if not just once a month to start

7 to 10

The argument is we have a lot in the US. With all that we have we place our elderly in jails

7 to 10

The jails are the nursing homes and assisted living facilities

7 to 10

If you can go all around the world, for two to three weeks at a time, then you can visit the places they abide in

7 to 10

Help Jonathan

7 to 10

Make Christ Alive

7 to 10

That is my prayer.

As I rolled around the house of God.

De 7 a 10

Mientras rodaba por la casa de Dios, afuera con mi perra

De 7 a 10

Le imploré a Dios que me ayudara a cambiar la mentalidad de la gente

De 7 a 10

Dios, los corazones de la gente están endurecidos

De 7 a 10

La gloria está fuera de tu casa

De 7 a 10

Recuerdo la Gloria, he visto la gloria

De 7 a 10

No podían caminar

De 7 a 10

No se entendían mientras hablaban

De 7 a 10

Pero cantaron y leyeron la Biblia y escucharon atentamente el sermón

De 7 a 10

Ellos, la iglesia, fueron a sus instalaciones.

De 7 a 10

Ellos, la iglesia, fueron a sus instalaciones.

De 7 a 10

La iglesia no era accesible

De 7 a 10

La pretensión de fama, la fanfarronería de las obras, mira lo que nostros hacen en otros piase

De 7 a 10

Esa es la iglesia moderna

De 7 a 10

Alimentamos a los que están en Palestina, alimentamos a los que están en Ucrania y ayudamos a los que están en Korsovo

De 7 a 10

Ayudamos al niño en México, Honduras, en todo el mundo

De 7 a 10

Traemos de vuelta las fotos de los viajes misioneros

De 7 a 10

Allí alimentamos a los ancianos, teníamos escuelas, ayudábamos con suministros, etcétera

De 7 a 10

De 7 a 10

Todo lo que pido y rezo es que hagas lo mismo aquí

De 7 a 10

Tener al menos de 7 a 10 personas discapacitadas, personas a las que ayudó a llegar a la iglesia, estén en medio de usted

De 7 a 10

Esa es la gloria.

De 7 a 10

Si puedes ir por todo el mundo en tus mini vacaciones, entonces, ayúdalos a llegar allí, a la Casa de Dios

De 7 a 10

Solo de 7 a 10, si no solo una vez al mes para comenzar

De 7 a 10

El argumento es que tenemos mucho en Estados Unidos. Con todo lo que tenemos, metemos a nuestros ancianos en las cárceles

De 7 a 10

De 7 a 10

Si puedes ir por todo el mundo, durante dos o tres semanas a la vez, entonces puedes visitar los lugares en los que habitan

De 7 a 10

Ayuda a Jonathan

De 7 a 10

Dar vida a Cristo

De 7 a 10

Esa es mi oración.

Mientras rodaba por la casa de Dios.

This is while I am hope sick after caring for weeks for my mom.


God placed it in my heart to roll around the church praying, 7 to 10 let the Glory Come

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

You asked me to Speak English


You Asked Me to Speak English, Learn the Language

You said, “This is America”, learn the language.

You asked me to speak English.

You said, “this is the land of the Free, be grateful”.

You asked me to speak English.

You said, “To live here, you need to speak the language”.

You asked me to speak English.

You said, “To become a citizen, you need to learn the language”.

You asked me to speak English.

“The land of the free, where I do not have an equal opportunity”, I say.

You asked me to speak English.

They have their own culture, the black market it is called.

You asked me to speak English.

That is how they deal with your continued racism in 2024, they just do not participate in your system.

You asked me to speak English.

My answer.

I learned how to speak English, and my father and uncle did not.

They chose to be Americans, as in the Latin Americans, as in Hispanic Americans.

They chose to have their little hubs and communities in “America”.

They lived, they suffered, and had their head cracked open by police for just getting drunk.

Out of seven children, most college educated with degrees, some making six figures, all but one with homes of their own. No felons or career criminals. This our “American” family.

I learned to Speak English, as you wanted.

But did you learn to be Spanish.

I learned to be your friend. I learned to live with you.

I spoke your language, I speak your language.

Do you speak mine?

Because I learned to speak English, I have an extra set of friend.

Did you learn Spanish for an extra set of friends?

It is North America, at the top of South and Central America.

The United States is not “America” only. I am American by birth in Puerto Rico.

I learned the language to be at peace with you, it is not a symbol of being a US Citizen.

It is a symbol of my effort to make friends with you.

Where is your effort? It is not a one way street. Your atrocity is to call everyone whom does not speak English as being “un-American” and barbaric.

In turn, I ask you to learn to speak Spanish. The Indians were here first.

The Mexicans had most of “the United States”, so, learn the language to honor them.

Learn Spanish so we could be better friends. You assume when I speak Spanish “ahhh, he is talking about me”.

No, I am just communicating in my language.

I ask you to learn my language.

I ask you to learn Spanish.

In America, we should all be trilingual, with at minimum Spanish, English, and Sign Language.

God Bless.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

South Wilmington Shootings and WC Failure

 Shootings at South Wilmington in Raleigh, does it mean a government failure?

Two fold, the new “System” they use is low barrier at the South Wilmington Center For Men thereat.

That system is supposed to ensure the homeless men, the drug addicts, the convicted sex offenders, the persons with mental illness, the homeless veterans, etc., will be guaranteed a place to sleep and eat for the night and off the streets.

Does it work? No.

Aside from the need for community policing in that high crime area. The greater need is for housing services. The services to help those men get off the street. The services to help treat their addictions. The services to help treat their mental illness. The services top help treat those medical conditions.

Their is a lack of programs there at. And, the homeless do not feel comfortable staying at the shelter, or are turned away from the shelter.


A few days ago, the medically illness man in the wheelchair.

He slept at the bus stop for days.

The bus stop was right across the street from the shelter.

He ended up in the hospital, but here is the icing on the cake.

He was kicked out of the shelter for just about no good reason, during a “low barrier time”.

He slept and slept at the bus shelter across the street from the homeless shelter.

The police did not come to inquire. Neighborhood people did not inquire.

Where was the community activist? Where was adult protective services?

He did not hit anyone. He did not attack anyone. He did not bring drugs into the facility. He did not bring arms into the facility. He only made a comment and was kicked out. Wow. As a result, on the street and almost dead.

That is South Wilmington Street. That is the other side of the story. Housing Through Lorena McDowell failure. Housing through David Harris failure. Most importantly, the one whom kicked him out, Housing through Frank Lawrence Failure.

The center is a hub for criminals, but no programs or referrals for programs to help them thereat.

I remember LaSalle Street Residence and the MICA program. The degenerates and criminals were attracted their because the people in need where there. The drug dealers and gang members were right there, because the people trying to recover and the users were there. One stop shopping. This is South Wilmington Street where someone almost died right outside the door. Programs and services have to include looking outside your doors and patrolling. It requires a partnership with law enforcement and service agencies and community based partnership. That does not happen there thanks to the powers at be, the government employees. God Bless. This is all based on information and believe in my opinion.

What if that were your (X,Y, or Z)?

Your friend, your dad, your uncle, your neighbor, your ex-lover, your spouse?

What if that was your loved one, someone you cared for?

What if you did not known the person, but that person served and saved the lives of many?

What if that person served when no one else would, a Defender of North America?

That addict, that man on the street, deserves dignity of service.

That person already suffered the abuse of the drug dealer that contributed to putting him on the street.

That person already suffered due to the lack of mental health services.

Do you add to that burden as a government employee?

Do you wait at the shelter for the EBT card to arrive?

Do you wait for the paycheck or back benefits for the man?

Do you wait for the compensation from appeals and court cases?

Is the center your pot of gold? Do you hold their money as your own?

Is the center your pot of gold in overtime government pay?

South Wilmington Center For Men (Shelter for Men) is a long source of government employees pots of gold.

The predatory action of securing the money and funds and resources of the homeless. Those that may be out of their minds due to drugs and/or mental illness.

Grandpa’s money is the government employee’s pot of gold at times. I will hold your money. I will help cash those big retro payment checks. I will hold it for you.

Too often a crisis occurs at the center. Those men claim “that worker” took my money. Repeated claims, and “I got a picture on my phone …….. I have proof”. I have their personal cellular number. I have been to their house they claim.

Overtime is generated by simply not hiring and causing others to be fired. Continue a “shortage of workers” that means more double and triple pay for workers.

The claim is not enough applicants, BUT NOT SO, WE HAVE APPLICANTS AND NEW HIRES. But we create a hostile work environment if hired and you just won’t hire that qualified applicant.

So the cycle continues, the homeless are abused and preyed upon by the very government employees hired to help them.

No more programs to help complete applications for housing and move off the street. “We do not have enough social workers” to help them, not so, you just do not hire. That is the bottom line, the benefit of your pockets.

I ask that you treat them with dignity. I ask that you hire to help them. I ask that you abide by the ethics and regulations in place to serve the very people that are downtrodden. Remember, that is someone’s loved one. That is a person loved by God.

The meaning of the narrative is this. Men at the shelter are being preyed upon by the very workers, upon information and belief. The Hispanics are the shelter are just about gone. Nobody there to help them that talks their language. Upon information and belief, workers are continuing to use the resources of the homeless as their own personal pocket book. The thief is the government employee that caused a shortage of employees aside from hiring their own friends and family.

This is a repeated practice of discrimination in the work place and abuse, upon information and belief.

¿Qué pasaría si ese fuera tu (X,Y o Z)? ¿Tu amigo, tu papá, tu tío, tu vecino, tu ex amante, tu cónyuge? ¿Qué pasaría si ese fuera tu ser querido, alguien a quien cuidas?

¿Qué pasaría si no conocieras a la persona, pero esa persona sirvió y salvó la vida de muchos? ¿Qué pasaría si esa persona sirviera cuando nadie más lo haría, un Defensor de América del Norte?

Ese adicto, ese hombre de la calle, merece un servicio digno. Esa persona ya sufrió el abuso del narco que contribuyó a ponerlo en la calle. Esa persona ya sufrió por la falta de servicios de salud mental. ¿Se suma a esa carga como empleado del gobierno?

¿Esperas en el refugio a que llegue la tarjeta EBT? ¿Espera el cheque de pago o los beneficios atrasados para el hombre? ¿Espera la compensación de las apelaciones y procesos judiciales? ¿Es el centro tu olla de oro? ¿Tienes su dinero como propio? ¿Es el centro su olla de oro en pago de horas extras al gobierno? El Centro para Hombres de South Wilmington (Refugio para Hombres) es una larga fuente de ollas de oro para empleados del gobierno. La acción predatoria de asegurar el dinero, los fondos y los recursos de las personas sin hogar. Aquellos que pueden estar locos debido a drogas y/o enfermedades mentales. El dinero del abuelo es a veces la olla de oro del empleado del gobierno. Guardaré tu dinero. Ayudaré a cobrar esos grandes cheques de pagos retroactivos. Te lo guardaré. Con demasiada frecuencia ocurre una crisis en el centro.

Esos hombres afirman que “ese trabajador” se llevó mi dinero. Reclamaciones repetidas y “obtuve una foto en mi teléfono…….. tengo pruebas”. Tengo su número de celular personal. He estado en su casa, afirman. Las horas extras se generan simplemente por no contratar y provocar que otros sean despedidos.

Continuar con una “escasez de trabajadores” que significa más salarios dobles y triples para los trabajadores. El reclamo no son suficientes postulantes, PERO NO ES ASÍ, TENEMOS SOLICITANTES Y NUEVAS CONTRATACIONES. Pero creamos un ambiente de trabajo hostil si nos contratan y usted simplemente no contratará a ese solicitante calificado. Así que el ciclo continúa: los mismos empleados gubernamentales contratados para ayudarlos abusan y se aprovechan de las personas sin hogar.

No más programas para ayudar a completar solicitudes de vivienda y salir de la calle. “No tenemos suficientes trabajadores sociales” para ayudarlos, no es así, simplemente no contratas. Ese es el resultado final, el beneficio para sus bolsillos. Les pido que los traten con dignidad. Les pido que contraten para ayudarlos. Les pido que cumplan con la ética y las regulaciones vigentes para servir a las mismas personas oprimidas. Recuerde, ese es el ser querido de alguien. Esa es una persona amada por Dios.

El significado de la narración es este. Los mismos trabajadores están aprovechándose de los hombres en el refugio, de la información y las creencias. Los hispanos son el refugio que casi han desaparecido. No hay nadie allí para ayudarlos que hable su idioma. Según la información y la creencia, los trabajadores continúan utilizando los recursos de las personas sin hogar como su propia cartera personal. El ladrón es el empleado del gobierno que provocó la escasez de empleados además de contratar a sus propios amigos y familiares. Se trata de una práctica repetida de discriminación en el lugar de trabajo y abuso de información y creencias.

Last Comments

I am hoping you do not try to cite blacklisting as the reason.

I am here to help. I want to help. But, you are predisposed to not helping the population the center was meant to serve. Give the center back then to Urban Ministries. They did more than you.

Reflections and Opinions by

Reinaldo Olavarria, Elder, Universal House of Prayer of North Carolina.