Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Enemy

This occurred sometime during the week, I think it was after my son talked with his mom on the phone.
She told him she was going to pick him up, and, somehow I said Wednesday or something to that nature, and responded with “your enemy” when he talked about her. 
It hurt like hell; “Why?” he still hold her up as one of the top 3 people in his life, and, for him to call her the enemy when he talked to me about her, hurt me, because, I knew that it took a lot out of him to say that about his mother, my ex-wife.
The Hurt, about the comment, The Enemy, was not that I do not consider her to be the enemy, but rather that he cannot see the hurt on myside, the disappointment and the injury, and, within the first two to three years of the divorce, I did with fury see her as the enemy, but, now I see her with pity because the judgement of God has been executed on her. 
He is hurting and confused emotionally; and, for him, it was not a good thing to say.  So my response is to pray for the hurt my son is feeling or should be feeling, while acknowledging the Lord’s will be done, even when Judgement is being executed against “The Enemy”. 

God Bless

El enemigo

Esto ocurrió en algún momento durante la semana, creo que fue después de mi hijo habló con su madre por teléfono.

Ella le dijo que iba a recogerlo, y, de algún modo que dije el miércoles o algo haci, y respondió con "el enemigo" cuando hablaba de ella.

Me dolió como el infierno; "¿Por qué?" Él todavía abrazara ella como uno de los 3 mejores personas en su vida, y, para que él la llamara al enemigo cuando él me habló de ella, me dolió, porque yo sabía que tomó mucho de él para decir lo mismo de su madre, mi ex esposa.

The Hurt, por el comentario, el enemigo, no era que no considero que ella sea el enemigo, sino que no puede ver el dolor por mi vista y lado, la decepción y la herida, y, dentro de los primeros dos a tres años de el divorcio, lo hice con furia la ven como el enemigo, pero, ahora que la veo con pena, porque el juicio de Dios ha sido ejecutado en ella.

Él está herido y confundido emocionalmente; y, para él, no era una buena cosa que decir. Así que mi respuesta es orar por el dolor que mi hijo se siente o debería estar sintiendo, al tiempo que reconoce el Señor de voluntad, incluso cuando se está ejecutando juicio contra "el enemigo".

Dios le bendiga

1 comment:

  1. Our son referred to me as the enemy while in communication with you because that's what you have called me or referred to me as in your home and in front of him. He's so much smarter then what you give him credit for. Your bent on the fact that you can't brain wash him to be against his mother as you have our first born. He is me and she is you and that is part of the reason why? He knows me as mom and you will never take that away from him you tried to do the same with my oldest too but it didn't work then and your efforts don't work now. One out of three just isn't enough for you is it? All or nothing? And you wonder why you can't gain employment in human services. This is really comical. Did your father speak to the five of you about your mother as you do to our two children? ???
