Friday, February 19, 2016

Cyber Stalking:  An Open Letter to the Ex-wife

Wow, it was interesting two days ago to receive an email from my ex-wife indicating she is actually cyber stalking me.  She “saw the website” and made some negative comments.

Well, it is an interesting reality that she spends so much time stalking me, by physical stalking, and now cyber stalking. 

I would do think that once you are divorced, and have a wonderful and productive life, that you would not spend your time “looking up” and “monitoring” your ex.  Really, when do you find time to do such.  If you are “really happy”, then, enjoy “your happiness” and leave me alone.  That is what I am doing.  But no, you want to drive to my house, by my house, and interrogate the kids to find out “what he is doing”.  My children come back saying they are sick and tired of being “interrogated” when they go to your house. 

The song was “Don’t worry, be happy”.  Be happy with your new life and leave me alone.  You hate the fact that now I refuse to pick up the phone just about every-time you call, because, you want to bash me and talk about stuff that only exist in your mind.  Get help please.  God Bless. 

About two years and a half years ago, she made a negative post about me on Facebook, and, placed that on my neighbor’s timeline.  Well, interesting enough, once I clicked on the comment, it went back to her Facebook account, and then to her ex-boyfriend’s account, and then to their joint Facebook account.  All that I did not know was possible, and was not intending to “Look” at. But, that negative comment allowed and opened a door to Facebook accounts.  I printed those comments and took them to court, and, that was just the last time I have ever been or seen her FB account.  I care not to concern myself with all her negativity, so why does she want to show me she “hates” me still.  I do not care.
Really, it is called therapy. I am hoping you get the mental health services you need.

God is Good, all the time, please get your life together.

Lord Execute Judgement on Your Soul.  Please, leave me alone.  

1 comment:

  1. Noone is Cyber stalking you Mr. Olavarria. I know that would be a joy for you if someone was but that's not the case. Four years after divorce and you use a public blog to talk to the world or anyone who reads about me. That's the Wow factor of it all. Your lies and twisted truth are truly your daily comfort. To talk about someone's mental state you can't even see yourself turning into your father after your mother was with his best friend. You can't handle rejection even though that's been your case most of your life. So when will you start wondering up and down the street naked and deranged causing the police have to knock you in your head to regain order? Your body has been and continues to go through so much but that's what was mentioned for you. Your mental ability has caught up and surpassed your physical. No thoughts of preserving yourself for your children at least at all and that really sad. You and divorce are doing what I had to start praying for because you were so horrible. So you continue on and I'll continue counting the years, months, weeks, and days until it's over for you... should be soon now
