Monday, February 29, 2016

Forgiving Someone Whom Did Not Do Anything
Open Letter to M. Hill

Sometimes, whether intentionally or by accident, we are wronged.
Sometimes, there are people (persons) whom were blamed for our being wronged.

Sometimes, in the midst of the whole process, a battle ensues, and, people take sides, and relationships are broken.

That does not take away from the fact that person was to be considered a friend/coworker, and, through no fault of their own, had to be considered “the enemy”.

But, they were not really the enemy, but rather just a part of the Bureaucracy.

This is dedicated to M. Hill. She was a coworker caught up in a battle. It was not intentional, she was just “technically” on the wrong side; she was part of “administration”, though, she did not cause my injury, she was blamed therefore, while the culprit, a higher level official, hid behind her.

God is good, and, while the chapter is closed in my life, one thing herein remains.

That one thing that remains is to say to M. Hill, do not hold, please, any animosity in your heart, or any guilt or blame therefore. God is Good, and I understand that you took “the fall” for someone else, although you had some part in the injury, it was not yours by intent.

What I say and ask is I am hoping you are well; and, I am hoping that you be well; and, I am hoping that you are not allowing Satan to persecute you in your mind. I am, again, hoping you are well. I hold no animosity towards you, while I feel otherwise for the real culprit.

I just wanted to say “Hi” and hope you are “Well”. Take care M. Hill.
I know in your work capacity, other have been wrong, and I am hoping you sought forgiveness and used those experiences to learn and grow; but, in this scenario and case, you were not wrong, and not the injurer, but to considered among the injured, collateral damage so to speak.

I extend a hearty “Hey”. And God Bless

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