Friday, February 19, 2016

The Claws:  Kids of Divorced Parents

And it happened again; we were in her living room, and my kids told her they hate her. 

This is the typical scenario that happens to anyone whom the kids think or believe may take their dad away from them.
They have me all to themselves and reject anyone whom tries to intrude on their territory.

That is my dad; regardless of the nature of the relationship with the other person.  Here, we are just friends, but she did get attacked, and she did not understand why, but I knew, after years of being attacked, why.

I vowed not to get into another relationship, unless the Lord Will, and He send some missionary to my doorstep or someone like the Honorable Mother Theresa. 

It is too hard for children to accept another person into a relationship once divorce has hit and destroyed the family. 

Hence, I would rather stay alone with my kids as a new family unit.

This decision comes after being a step-parent first.  My step-daughter, until after divorce, never really accepted or appreciated “all I did for her”.  It was after the divorce that she realized I  was the best man her “mom” ever had, and, she said “thank you” for all I did and continue to do for her. 

Yes, I endured years of hurt and attacks by my step-daughter, but I still provided and loved her; and that love, continuous, paid off, now that she realizes and said “thanks”.  But, I would not want another person to take on that role with my children.  I do not want another person to endure and be exposed to comments and attacks because, “you are not my parent”. 

So the choice is to stay alone until they are 18 years of age, with the Lord Exception/Escape Clause.  It is for the betterment of my children.  And, anyone whom looks at that decision as being “you cannot find anyone else”, is a fool and lacks sense and experience.  God Bless.  

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