Friday, April 15, 2016

And She Cried Herself To Sleep

And She Cried Herself To Sleep Again

As a parent, it hurts.  It hurts to see a child being emotionally abused by that other parent/sibling.

She talked and proclaimed the exciting weekend she was about to have with her sister.
They were going to the movies, to the mall, to play pool, to the sugar factory.  A Saturday filled with some awesome events.

She told all her friends at school and they were envious.  Then, the text message came through, have her come on Sunday, and we can do some things, but not all that was promised.  It was a let down on top of a let down.  An injury on top of an injury. 

Wednesday, I took the kids, my two kids, to a local carnival.  I could not afford full admission, and, the ticket booth did not take credit cards (I just do not have the money in the bank, and, paying for full entry bracelets would be possible if they took credit cards).  I promised and delivered on my promise.  I said they could ride two rides each.  I delivered three rides each. 

They wanted one more ride, total cost $10.00.  Their mom’s showed up, and they hoped to ride, but the $10.00 was just not there.  That was okay though, and everyone was okay.  But the first injury occurred in the parking lot.  At some time my daughter was talking with her mom, and, again, harsh words and rejection ensued.  I had to deal with a crying daughter coming to the car because her mom told her off.  Instead of trying to be understanding and making a way, mom acted, it seems, like a child and told her daughter off.  Why?  Hum? I do not know what happened but had to deal with an injured child. 

Anyway, this time, the rebound was quicker, because, after being let down so many times by her mom’s, she is building up a tolerance. 

Unfortunately, today’s let down came from her sister, totally unexpected.  Last week, all the promises of a glorious weekend ensued and occurred.  Then, today, the let down, “She can come Sunday” the text read.  My daughter “held most of it in” in the car, with her friend being over, but, once she got home she let it all out, and started balling from tears.  Balling and balling until she went into my room, and cried herself to sleep. 

I guess a new level of toughness will come about for her.  Her sister complained about Adriana not spending time with her, and, Adriana made the effort to set something up with her, but, the let down occurred, just like it does with her mom.  I did not expect, and, most of all, she did not expect it.  That is dealing with children from divorced and separated households.  These are the emotional trials and tribulations dads have to deal with.  It hurts me and tears did come to my eyes, but, there is nothing I could do to protect her or stop the hurt from happening.  

I pray for the hedge of protection from God for my son as he is with his mom this weekend. 

Let God see the plight of my child(ren).  I am being there to support her/them through it all. 
God Bless.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I see you still use this blog to post your lies and untruths. My oldest child is a full time college student who works a part time Jobs that includes very long hours on the weekends. My oldest daughter was brought to tears when I informed her how her sister gets to go everywhere and do everything with her friends at the drop of a dime even during the school week while her brother gets to do much of nothing. Why someone reading this may ask?.......The answer is because Reinaldo Olavarria gets off on playing these children against one another. You of all people should know as the horrible mother you make me out to be.....I've raised my children equally if I can't do for them all then I do for none of them until I can. You didn't tell the older one how disrespectful you have encouraged one child to be toward me, You forgot to tell the oldest child that her brother just as bad wanted to go see his older sister too, You forgot to tell the oldest sister that while you willingly drive our daughter and her friends around to different things even during the school week you fail to do the same for our son. Oh yes....I forgot you weren't the favorite child among your six siblings and I guess you feel you should have been you were born with the most issues and birth defects right? News flash..... the favorite siblings were the last 2 of the six you know the other man's children! You have the nerve to encourage our daughter to go to another school, transfer her and didn't even include her mother in on any of it but expect me to jump through hoops to make every meeting and every after school performance with no regard to my 3rd Shift work schedule??? And the same child won't even come spend time with her mother on the days during the week I've been granted by the courts. Yeah it should bring tears to your eyes to transfer your hatred for me into your daughter. Your trying just as hard to do the same with our son too but it won't work. He loves me unconditional and I don't have to buy him something expensive or allow is friends to come over all the time and spend on them too or have something to give other then me.....I'm enough. So when our daughter came over to me while at the carnival and said...."The only reason I'm coming over is because Lala is coming to pick me up for the weekend" I kindly told her if that was her only reason then she needed to go back to your house. You nor her will use me furthermore, I'm not exposing our son to that he's cast away enough while at your home. It's you and your family who thought it was right to give gifts at Christmas to "your" two children but not the oldest one the same one your up here on this blog telling lies about yeah OK! Some kind of dad and stepfather you are.
