Friday, June 17, 2016

Resources for Learning Disabilities/DSM IV and DSM 5

DSM V – In effect as early as 10/2015
A second practice shift is indicated by the abandonment of the IQ-­Achievement discrepancy criterion, as well as the omission of cognitive processing deficits in the diagnostic criteria. The discrepancy model has served as the fundamental conceptualization of LD for decades, despite robust evidence that it is conceptually and statistically flawed.

The diagnosis requires persistent difficulties in reading, writing, arithmetic, or mathematical reasoning skills during formal years of schooling. Symptoms may include inaccurate or slow and effortful reading, poor written expression that lacks clarity, difficulties remembering number facts, or inaccurate mathematical reasoning.

1. Specific learning disorder with impairment in reading includes possible deficits in:
  • Word reading accuracy
  • Reading rate or fluency
  • Reading comprehension
DSM-5 diagnostic code 315.00.
Note: Dyslexia is an alternative term used to refer to a pattern of learning difficulties characterized by problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding and poor spelling abilities.
2. Specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression includes possible deficits in:
  • Spelling accuracy
  • Grammar and punctuation accuracy
  • Clarity or organization of written expression
DSM-5 diagnostic code 315.2.
3. Specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics includes possible deficits in:
  • Number sense
  • Memorization of arithmetic facts
  • Accurate or fluent calculation
  • Accurate math reasoning
DSM-5 diagnostic code 315.1.

Learning Disorders

315.00 Reading Disorder

As measured by a standardized test that is given individually, the patient's ability to read (accuracy or comprehension) is substantially less than you would expect considering age, intelligence and education.
This deficiency materially impedes academic achievement or daily living.
If there is also a sensory defect, the reading deficiency is worse than you would expect with it.
Coding Note
On Axis III code any sensory deficit or general medical condition (such as a neurological disorder).

315.1 Mathematics Disorder

As measured by a standardized test that is given individually, the patient's mathematical ability is substantially less than you would expect considering age, intelligence and education.
This deficiency materially impedes academic achievement or daily living.
If there is also a sensory defect, the mathematics deficiency is worse than you would expect with it.
Coding Note
On Axis III code any sensory deficit or general medical condition (such as a neurological disorder).

315.2 Disorder of Written Expression

As measured by functional assessment or by a standardized test that is given individually, the patient's writing ability is substantially less than you would expect considering age, intelligence and education.
The difficulty with writing grammatically correct sentences and organized paragraphs materially impedes academic achievement or daily living.
If there is also a sensory defect, the writing deficiency is worse than you would expect with it.
Coding Note
On Axis III code any sensory deficit or general medical condition (such as a neurological disorder).

315.9 Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Specific Learning Disorder Specific learning disorder combines the DSM-IV diagnoses of reading disorder, mathematics disorder, disorder of written expression, and learning disorder not otherwise specified. Because learning deficits in the areas of reading, written expression, and mathematics commonly occur together, coded specifiers for the deficit types in each area are included. The text acknowledges that specific types of reading deficits are described internationally in various ways as dyslexia and specific types of mathematics deficits as dyscalculia.

Particularly when Mathematics Disorder is associated with high IQ, the child may be able to function at or near grade level in the early grades, and Mathematics Disorder may not be apparent
until the fifth grade or later.
DSMIV page 51

There is generally a combination of difficulties in the individual's ability to compose written texts evidenced by grammatical or punctuation errors within sentences, poor paragraph organization, multiple spelling errors, and excessively poor handwriting.
DSMIV page 52

315.9 Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
This category is for disorders in learning that do not meet criteria for any specific Learning
Disorder. This category might include problems in all three areas (reading, mathematics,
written expression) that together significantly interfere with academic achievement even
though performance on tests measuring each individual skill is not substantially below
that expected given the person's chronological age, measured intelligence, and ageappropriate
DSM IV page 53

Particularly when Reading Disorder is associated with high IQ, the child may function at or near grade level in the early grades, and the Reading Disorder may not be fully apparent until the fourth grade or later.
DSM IV Page 49.

Page 66/104 Referred to in DSM 5

Links to Files and Resource Links themselves

Remember, Recueldate, a denial of special services for your child, si servicios para su nino eran negada, that is not the end, eso no es el fin.  Puedes apelar su caso.  You can appeal the denial.   In Wake County, use, Family and Community Connections.  919-4317334, Dani White.  FACC@WCPSS.NET .  En el condado de Wake en Carolina de Norte, debe comunicarse con Family and Community Connections.  919-4317334, Dani White.  FACC@WCPSS.NET .   God is Good.   

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