Friday, August 26, 2016

War Room The Offender

War Room – The Offender

The Movie that came out Last Year is Awesome, while filled with many messages. 
Aside from the Primary Message, I would like to focus on a Secondary One.

Here, you have a person whom was hurt.  Hurt by the consequences of her actions.  The brutal attacks on her deceased husband. The inability to receive forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Sometimes, when we hurt others, we are not provided the opportunity to undo that hurt ever.
Death is a permanent undoing.  That is why the bible instructs us to go to our brother/sister, if we offend them, and correct that hurt. 
Mat_5:23  Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
Mar_11:25  And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
Taken from the Holy Bible, Esword Edition.

Here, the main actor could not receive forgiveness, or undo the hurt she had caused; but, what she did do was act as a vehicle for God to ensure others do not likewise do as she had done, and, be an example of forgiveness and love to others, while they yet live. 

The Offender, is sometimes that person whom causes the hurt in a marriage or relationship.  This is dedicated to Big J.  Big J, cheated on his wife, caused the end of the marriage.  He sought reconciliation; he sought forgiveness, but his ex-wife, was not amenable/open to his attempts to undo or take responsibility for his actions, and to ask for forgiveness.  That hurt and wound was still open, although many years had transpired, in her mind, and Big J was being led to attempt to heal that wound.  He did the right thing, he sought forgiveness, and, reconciliation, and then, when that was denied, he moved on to another healthier relationship.  His blessing is with him, while, the hurt and healing is still needed with his ex-wife, and it is unknown how that will transpire, because all of us are responsible for our individual relationship with God. 

Through the course of my life, both professionally and personally, I have regrets, and there are things that just cannot be changed, because of death, dedicated to BH, while, others are in my prayer for the opportunity to just speak peace and be in good standing PH.  However, I have made it my life to make sure that whenever possible, and as necessary, to make sure I do not cause the same injury again.  I am in ministry for that specified goal. 

We are humans by nature and being, and will offend others.  The focus must be how to make sure we are not causing injury, without cause, to others, and unnecessarily.  And, should we injure others, then we must care to make amends when God provides that opportunity.  You do not want the Tormentor to Mess with your Mind with Guilt Trips over Offenses in Your Past that remain unresolved. 

The Key is to seek the direction from God to know when and if you can seek forgiveness or reconciliation.  It is not always possible or in the Will of God, but, you best Pray and seek His face and His will to know when he is asking you to go to someone to ask for forgiveness. Sometimes peace and redemption arrive by acts of contrition and a change in lifestyle and mannerism and an acute awareness that the next day is not guaranteed.  And, remember, He may ask you to seek it, but the other person may not be able to or just receive your act, but the blessing will still be yours.  And, remember, a sinner is a person by habit whom choses the same action, willingly, knowing he/she is hurting others.  Do not willfully hurt others, while acknowledging it does happen.  God Bless. 

Please receive this in peace, and, You cannot ask for forgiveness while still in the act of inflicting hurt on others.  Stop sinning and then ask for forgiveness if possible.

Dedicated to BH, PH, and Big J.  I am proud of you Big J.