Wednesday, February 8, 2017

He Will Supply All Your Needs According to His Riches and Glory

He Will Supply All of Your Needs According to His Riches and Glory

I just could not do it.  I could not clear my storage closet. 
When my ex-wife had left, she tossed things all over. 
Stuff was taken off the shelves. It was a disarray. 

Within me, while physically and financially, I had the resources and capability, the drive, will, and desire was absent. 
I focused and continue to focus on ministry.   That focus was the basis for the blessings.
The Blessings was from the Young People from Casa whom came to my home this past weekend to “get rid of my baggage" [junk].  They cleared out the storage unit, and, simultaneously God gave me the will power to just “Let it all Go!”.  I let go of the junk that was hindering progress.  And, repairs were made that I needed to do.  Thank God for His church and the youth. 

The End result was a storage closet that was cleaned out.
The End Result was the completion of the ramp renovation started by Wendell Baptist Church (with the removal of debris). 
The end result is a coved storage area that looks professional in my back yard.
God is Good sand I thank Him for His blessings.

I have been in Wendell since 2004.
The first church I regularly attended here was Hephzibah Baptist Church.
What is and was interesting is in all the time I have lived here, not once did God allow them to be used, like those at WBC and Casa have been.  Yet and still, it presents they have more resources.  Yet it presents that I spent more time there than the two other churches combined.  Hum.

God is Good, and Again, I want to thank the Him and the Churches for the blessings.  He does provide for your needs according to His riches and Glory. 

Wendell Baptist

Casa Limpesa After

Some of Casa Before Limpesa

1 comment:

  1. It's been five long years since I walked away from my marriage. And not one time did I ever see it beneath me to come and help piece the home back to a state that was good for the kids at the least. You must be willing to correct and clean up yourself before you look for someone else to do it for you church involved or not. A lot of awfull things happened in that house and I pray everyday for God's coverage over my children,Penny, and even you.
