Monday, February 20, 2017

Let Us Eat and Break Bread Together and Have Thing in Common

I grew up in a time when my mom’s made me a special meal.
I did not like meat much.  So, she cooked two dishes.  Rice and beans for me most of the time; and soups and special dishes with a lot of meat for them, when we had meat, for the others.  (Those special occasions.)
It was not those “do not get up and leave the table until you eat what is placed before you.”  No, it was I will prepare what you want to eat, but, YOU MUST EAT SOMETHING.
I am not sure if it was because she had children with special needs that she developed that mentality. 
All I know is, despite being ridiculed, she prepared separate dishes.  She had changed from a reckless young person to a dedicated mom. 
I do not take my children to churches where they feel not welcomed.  But, they WILL GO TO CHURCH on Sunday.  Where they go is not as important as to going. 
I cannot be in the room with them. I cannot make them feel welcome.  It is up to the church to make them feel welcome. 
They are a part of ministry.  I, last week received a praise and thank you report from church security. 
She said she saw my daughter with two children on her lap reading to them.  She was proud of my daughter, she was pleased. 
Meanwhile, I was with my children and two others.  I had to leave one behind because I did not have enough space in the car.  They feel welcomed.  They want to go to church.  There is no fuzz.  They are excited.  They eat. 

Then I heard the testimony.  I heard the testimony of the child that was brought to church.  The Ken Berry child that turned his life around.  The child that was a part of the van ministry.  The child now 28 and a manager and productive.  The child “Ken hard to TALK with”.  God is good and he used Ken.  God is good and he uses Colonial. 

I heard the testimony of the elder at Robinwood.  “I have been going to that church for five years now ………..   You would think they would call me when they did not see me for weeks  …………. You would think after five years they would ask me to be a member ………. None of that”, she said.  The response from the HBC elder was “the elderly are the ones that financially support the church ………. They are the ones because those you ones with five kids and a family cannot”, she said. 

In New York, after being saved, one Sunday in a Black church, One Sunday in a Hispanic Church, One Sunday in a Disabled/White church.  So was the rotation in the 90s, and the rotation continues, with the exception that I have not step foot in a Black church again because that is where my ex-wife found “her boo” and the church sanctioned that action, while married to me, and the boo married to another [and a worship leader and drummer].  I took my dad to the Hispanic church (I am Puerto Rican of origin). 

It was 2012, I stopped cooking in my home. She left the house for another.  I cooked a couple of times, and the kids did not eat.  Instead, fast food replaced regular meals; TV dinners the new staple.  That was my way of cooking separate meals.  Take them to the super market and let them pick their meals.  I was not going to buy food and let it rot because “I do not want to eat that”. 

I cannot be in the room.  I cannot make them feel welcome at a church.  That is up to church members.  That is up to the leaders.  I will not force them to go somewhere they do not feel welcomed.  They did attend churches in the past where they felt welcomed and loved, but, for some reason services ended or were changed or church closed, etc.  Supposed I force them to go to a church, and something happens to them there.  Then, for the rest of my life it would be self guilt and blame.  No, we were not raised in a home where you were “forced” to eat what was placed before you.  “A la maldita”, my mother used to say; that is doing things while cursing and doing it shamefully and deliberately sabotaging. 

There is nothing like worshiping God in Spanish to a Puerto Rican tone and flare (Iglesia Cristiana Juan 3:16 in Bronx NY, and the Ortero Church in ENY).  That tradition continues at PPAD in Knightdale.  That is my Puerto Rican side.  Cary Alliance was the first church in NC I attended on the regular.  It is the White Church here I would recommend to anyone.  Elevation Baptist is the Black church I attended for some time aside from the last one Raleigh Hill Baptist Church (I would recommend Elevation but stay clear from RHBC).  PPAD and Casa de Dios are the Hispanic Churches I would recommend along with Cathedral De Dios in Zebulon.  RRBC, in Wilson is good but in transition (awesome care ministry).  Wendell Baptist is recommended some. 

The problem in the 90s continues in 2017.  For example, Colonial does not have a Hispanic Ministry Housed therein.  So, being multicultural, the rotation must continue. Attend a Black Church, Attend, a White Church, Attend a Hispanic Church, because, no one church contains all three elements.  Most churches continue not to fellowship one with the one.  So, me and my children and the needy ones we carry benefit from all the worlds, the churches of God.  We rotate.  They continue to be exposed to ALL forms of worship (except for me taking them to a Black Church now). 

It is easier now for me “Train a child when they are young and they will not depart when they are old from that way”.  I do not have to pull or drag them to Colonial, they beat me to the car.  Our problem now is we are missing transport to carry the others that want to go with us.  At least three more want to go on a regular, but I had to sell my van to keep my home.  I do not have the space to carry more children.  They sing to the Gospel and Christian songs, no more covering of ears, no more “please do not play that song”.  It is not second nature.  No more asking them to bless their food.  No reminder to get their Bible.  No pulling to leave church early.  It makes a difference when children are ministry workers and helpers versus “being dragged to church”.  They love Colonial.  They feel welcomed.  So, am I supposed to “force them to go elsewhere”.  The answer is no and lies in the statement of my daughter “I want to be Baptized.” 

I would hope for the day when all of God’s children would freely visit and talk with one another and get together to help others (so I hear WBC is trying to do).  God will bless.  I miss being at Universal and visiting other churches on the regular as a ministry lead events.  That was what evening services were for.  The time to visit our other brothers and sisters.  Combined events were the regular (get in the church vans and buses and go fellowhip).  Churches got together.  Not here in NC, but yet I am ridiculed, as a recent email was received, “sit down, be a part of one church ………. Said from the pastor whom does not talk to the Hispanic minister in his own church, wow”. 

When will the day be when all churches have universal membership or a member at large status.  Meaning, you are “Welcomed to worship with us, and to participate in our member services and events, so long as you are Born again and have accepted Christ”, and, that is the only requisite.  Instead, the barriers continue in church.  And the territorialness one Hispanic pastor told me off.  “They do not want us to go over there ……….. we tried to help”, he said.  Territorialness not Godliness.  My duty is not shared by many.  My duty is to help and minister and offer help.  Some will not accept my help, some do.  God is Good All the Time. 

I ask that you be a part of Kingdom building and Barrier Removing.  You may go against the grain, and some pastors do know and understand and accept that position.  “When we all get to Heaven, What a day of rejoicing it Will be”, so the song says,  but, will there be a special section there for me.  Hum?  The racial and ethnic divide in Heaven.  To attend this church you “Must learn English    ……..”  To attend this church you “Must learn Spanish”.  Why not try once a month “Bilingual services at all churches, etc”.  Have elderly and disabled once a month at all churches.  Fill those vans with Wheelchairs would be the challenge I would say.  Hum? 

Employment boards; housing boards; services boards; Substance Abuse Groups; Care Ministries; Clothing programs, feeding programs, etc.  Churches in action.  Eso es la iglesia.  Joint services once a month.  Why do people not want to give their tithes and offerings?  Hum?  Why do churches not get along and do what they are charged to do?  Are they answers beyond our abilities?   I give, I contribute.  I go the highways and byways.  God is Good. 

Thank God that He blessed me and has provided fruit to my labor of making sure my children are raised in church.  I do not struggle much anymore.  God is Good, and I am thankful.  

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