Wednesday, February 8, 2017

You Are Crazy You Idiot How Could you Drive out There with Her

She Said Thank You While I Remembered Being Chewed Out

I remember, last year, about summer time, being chewed out my by Youngest Brother
How could you drive that piece of junk to Pennsylvania? 
You have no business driving her in the middle of the night?

But, my mom’s said, “Thank You.”
She wanted so much to go to the funeral of her sister. 
She wanted so much to see her one last time.

But, she said, “Thank you”.
“If it was not for you, I would not have seen her before she died”, she said. 

We had Gone in my Beat Up Geo Prizm. 
When she found out her sister was suffering from brain cancer/tumors, she wanted to see her. 
I made a special trip out there, and, there was closure. 
Two sister’s “loved on each other” and forgave their differences and made amends and had two meals together. 
And, afterwards, my moms regularly sent stuff to her sister and talked with her. 

Way back when, I asked if anyone would help to get my mom’s to PA.
Only one sibling out of seven responded favorably. 
He said, you can use my Gran AM.
All the rest seemed to be against me. 
They are the ones with the fancy cars and nicer homes. 
But God used me to be a blessing to my mom’s and her sister. 
And now I am at rest, but I do remember. 

I remember the harsh words and absence of responses. 
“They all” have the extra money to go on vacations and ski resorts and trips all over the world.
The fly here, they drive there, they go everywhere.  But, no one could come up with money to send my mom’s to PA, so I drove her. 
And, I was willing to drive her to the funeral, but God did not permit that to happen because of her “medical condition” and scheduled surgeries.  When I told her her sister passed, she sighed, but then immediately said, “Let’s go” to see and be a part of the funeral.  Unfortunately, that did not happen. 

But the blessing was when she said to me, “If it was not for you driving me I would not have seen my sister.”  That made my heart glad.

If the Lord Will, I will do such and such.  Life can disrupt your plans.  It is important then to make sure we do Right by others and see them while we can.  I am at rest.  My siblings are helping with funeral costs, but the best blessing is mine.  They bulked when they calculated over $1000.00 to attend a funeral, so they decided to send money instead.  God is Good and Knows everything and Sees all and Thankfully, prior to leaving this world, my moms did see her sister.  

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