Wednesday, March 22, 2017

In that line of thought

In that line of thought

Bring all the tithes and offering to my house, the scriptural command.
Two awesome times when the church acted as the government, during the Moses times; and, more recently during the times of Acts. 
The church was the government during the times of Moses; so one could say, I pay my taxes, you feed the poor and make equitable distribution of resources.  Why not?  The church had the resources.  The church was the government. 
Then you had and continue to have the ERA’s of bondage.  Now church members say, I pay my taxes, not just to the church but to the government too, so, let my taxes be my representation of my good works. 

A problem herein lies is the government we pay our taxes to here in the US, is the same government responsible for the polarities of wealth.  It is the same government with a judicial system that causes a disproportionate amount of incarceration among minorities.  It is the same government that does not care for the disabled and the veterans.  It is the same government that destroys families through enabling them to “live off the system” so to speak.  It is the same government that causes then ending of marriages, and, it is of more interesting note that the 50% divorce rate in US society seems equal to the divorce rate among church members. 

I worked for Child Placement Services in multiple counties; and I worked for families in multiple cities.  I have seen the corruption and negligence on the government level.  Not equal thus far in the churches.

Recently, I had an urgent matter that needed to be addressed.  It was some suicide intervention services.  So, I reached out to a friend, a pastor of a church for resources and support.  I called the church numbers and send texts to that friend.  I was unable to reach that person. 

My mind started to think about this.  The time in New York wherein the church I attended had a prayer line.  The time in New York where the pastor was readily available for emergencies.  I started to think about those churches that have on-call ministers and deacons for emergencies.  I started to think about Reverend Acey Pettyway and the emergency responses to scenarios.  I started to think about the emergency housing the church provided.  I started to reflect.  

The same is true when I thought about some children of a family whom attended a group at a local church.  So, what happens when you have an emergency.  What happens when you have a child in danger?  Is calling CPS always THE RIGHT THING TO DO?

Typically, here in the US, we rely on the government.  A child in danger, you call child protective services.  A battering spouse, you call law enforcement.  Very rarely do church members nowadays respond to emergencies.  “We pay out taxes” they say.  You need a job, go to the unemployment office.  Seldom do we hear the personal responses and testimony.  I responded to an emergency.  I helped.  The church like all things is complacent. 
We do not send people, deacons, counselors, brothers and sisters to respond to emergencies most times.  Someone using too much alcohol, God forbid if we should sponsor them or take them to an AA or NA meeting.  Less still is having recovering and care groups at church.  Peer care group for teens.  Grief Care, Divorce Care, and so forth.  Van ministries to get people to church.  Instead going out to the byways to help, we refer them to a local agency.  Could there be a time wherein the church sponsors member going out to provide simple services like helping people complete job applications, walking them through community based services, and even less, providing the support services? 

If I am not mistaken, the illiteracy rate is still about 30% in the US.  So, do people need help; yes.  Is the church willing to help?  Hum?

The reason I say this is the past few weeks I have been responding to emergencies.  That includes applying for emergency services.  That includes being a paraclete. 

Why make a referral to an employment agencies?  Why not have an employment bulletin board in all churches? You know racism exists in hiring; if you are a hiring authoritative person and attend church, why not take personal steps, in a Godly manner to equalize the disparity.  Equalize things beginning at the church.
Why a referral to a national suicide prevention line?  Why not on-call deacons and ministers whom can pray and counsel folk?  Is not prayer and guidance with God better?
Faith based services are my first line of referrals.  I believe God and in the power of prayer. 
I think we all need, as church bodies, not to say bring the tithes and offerings, and then refer people almost entirely to community based services, secular in nature.  Joint prayer lines, joint suicide lines, joint housing and employment resources, from the church.  Emergency services, on-call ministers, deacons, missionaries, brothers, and sisters [not just the Red Cross]. 

I am a democrat or republican first, then a Christian seems to be the main theme of churches. 

I have yet to see a disabled minister in North Carolina. Someone in a wheelchair in the podium.   Why?  Hum?  I like the “Prophets”  the churches have as guests.  Gator shoes. Armani Suits, Rolex, and never one in a wheelchair with sweatpants and a shirt.  Reminds me of King David times. 
Can we love one another?  Can we do the work to earn the “tithes and offerings’?  When we all get to heaven, what a day of referrals it will be.  Let us not send each other to “hell” because these visions are unheard of.  You do not understand Reinaldo, those are Pentecostals, we are Baptist, and those others are Apostolic.  Hum?  Is it better to pay for services or have free church services?  Stewardship over God’s money?

This post is to a friend whom I reached out to, and, some confusion ensued.  Never intentional but the purpose is always to serve and provide for God’s people.  God Bless.
No ill will or animosity

Monday, March 20, 2017

Safety Plan at ZGTMS

Safety Plan

We live in a society wherein are children are exposed to a myriad of other children.
Some well-mannered and polite, while others can be psycho-path’s, socio-paths, and bullies.

After school and on weekends, I allow my children to play outside.
That play includes exposure at times to teens acting recklessly and driving reckless causing the need to file a police report. 
That play includes allowing my children to play at times with “troubled children” that may have bullying tendencies. 
I watch the play, and, am especially attentive when the trouble child is out. 
I had to have my child come in when I saw that child was playing too aggressively.
I removed the child from the property of a neighbor when I saw his “destructo” behavior flare up.
The children, other playmates, took action against the “trouble child” because they knew a parent was on the ready when they addressed the trouble child’s behavior and asked him to leave {the playmates all felt empowered when a parent was there for support to correct behaviors).
Kids can take their own action in structured and supportive environments. 

Kids under the age of 18 tend to spend the majority of their time in school.
We entrust our kids to the school system and that includes a responsibility to keep them safe there.
I expect the same standard, and higher for kids while at school, especially in middle and high schools.

The safety plan, what is that?
If you shot at and injured my child, while at school, and are the top custodian at the school, you do not make me feel good or well when you ask to “help develop a safety plan”.  You hurt my child.
The problem is when your administrative personnel, at Zebulon GT Magnet School, in Zebulon, North Carolina, stated, the school is too big to keep track of all the students. 
Kids that are allowed to horse play so bad that chaos is the definition of the school environment.
When students challenge other students to fight, and, that is promptly and timely reported to administrative stuff, but nothing is done, and other bullying and psycho-pathic and /or socio-pathic activities ensue/continue/are the norm. 

Killer kids cannot be allowed to run the schools or have free reign.

So, you placed my child in danger, when I entrusted her care to you. 
You allowed my child to be injured to the point of needing to visit an emergency room.
Then you say, let us get together to develop a safety plan. 
Then you say to me, you are a harasser when you tried to properly address issues at the school through meetings, calls, visits, and correspondence. 

Your claim is that you are a certified counselor;
Your claim is that you are a doctor.

In the 90s, my first experiences with “Certified Educated Idiots” were dealing with BCW and ACS in New York. 
They took a child from his parent because “he is overweight”, and, living in “overcrowded conditions”.
Meanwhile, you accused the mom and her parent of lesbianism because they shared in bed in an over crowded home.  Grandma said we feed him like that because in our country the child mortality rate is so high that it is our custom to feed them like that when they are young.
Anyone with any type of experience in New York knows that housing is super expensive. 
We went to court and those experts did not even have the right child in their records that they took.  Custody was reversed; a judgement against those certified counselors. 
The experiences continued
Professional investigations included forensic interviews wherein they pressured children to confess to things and recant experiences and “abuses” that never happened. 
A personal pro-family approach was God led in that environment to help right the wrongs in the system there.

That continued here in NC

What does that mean?
Child protective services included departmental fights.
Place this information in the record to make the other department look bad, said Nina (Joanne) Wright, of Wake County Human Services, the Foster Care Unit.
The records were bad, and, during the child fatality cases, creative writing occurred. 
Supervisors and lead workers would “fix the records”.  They would get together and rewrite file notes.  Creative they were.  Meetings that transpired magically never existed prior to the fatality.

Who were these supervisors?  Interesting enough they were supervisors whom dated each other often.  Women dating women with an anti-men stance. 
Lost and dead were the children and parents and families whom got caught up in the departmental fights. 
CPS investigations versus CPS Foster Care.  There were the pro-family workers in the midst of the chaos.  The Virginia Anderson Kings versus the Nina Wrights and Warren Ludwigs.  Kathy Sutehalls. 
What is interesting is that workers like Kathy Sutehall were known to be antifamily. 
The Warren and the Sutehalls and the Lori Christians did use their offices to seek retribution.  Children died because of negligence and “in-fighting” in CPS.  A fifteen year old, a parent in their 30s.  This was the casualties of the departmental wars.  The kids suffered.  It was not about them. 

So I sat in a child fatality team meeting and review.  I did not alter the records as asked.  I did place the information in the records, as directed by my supervisor, that helped the other department look bad, or rather clearly showed where they messed up.  Workers came to the offices crying because of Warren Ludwig and the departmental fights.  It was politics and not about protecting the children.  It was CPS as a whole hiding the deaths and malfeasance in office.

I worked in more than one CPS arm fo the government.  Yes, I was asked to lie.  “You are one of us” they said.  I said no, “do your job  …………. Do not try to destroy a family” [baby snatching at its best].
If it had not been for the paper-trail, the emails and documenting stuff, I would have been screwed.
They got some type of revenge though.  That was the Kathy Sutehall and Christian and Ludgwig type.  I did not have the money for a lawyer, and was screwed by a New York Lawyer, Alfred Odom, whom pushed the case beyond the SOL.  While I have a scar, I am proud to have served so many families. 

I said, “Do not interrogate my child”.  Why?  Because I know what happens during child fatalities.  Usually, law enforcement interviews.  Usually, the team reviews a death (a doctor, CPS workers, Law enforcement, clinicians, and sometimes lay person review).  You say “interrogations do not happen”; I know and worked for the system and have seen and participated in those interrogations.  It is a statutory process in North Carolina.

I trust and believe my daughter moreso than you.  I believe what I have seen when I was on your school grounds.  Having an environment where instruction is not the main focus, but allowing “the bullies and the psycho and socio path’s free reign is a problem.”  Columbine was students gone crazy and a failure to see and act first. 

Bottom lines.  The school can be a contributor to Diamond Selver’s death.  If her parent(s) sent her to school, and, she encountered mental abuse so bad there, that she almost took her life there, then that is a problem.
She died in December of 2016, and may have suffered months of abuse while at school, in addition, and contributory to whatever else she encountered at house, etc. 
My daughter, since December 2016, has been targeted while at your school.  In February 2017, you failed to protect her.  Her actions in March 2017 reflect your failure to protect. 
LET INSTRUCTIONAL TIME BE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME, not meeting time in the bathroom.
Again, I protect my child at home, and expect a higher standard from DOCTORS AND CERTIFIED COUNSELORS.

Since the 90s, on a professional level, I have seen “these professionals” lie and change records and fail to protect. 

My resolve is with God and Faith Based.  You said, “the school is too big:” and “we cannot do anything”.  Perhaps, you need not be entrusted with children then 

Allowing records to be falsified, as is already documented, shows that you are part of the Ludwigs and Sutehall.  Nothing new under the sun.  I just believe in part that contributions to Diamond’s death stem from the chaos you allow at school.  The safety plan must be showing me how you will protect my daughter.  So far, I see multiple violations of Wake County School Policy, by Dr. Stephanie Smith at Zebulon GT Magnet School in Zebulon, North Carolina.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Book of Job, The Responses Challenged

“If you would have been attending church, then this would not have happened”, She said; they said. 
Knowledge misapplied can lead to the most horrendous form of spiritual injury. 
The ministry leaders stated, if you had been attending church, then this would not have happened to you.
What happened?  The diagnosis of a deadly disease.  What other event happened?  The death of loved ones in the form of sisters and children. 
Job, the man whom went to church, the one whom loved God, provides us a stark challenge to these statements. 
He loved God, and he lost all.  Horrible illnesses befell him.  Lost homes, lost property, lost children, lost his health. 
His best friend’s counsel was “Curse God and Die”. 
In all of his calamities, he did not curse God.  Then, God restored those things he lost. 

I am a child of God, but I do not a heaven or hell to place people on. 
Suppose, the last few minutes before she died, she realized the err of her ways.  And, in those moments, before losing all and consciousness, before losing life, she made amends with her Creator. 
And, the Salvation was granted to her, and accepted in the Kingdom she was, Will be.  That was on her sick bed in the hospital suppose.  While her body was riddled with the life threatening illness.

That is a difference from the Drug dealer whom get shot in a police shoot out.  That death you can almost be readily assured to know is one of no forgiveness and acceptance in to the Kingdom. 
But Judging not the other deaths, and making such harsh pronouncements on “The reason you are sick”, is important and a sin of spiritual maturity in Christ, a WISE SOUL WINNER.

Some people turn to God and he church due to the death of a loved one, whom they feel died horribly and did not make it into the Kingdom .  A child with an illness can cause a parent to turn to God,  That turning to God is an incident specific event’ “Heal my child God”, that is their purpose. 
And, if the child had not been born with an illness, then they would have never stepped into church.

So, I was born with a disability, so, was my disability because I did not go to church in my mother’s womb.  That is following the logical conclusion that all illness stem from “attending church”, the mockery of God.  His grace is sufficient for me to live with the disability and be a Witness for Him. 


The church is an emergency room for many.  Rightly so.  They suffer hurt and loss and turn to God.  But, at some point in time, that initial visit should grow and turn to helping other’s not have to go through a similar circumstance. 

Always use the day you came to knowledge of God only.  Or, more importantly, when you turned to Him.  It is never too late to turn to Him.  So, if you lost a loved one, a child, a sister, and you feel it is because “I did not raise them in church …….. or ….. I was not going to church”, then, instead of focusing on that, help other children and bring sisters to church.  Participate in outreach activities to children in need to get them to church, and bring brothers and sisters to church, Save the Lost, Rescue the perishing. 
Move from the emergency room in your life, using church as a coping skill, to Church Clinic and Ministry work.  Job suffered although he loved God.

There are others too whom are of this mentality.  They say things like if you would have Gone to the doctor, then you would not have the deadly illness.  Nuh, because things like that are often and sometimes said by people whom suffered things like liver cirrhosis under the negligent hands of doctors. 

The church needs to pray for the sick and not use the Hellish Doctrines and Save-ian type doctrines.  Just pray and support each other and help and love each other.  YOU DO NOT HAVE A HEAVEN OR HELL FOR PEOPLE.  Just make sure you prayed with and for a person before they die if God gives you that opportunity. 

The Paten Guatemala approach.  My missionary friend, Esther Flores, says she sees so many miracles when she goes abroad.  People pray and God answers.  Here in the US people forget to pray.  They first is to go to the doctor, and they forget to pay.    We must pray first. 

The most awesome testimony was from this person that I am dedicating this post to.  She said, “When the doctors said nothing was wrong with her, and had given up, she prayed, and the next day she received the doctor’s order for the test that found her illness.”  She had been suffering a long time, and the doctor’s missed it, so, she prayed and it was found.  Now I join her in prayer and ask all to joint to heal her from the life threatening illness.  God is Good and can do ALL things.  Healing is on the way, and Salvation. 

I had the Salvation discussion with her.  In many respects, she does more than most people do in churches.  She helps so many people it is not funny.  We talked about the 50 percent of church members whom will go to hell from the church.  I thanked her for being her and reaching out to others, things that many church members and deacons and ministers will not do here in the US in this new era of churches in the US where they are just clubs.  God is Good.  I asked her to do not be like others that once they pray and it is answered that they turn away from God when He talks to them and asks them to do things,

Book of Job You Tube Play List
Book of Job Part 1
The Book of Job Part 2

Monday, March 6, 2017

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

I thank God for imparting to me the gift of salvation, but more importantly, having placed me in a church that took its charge seriously.
Rescue the Perishing, and, care for the dying, that was the mission; all because he lives, we shall live also.

He was a friend to others, and led others to Christ by being a friend.
We routinely went to other churches.  They were all Black Churches.  Washington Temple, Greater Bibleway Temple, Freedom Hall;  revivals we attended all over the Tri-State area. 
That was what the choir was for.  The traveling choir.  It was always a battle of the choirs/singers wherever we went.
The homeless came on Sunday mornings to eat breakfast with us.
Yes they stunk, yes they needed clothes.  We provided the clothes for them. 
The elders too came.  They came on the church vans that were commanded to go out and get them.  And, ministers did not have their cars empty.  They were filled with new converts whom needed to get to church.  It was a church in action.

They partnered with the police for sure enough community policing.
They had homes, church properties for the homeless and elderly.
The social/political church.  Social action church.  Lobby in Washington we did go. 
I sat with the Reverend Jessie Jackson; and the Al Sharptons and Herbert Daughtry regularly visited the church.  I met them in person.
Miracle Acres was the summer resort to get everyone out of the city during the summer.
I was sponsored for conferences and seminars abroad. 

The friends he made, the networks he made, were the churches added to the fold.  The ministry grew.  It was not church planting.  It was church assimilation and networking.  That network crossed denominational lines.  That network empowered people and communities.  The foreclosed and abandoned properties were purchased to help and house others. 
There was no shame if an elderly person did not make it to the bathroom.  Just clean them up.  So too was the scantly dressed prostitute or homeless women.  The ushers were discreetly pull them aside and have them redressed with the clothes the church kept on hand and at the ready.
That network did not include Hispanic churches.  That network did not include disabled or white churches.  The network envisioned is one that transcends the racial barriers and encompasses the true Universal church.

Families in need, can you imagine, coming to the church, and, they do not have the resources to help, but call a partner church, whom opens arms and extends help.
Churches with 5 to 6 Handicapped vans to bring the mothers of the church, and, those elderly deacons. 
The front rows during services being filled with those Christ Commanded we go out to help.  He did not command us to wait for them to come, but rather for the church to go out and find them and bring them and get them to the church. 

Care Ministries:  Divorce Care, Grief Care, and Substance Abuse groups.
Peer Groups; a church run suicide and prayer line manned by deacons, missionaries, and ministers from multiple churches, the network. 
Resource lines, church employment bulletins.  Church renovation services for the elderly, widowed, orphans.
Church lead dating nights and night outs; singles groups, married groups, moms groups, from different churches together.  Perhaps then the saved do not have to get desperate and go out and look for a mate among the unsaved.  Do not be unequally yoked, we will have a network.  We will be friends.  We will show Godliness and Salvation. 
Church leagues; baseball, basketball, and volleyball, etc. 
Joint camps, joint outings, joint missions trips.

Is this vision so far fetched?  Can ministers from other churches take each other out for lunch?
Can flyers of grief care programs be placed in “other church” aside from the home-sponsoring church?

He said, “My wife used to be invited to a lot of churches to sing and lead worship”.
He said, “That was the glory times and I would go with here with my Bongos”.
He said, “God saved  ………  it was glorious”.
He said, “They cannot see that here …… they do not know”.
“They are not open to change”, he said.  They do not know, and I agree.  They have not seen the Glory.

I think we have enough churches that do not talk with each other.  It is hard when in 2016/2017, I hear pastor stories of almost being thrown out of a church when they visited with the purpose of networking. 
A minister/pastor should not think, “THIS IS MY CHURCH” …… “DO NOT COME HERE”  ……. “DO NOT TAKE MY MEMBERS”.
Ralo, “If they can take them, then let them take them ……..  they were not planted then”.  The Bishop had not fear about God adding to the churches.  He did not fear.  He knew God.  There was a purpose in His heart.  Rescue the perishing and care for the dying.  Snatch them in Pity from Sin and the grave. 
This is the 2017 vision for ReyOAdvocacy.  God Bless.

Rebuttal:  I am still hearing at the churches, get planted in one church.  Sit down here.  But, you all still do not have everything in one place.  A multicultural environment.  Church songs and services in Spanish and English.  Wheelchair and Elderly ministry.  Still, in 2017, the ministries are separate in your own church.  What about the creation of a Universal member?  A member of the church that can come and worship and help in the ministry because he has been saved and proven already for years.  Already baptized.  Already on solid doctrine.  Ready and willing to help and offering help.  Can you accept help from Someone like that?  Hum.  Is the vision too abhorrent? 

Mark 9:38
John said to Him, "Teacher, we saw someone else driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us."

Mark 9:40
For whoever is not against us is for us.

Can this scripture be accepted too?  Is it real and in the bible?

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Praising God for Answering Prayers

Praising God for Answering Prayers

We were there, in the Cafeteria of Robinwood.
I remember sitting in Robinwood and hoping and praying the for the opportunity to convey the vision.
Convey the vision to Aaron Wallace of Hephzibah Baptist Church. 
The vision of helping the elderly at Robinwood. 

So we sat, and, over a meal, God brought things to my remembrance.
It was June, or round about that time, of last year the prayer was offered.
And directed to write I was.
And, God used Aaron to bring things to my remembrance. 
I was sitting in Robinwood over a year ago and God was working on my heart.
As revealed in our get together, God is pricking Aaron’s heart.

So, he said, “You wrote a letter [post] about HBC”. 
I said nuh, it has to be the Open Letter to the churches.
Then he pulled out his smart phone and pulled the post from last year.
Then God brought things to my remembrance.
I forgot the prayer; I forgot the heavy heart.
But here was the answer, we were sitting in Robinwood and eating lunch.
I imparted part of the vision. 
I let him know, these people, in Wendell, need help, and so does Country Café.
I am thanking God for remembering my prayer and answering my prayer. 
It remained on His agenda of things to complete, and, they were completed this month. 
God is Good

The vision includes churches united to help those in Wendell and North Carolina that God sent us to help.  He will complete His work.  He is good.  A glorious vision relayed back in Acts, of the churches together helping and being in one accord, as was done in New York through Universal.  Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord.