In that line of thought
Bring all the tithes and offering to my house, the scriptural
Two awesome times when the church acted as the government,
during the Moses times; and, more recently during the times of Acts.
The church was the government during the times of Moses; so
one could say, I pay my taxes, you feed the poor and make equitable
distribution of resources. Why not? The church had the resources. The church was the government.
Then you had and continue to have the ERA’s of bondage. Now church members say, I pay my taxes, not
just to the church but to the government too, so, let my taxes be my
representation of my good works.
A problem herein lies is the government we pay our taxes to
here in the US, is the same government responsible for the polarities of
wealth. It is the same government with a
judicial system that causes a disproportionate amount of incarceration among
minorities. It is the same government that
does not care for the disabled and the veterans. It is the same government that destroys
families through enabling them to “live off the system” so to speak. It is the same government that causes then
ending of marriages, and, it is of more interesting note that the 50% divorce
rate in US society seems equal to the divorce rate among church members.
I worked for Child Placement Services in multiple counties;
and I worked for families in multiple cities.
I have seen the corruption and negligence on the government level. Not equal thus far in the churches.
Recently, I had an urgent matter that needed to be
addressed. It was some suicide
intervention services. So, I reached out
to a friend, a pastor of a church for resources and support. I called the church numbers and send texts to
that friend. I was unable to reach that
My mind started to think about this. The time in New York wherein the church I
attended had a prayer line. The time in
New York where the pastor was readily available for emergencies. I started to think about those churches that
have on-call ministers and deacons for emergencies. I started to think about Reverend Acey Pettyway
and the emergency responses to scenarios.
I started to think about the emergency housing the church provided. I started to reflect.
The same is true when I thought about some children of a
family whom attended a group at a local church.
So, what happens when you have an emergency. What happens when you have a child in
danger? Is calling CPS always THE RIGHT
Typically, here in the US, we rely on the government. A child in danger, you call child protective
services. A battering spouse, you call
law enforcement. Very rarely do church
members nowadays respond to emergencies.
“We pay out taxes” they say. You
need a job, go to the unemployment office.
Seldom do we hear the personal responses and testimony. I responded to an emergency. I helped.
The church like all things is complacent.
We do not send people, deacons, counselors, brothers and
sisters to respond to emergencies most times.
Someone using too much alcohol, God forbid if we should sponsor them or
take them to an AA or NA meeting. Less
still is having recovering and care groups at church. Peer care group for teens. Grief Care, Divorce Care, and so forth. Van ministries to get people to church. Instead going out to the byways to help, we
refer them to a local agency. Could
there be a time wherein the church sponsors member going out to provide simple
services like helping people complete job applications, walking them through
community based services, and even less, providing the support services?
If I am not mistaken, the illiteracy rate is still about 30%
in the US. So, do people need help;
yes. Is the church willing to help? Hum?
The reason I say this is the past few weeks I have been
responding to emergencies. That includes
applying for emergency services. That
includes being a paraclete.
Why make a referral to an employment agencies? Why not have an employment bulletin board in
all churches? You know racism exists in hiring; if you are a hiring authoritative
person and attend church, why not take personal steps, in a Godly manner to
equalize the disparity. Equalize things beginning
at the church.
Why a referral to a national suicide prevention line? Why not on-call deacons and ministers whom
can pray and counsel folk? Is not prayer
and guidance with God better?
Faith based services are my first line of referrals. I believe God and in the power of
I think we all need, as church bodies, not to say bring the
tithes and offerings, and then refer people almost entirely to community based
services, secular in nature. Joint
prayer lines, joint suicide lines, joint housing and employment resources, from
the church. Emergency services, on-call
ministers, deacons, missionaries, brothers, and sisters [not just the Red
I am a democrat or republican first, then a Christian seems
to be the main theme of churches.
I have yet to see a disabled minister in North Carolina.
Someone in a wheelchair in the podium. Why?
Hum? I like the “Prophets” the churches have as guests. Gator shoes. Armani Suits, Rolex, and never
one in a wheelchair with sweatpants and a shirt. Reminds me of King David times.
Can we love one another?
Can we do the work to earn the “tithes and offerings’? When we all get to heaven, what a day of
referrals it will be. Let us not send
each other to “hell” because these visions are unheard of. You do not understand Reinaldo, those are
Pentecostals, we are Baptist, and those others are Apostolic. Hum?
Is it better to pay for services or have free church services? Stewardship over God’s money?
This post is to a friend whom I reached out to, and, some
confusion ensued. Never intentional but
the purpose is always to serve and provide for God’s people. God Bless.
No ill will or animosity
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