Monday, March 6, 2017

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

I thank God for imparting to me the gift of salvation, but more importantly, having placed me in a church that took its charge seriously.
Rescue the Perishing, and, care for the dying, that was the mission; all because he lives, we shall live also.

He was a friend to others, and led others to Christ by being a friend.
We routinely went to other churches.  They were all Black Churches.  Washington Temple, Greater Bibleway Temple, Freedom Hall;  revivals we attended all over the Tri-State area. 
That was what the choir was for.  The traveling choir.  It was always a battle of the choirs/singers wherever we went.
The homeless came on Sunday mornings to eat breakfast with us.
Yes they stunk, yes they needed clothes.  We provided the clothes for them. 
The elders too came.  They came on the church vans that were commanded to go out and get them.  And, ministers did not have their cars empty.  They were filled with new converts whom needed to get to church.  It was a church in action.

They partnered with the police for sure enough community policing.
They had homes, church properties for the homeless and elderly.
The social/political church.  Social action church.  Lobby in Washington we did go. 
I sat with the Reverend Jessie Jackson; and the Al Sharptons and Herbert Daughtry regularly visited the church.  I met them in person.
Miracle Acres was the summer resort to get everyone out of the city during the summer.
I was sponsored for conferences and seminars abroad. 

The friends he made, the networks he made, were the churches added to the fold.  The ministry grew.  It was not church planting.  It was church assimilation and networking.  That network crossed denominational lines.  That network empowered people and communities.  The foreclosed and abandoned properties were purchased to help and house others. 
There was no shame if an elderly person did not make it to the bathroom.  Just clean them up.  So too was the scantly dressed prostitute or homeless women.  The ushers were discreetly pull them aside and have them redressed with the clothes the church kept on hand and at the ready.
That network did not include Hispanic churches.  That network did not include disabled or white churches.  The network envisioned is one that transcends the racial barriers and encompasses the true Universal church.

Families in need, can you imagine, coming to the church, and, they do not have the resources to help, but call a partner church, whom opens arms and extends help.
Churches with 5 to 6 Handicapped vans to bring the mothers of the church, and, those elderly deacons. 
The front rows during services being filled with those Christ Commanded we go out to help.  He did not command us to wait for them to come, but rather for the church to go out and find them and bring them and get them to the church. 

Care Ministries:  Divorce Care, Grief Care, and Substance Abuse groups.
Peer Groups; a church run suicide and prayer line manned by deacons, missionaries, and ministers from multiple churches, the network. 
Resource lines, church employment bulletins.  Church renovation services for the elderly, widowed, orphans.
Church lead dating nights and night outs; singles groups, married groups, moms groups, from different churches together.  Perhaps then the saved do not have to get desperate and go out and look for a mate among the unsaved.  Do not be unequally yoked, we will have a network.  We will be friends.  We will show Godliness and Salvation. 
Church leagues; baseball, basketball, and volleyball, etc. 
Joint camps, joint outings, joint missions trips.

Is this vision so far fetched?  Can ministers from other churches take each other out for lunch?
Can flyers of grief care programs be placed in “other church” aside from the home-sponsoring church?

He said, “My wife used to be invited to a lot of churches to sing and lead worship”.
He said, “That was the glory times and I would go with here with my Bongos”.
He said, “God saved  ………  it was glorious”.
He said, “They cannot see that here …… they do not know”.
“They are not open to change”, he said.  They do not know, and I agree.  They have not seen the Glory.

I think we have enough churches that do not talk with each other.  It is hard when in 2016/2017, I hear pastor stories of almost being thrown out of a church when they visited with the purpose of networking. 
A minister/pastor should not think, “THIS IS MY CHURCH” …… “DO NOT COME HERE”  ……. “DO NOT TAKE MY MEMBERS”.
Ralo, “If they can take them, then let them take them ……..  they were not planted then”.  The Bishop had not fear about God adding to the churches.  He did not fear.  He knew God.  There was a purpose in His heart.  Rescue the perishing and care for the dying.  Snatch them in Pity from Sin and the grave. 
This is the 2017 vision for ReyOAdvocacy.  God Bless.

Rebuttal:  I am still hearing at the churches, get planted in one church.  Sit down here.  But, you all still do not have everything in one place.  A multicultural environment.  Church songs and services in Spanish and English.  Wheelchair and Elderly ministry.  Still, in 2017, the ministries are separate in your own church.  What about the creation of a Universal member?  A member of the church that can come and worship and help in the ministry because he has been saved and proven already for years.  Already baptized.  Already on solid doctrine.  Ready and willing to help and offering help.  Can you accept help from Someone like that?  Hum.  Is the vision too abhorrent? 

Mark 9:38
John said to Him, "Teacher, we saw someone else driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us."

Mark 9:40
For whoever is not against us is for us.

Can this scripture be accepted too?  Is it real and in the bible?

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