Monday, March 20, 2017

Safety Plan at ZGTMS

Safety Plan

We live in a society wherein are children are exposed to a myriad of other children.
Some well-mannered and polite, while others can be psycho-path’s, socio-paths, and bullies.

After school and on weekends, I allow my children to play outside.
That play includes exposure at times to teens acting recklessly and driving reckless causing the need to file a police report. 
That play includes allowing my children to play at times with “troubled children” that may have bullying tendencies. 
I watch the play, and, am especially attentive when the trouble child is out. 
I had to have my child come in when I saw that child was playing too aggressively.
I removed the child from the property of a neighbor when I saw his “destructo” behavior flare up.
The children, other playmates, took action against the “trouble child” because they knew a parent was on the ready when they addressed the trouble child’s behavior and asked him to leave {the playmates all felt empowered when a parent was there for support to correct behaviors).
Kids can take their own action in structured and supportive environments. 

Kids under the age of 18 tend to spend the majority of their time in school.
We entrust our kids to the school system and that includes a responsibility to keep them safe there.
I expect the same standard, and higher for kids while at school, especially in middle and high schools.

The safety plan, what is that?
If you shot at and injured my child, while at school, and are the top custodian at the school, you do not make me feel good or well when you ask to “help develop a safety plan”.  You hurt my child.
The problem is when your administrative personnel, at Zebulon GT Magnet School, in Zebulon, North Carolina, stated, the school is too big to keep track of all the students. 
Kids that are allowed to horse play so bad that chaos is the definition of the school environment.
When students challenge other students to fight, and, that is promptly and timely reported to administrative stuff, but nothing is done, and other bullying and psycho-pathic and /or socio-pathic activities ensue/continue/are the norm. 

Killer kids cannot be allowed to run the schools or have free reign.

So, you placed my child in danger, when I entrusted her care to you. 
You allowed my child to be injured to the point of needing to visit an emergency room.
Then you say, let us get together to develop a safety plan. 
Then you say to me, you are a harasser when you tried to properly address issues at the school through meetings, calls, visits, and correspondence. 

Your claim is that you are a certified counselor;
Your claim is that you are a doctor.

In the 90s, my first experiences with “Certified Educated Idiots” were dealing with BCW and ACS in New York. 
They took a child from his parent because “he is overweight”, and, living in “overcrowded conditions”.
Meanwhile, you accused the mom and her parent of lesbianism because they shared in bed in an over crowded home.  Grandma said we feed him like that because in our country the child mortality rate is so high that it is our custom to feed them like that when they are young.
Anyone with any type of experience in New York knows that housing is super expensive. 
We went to court and those experts did not even have the right child in their records that they took.  Custody was reversed; a judgement against those certified counselors. 
The experiences continued
Professional investigations included forensic interviews wherein they pressured children to confess to things and recant experiences and “abuses” that never happened. 
A personal pro-family approach was God led in that environment to help right the wrongs in the system there.

That continued here in NC

What does that mean?
Child protective services included departmental fights.
Place this information in the record to make the other department look bad, said Nina (Joanne) Wright, of Wake County Human Services, the Foster Care Unit.
The records were bad, and, during the child fatality cases, creative writing occurred. 
Supervisors and lead workers would “fix the records”.  They would get together and rewrite file notes.  Creative they were.  Meetings that transpired magically never existed prior to the fatality.

Who were these supervisors?  Interesting enough they were supervisors whom dated each other often.  Women dating women with an anti-men stance. 
Lost and dead were the children and parents and families whom got caught up in the departmental fights. 
CPS investigations versus CPS Foster Care.  There were the pro-family workers in the midst of the chaos.  The Virginia Anderson Kings versus the Nina Wrights and Warren Ludwigs.  Kathy Sutehalls. 
What is interesting is that workers like Kathy Sutehall were known to be antifamily. 
The Warren and the Sutehalls and the Lori Christians did use their offices to seek retribution.  Children died because of negligence and “in-fighting” in CPS.  A fifteen year old, a parent in their 30s.  This was the casualties of the departmental wars.  The kids suffered.  It was not about them. 

So I sat in a child fatality team meeting and review.  I did not alter the records as asked.  I did place the information in the records, as directed by my supervisor, that helped the other department look bad, or rather clearly showed where they messed up.  Workers came to the offices crying because of Warren Ludwig and the departmental fights.  It was politics and not about protecting the children.  It was CPS as a whole hiding the deaths and malfeasance in office.

I worked in more than one CPS arm fo the government.  Yes, I was asked to lie.  “You are one of us” they said.  I said no, “do your job  …………. Do not try to destroy a family” [baby snatching at its best].
If it had not been for the paper-trail, the emails and documenting stuff, I would have been screwed.
They got some type of revenge though.  That was the Kathy Sutehall and Christian and Ludgwig type.  I did not have the money for a lawyer, and was screwed by a New York Lawyer, Alfred Odom, whom pushed the case beyond the SOL.  While I have a scar, I am proud to have served so many families. 

I said, “Do not interrogate my child”.  Why?  Because I know what happens during child fatalities.  Usually, law enforcement interviews.  Usually, the team reviews a death (a doctor, CPS workers, Law enforcement, clinicians, and sometimes lay person review).  You say “interrogations do not happen”; I know and worked for the system and have seen and participated in those interrogations.  It is a statutory process in North Carolina.

I trust and believe my daughter moreso than you.  I believe what I have seen when I was on your school grounds.  Having an environment where instruction is not the main focus, but allowing “the bullies and the psycho and socio path’s free reign is a problem.”  Columbine was students gone crazy and a failure to see and act first. 

Bottom lines.  The school can be a contributor to Diamond Selver’s death.  If her parent(s) sent her to school, and, she encountered mental abuse so bad there, that she almost took her life there, then that is a problem.
She died in December of 2016, and may have suffered months of abuse while at school, in addition, and contributory to whatever else she encountered at house, etc. 
My daughter, since December 2016, has been targeted while at your school.  In February 2017, you failed to protect her.  Her actions in March 2017 reflect your failure to protect. 
LET INSTRUCTIONAL TIME BE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME, not meeting time in the bathroom.
Again, I protect my child at home, and expect a higher standard from DOCTORS AND CERTIFIED COUNSELORS.

Since the 90s, on a professional level, I have seen “these professionals” lie and change records and fail to protect. 

My resolve is with God and Faith Based.  You said, “the school is too big:” and “we cannot do anything”.  Perhaps, you need not be entrusted with children then 

Allowing records to be falsified, as is already documented, shows that you are part of the Ludwigs and Sutehall.  Nothing new under the sun.  I just believe in part that contributions to Diamond’s death stem from the chaos you allow at school.  The safety plan must be showing me how you will protect my daughter.  So far, I see multiple violations of Wake County School Policy, by Dr. Stephanie Smith at Zebulon GT Magnet School in Zebulon, North Carolina.

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