Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Book of Job, The Responses Challenged

“If you would have been attending church, then this would not have happened”, She said; they said. 
Knowledge misapplied can lead to the most horrendous form of spiritual injury. 
The ministry leaders stated, if you had been attending church, then this would not have happened to you.
What happened?  The diagnosis of a deadly disease.  What other event happened?  The death of loved ones in the form of sisters and children. 
Job, the man whom went to church, the one whom loved God, provides us a stark challenge to these statements. 
He loved God, and he lost all.  Horrible illnesses befell him.  Lost homes, lost property, lost children, lost his health. 
His best friend’s counsel was “Curse God and Die”. 
In all of his calamities, he did not curse God.  Then, God restored those things he lost. 

I am a child of God, but I do not a heaven or hell to place people on. 
Suppose, the last few minutes before she died, she realized the err of her ways.  And, in those moments, before losing all and consciousness, before losing life, she made amends with her Creator. 
And, the Salvation was granted to her, and accepted in the Kingdom she was, Will be.  That was on her sick bed in the hospital suppose.  While her body was riddled with the life threatening illness.

That is a difference from the Drug dealer whom get shot in a police shoot out.  That death you can almost be readily assured to know is one of no forgiveness and acceptance in to the Kingdom. 
But Judging not the other deaths, and making such harsh pronouncements on “The reason you are sick”, is important and a sin of spiritual maturity in Christ, a WISE SOUL WINNER.

Some people turn to God and he church due to the death of a loved one, whom they feel died horribly and did not make it into the Kingdom .  A child with an illness can cause a parent to turn to God,  That turning to God is an incident specific event’ “Heal my child God”, that is their purpose. 
And, if the child had not been born with an illness, then they would have never stepped into church.

So, I was born with a disability, so, was my disability because I did not go to church in my mother’s womb.  That is following the logical conclusion that all illness stem from “attending church”, the mockery of God.  His grace is sufficient for me to live with the disability and be a Witness for Him. 


The church is an emergency room for many.  Rightly so.  They suffer hurt and loss and turn to God.  But, at some point in time, that initial visit should grow and turn to helping other’s not have to go through a similar circumstance. 

Always use the day you came to knowledge of God only.  Or, more importantly, when you turned to Him.  It is never too late to turn to Him.  So, if you lost a loved one, a child, a sister, and you feel it is because “I did not raise them in church …….. or ….. I was not going to church”, then, instead of focusing on that, help other children and bring sisters to church.  Participate in outreach activities to children in need to get them to church, and bring brothers and sisters to church, Save the Lost, Rescue the perishing. 
Move from the emergency room in your life, using church as a coping skill, to Church Clinic and Ministry work.  Job suffered although he loved God.

There are others too whom are of this mentality.  They say things like if you would have Gone to the doctor, then you would not have the deadly illness.  Nuh, because things like that are often and sometimes said by people whom suffered things like liver cirrhosis under the negligent hands of doctors. 

The church needs to pray for the sick and not use the Hellish Doctrines and Save-ian type doctrines.  Just pray and support each other and help and love each other.  YOU DO NOT HAVE A HEAVEN OR HELL FOR PEOPLE.  Just make sure you prayed with and for a person before they die if God gives you that opportunity. 

The Paten Guatemala approach.  My missionary friend, Esther Flores, says she sees so many miracles when she goes abroad.  People pray and God answers.  Here in the US people forget to pray.  They first is to go to the doctor, and they forget to pay.    We must pray first. 

The most awesome testimony was from this person that I am dedicating this post to.  She said, “When the doctors said nothing was wrong with her, and had given up, she prayed, and the next day she received the doctor’s order for the test that found her illness.”  She had been suffering a long time, and the doctor’s missed it, so, she prayed and it was found.  Now I join her in prayer and ask all to joint to heal her from the life threatening illness.  God is Good and can do ALL things.  Healing is on the way, and Salvation. 

I had the Salvation discussion with her.  In many respects, she does more than most people do in churches.  She helps so many people it is not funny.  We talked about the 50 percent of church members whom will go to hell from the church.  I thanked her for being her and reaching out to others, things that many church members and deacons and ministers will not do here in the US in this new era of churches in the US where they are just clubs.  God is Good.  I asked her to do not be like others that once they pray and it is answered that they turn away from God when He talks to them and asks them to do things,

Book of Job You Tube Play List
Book of Job Part 1
The Book of Job Part 2

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