Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Miracles n Friends n Pills

Miracles n Friends n Pills

It is hard, but it reminds me of the golden years.  The years when I first Got saved and did not know what I was “was not doing”. 
I went up to a couple fighting by the subway stairs hoping to intervene and pray for them.
That was a big mistake, but I was on a mission.   I was saved.  I left my bible by the stairs in the midst of the bars so that someone else would “get the Word”;  all the while It was actually littering and I had loved that bible, duh.
So, when I was part of a men’s group recently, and the leader professed the “era of healing is Gone”, wow, I just started to reminisce.   I remembered the crazy days.  God has done too much for me, too many miracles since being saved to even remotely consider what he was saying. 
Really, no more miracles.  The Word is already spread and no longer needed is miracles, he said; wow.
I testified of the miracles abroad seen by missions workers. 
I testified about the fact that here in the US, we do not pray first.  We go to the doctor, and, his prognosis and medicine is our “healing” and “miracles”.  Not so, we need to pray first.

Depression, a pill
Anxiety, a pill
Sleeplessness, a pill
Unknown effects, a pill
Mind-altering effects, a pill
Prescription highs, a pill
ADD, a pill
The drugs are safe, a pill
The drugs cause cancer, a pill
The drugs cause and cure depression, insanity, a pill.
The drugs cure and cause suicidal thoughts, a pill
No prayer, no rest, no supports, but a pill
No reconciling, no forgiving, but a pill
Divorce, a pill; fornication, a pill; adultery, a pill. 

I talked to my daughter to avoid those pills.
A recent problem in her school caused the making of many enemies. 
I told her that defending myself is not glorious.
Making an enemy is not glorious. 
The scenario was not glorious, and, I am not taking a pill
But, the educators and physicians say take a pill.  They do not say make friends and create a support network.  Provide the services for a child; their answer is no, but, give them a pill and it will be better.  Huh?
Demons do not exist anymore, a pill does.
Hate does not exist anymore, a pill.

The North American thing is to take a pill, get high, it will be alright.
If in Utah and Alaska, it might be add some porn to the mix, that is what the preacher said.  His state is filled with porn, Utah, and ripe for missions, no pill. 

Demons are real and love pills.  Altering your mind and committing suicide is good, they say.
Make enemies is good they so, and do not reconcile.  That is not good.  And, I hope that my kids get the message that defending oneself is different from attacking and making enemies. 
Any animal will protect its young.  A parent will, in most cases, defend their children even onto death.
They will defend for days, years, hours, minutes, months on end.  I brought that child into this world.  God charged me to defend, raise, and protect my child. 

Demons are real.  They accuse you at night, They accuse you at all times.  They cause depression, they cause psychosis.  The only answer is prayer and a turning to God. 

I dedicate this to the Men. 
I dedicate this to my enemies. 
It was not my choice to make an enemy. 
The Lord’s will be done, and I will hope and pray fo the making of friends continuously.

Miracles are real and still happen.  God Bless.  

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