Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Security at Zebulon GT Magnet Middle School and WCPSS

I talked with my daughter while at the grave.  She told me that people sneak out of the school to talk to Diamond.  Her name is still not to be mentioned in school according to the administration, she said.  So, the kids sneak out to talk to Diamond. No memorial still.  No memorial ever.  You can write about her though.  Where does that go?

They do it in the morning and during class transition times.  They sneak out through the blind spot.  The blind spot of the cameras in the gym.  They go through the weak and broken fence and just lift it up and continue undetected off school property. It happens not just during the morning.  All the kids know the weak spot.  

She cried, "We still cannot talk about Diamond".  We came there to remember her.  I came there to thank God for the little progress I saw at the school. 

The WCPSS phenomenon is this.  They have a secure safe system, to track whom signs kids in and out of school.  I have seen at ZMS some Questionable people sign out children from school.  I used the system and 90% of the time the camera does not have a picture of me.  Nobody, in the past 8 years ever asked me for ID when signing out a child at ZMS or any WCPSS school.  So, as long as you know the name of a designated person on the approved list, you can check out any student at anytime.  

Let us run this scenario to its course.  I want to cut class.  I go to the office or from my classroom, call my cousin and my boyfriend/girlfriend/gang member, and have them come sign me out.  Then, at the end of the day I board the bus home or go to carpool.  Again, I have seen questionable people, in my mind, that definitively did not look like a parent.  

Let us continue, I am in class, and I ask to call my parent.  The teacher does not dial the number for me, and I am not required to go to the front desk and have them call for me.  So, I can call anyone, again, a boyfriend, girlfriend, or gang member, etc, and have them come pick me up.  The camera system is not designed so that front desk staff can verify there is a picture taken, and, at no time is ID required.  NO VERIFICATION.  So, here comes the person to check me out,  Only two weeks ago was I stopped by the front desk and required to come into the office to check my daughter out.  But, more importantly, kids can call ANYBODY from ANYWHERE in the school using school telephones.  I get pissed because when I miss a call and call the school back, they answer "We do not know who called you, but, we will transfer your call to your child's classroom or call her to the office to verify it was her."  I am not sure how teachers can teach when children are on the phones in the classroom?  Hum

I say this because it is scary to know kids know the security weaknesses.  Kids can call whomever at anytime during the day.  No tracking.  No dialing for them.  No STRANGER DANGER.  No checking the authorized people list.  NO PICTURE OF ME 90% of the time on the secure safe system, and, receptionist cannot check such.   She said she never left school grounds, but most of her friends do it on the regular.

She said, :"they sneak out to talk to Diamond".  They use the blindspot and the door in the gym.  The weak part of the field fence.  Is it true, I ask and need to know?  It is true, I have seen people come and sign out and NO ID REQUIRED.  God Bless. 

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