Monday, June 5, 2017

Deaths Averted n I am not insane as you say

Sometimes, a death can be avoided. 
Sometimes, you have to stand by yourself.
Sometimes, you have to stand for what’s right when everybody abandons you. 
Sometimes, your friends leave you, those religious dynamos.

So, this past weekend, I spoke with another.
Another parent.
Another professional.
My standing for the safety of my daughter was right. 
Other children almost left this world. 
She said, it was due to “Bullying” at ZMS.
She said, “it was horrible”, and, a lot of kids suffered.
She almost lost her son, but, “He is Okay now.”.

Just what I felt and knew to be. 
A confirmation of me. 
A confirmation of need. 
I did right by standing for my daughter.
Unfortunately, I lost the opportunity to have two possible friends. 
They disagreed with me.
The ran my name through the mud. 
I was their “Harasser”. 
My daughter was an “Attention Seeker”.
But the facts have been proven otherwise.
And a transfer from the school she has been. 
It is sad.
It is awful.
It is justice, my daughter and others are alive. 
Thank God, I am reluctant, because friends were lost, but Thanking God I am, because Lives were saved. 

It is not what I wanted to do.  But my child is my life and blood and God’s Gift.  

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