Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Llamando y Orando Para Padres Fuertes

Padres Fuertes

Enviame un consejero

The Sending of Counselors and Comforters

It happened this past weekend.  I was asked, why would you send someone to talk with someone whom is suicidal.  “How would that help?”, she said; What would that do?

I was surprised to hear that.  But, then it dawned on me, the old ways are not the new ways. 

2Sa_10:3  And the princes of the children of Ammon said unto Hanun their lord, Thinkest thou that David doth honour thy father, that he hath sent comforters unto thee? hath not David rather sent his servants unto thee, to search the city, and to spy it out, and to overthrow it?
1Ch_19:3  But the princes of the children of Ammon said to Hanun, Thinkest thou that David doth honour thy father, that he hath sent comforters unto thee? are not his servants come unto thee for to search, and to overthrow, and to spy out the land?

So the answer is, we have forgotten.  Maybe that is why one pastor has not even responded (HBC).  The old ways are forgotten. 

A comforter can help through the tough times.  I got seriously lost in New Jersey.  I was distraught from thinking about my father.  It was while driving.  Being overwhelmed, I missed an exit.  I was going to pick up my relief driver. 

Just like on the movie, LineMen, with John Travolta, no comforter, no one to help, and the distraught person drives.  She is killed.  

A comforter is there.  The old times way is they would come to cook, clean, make sure the kids are taken care of, “You could grieve”.  They helped the household continue to function.

We have lost our way.  Now it is Call Someone Else.  Call CPS (Child protective services).  Call crisis and assessment.  Call the national suicide line.  But no one will go, a comforter cannot be found. 

Psa_69:20  Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.

A comforter was not found in Wendell. 

Our children need people to talk with.  They need help to process their emotions.  They do not even know what that means  “How can they help?”; they ask. 

Cuando se necesita el envío de consejeros y edredones

Sucedió este fin de semana pasado. Me preguntaron, ¿por qué enviarías a alguien a hablar con alguien suicida (que se quiere matar)? "¿Cómo podría ayudar eso (esa persona)?", Dijo ella; ¿Qué haría eso?

Me sorprendió escuchar (oír) eso. Pero, luego me di cuenta, las viejas formas (actos y maneras) no son las nuevas formas.

2Sa_10: 3 Y los príncipes de los hijos de Ammón dijeron a Hanún su señor: ¿Crees que David honrará a tu padre, que te ha enviado consoladores? ¿acaso no envió David a sus siervos a ti, a escudriñar la ciudad, a espiarla y a derrocarla?
1Ch_19: 3 Pero los príncipes de los hijos de Ammón dijeron a Hanún: ¿Pensáis que David ha hecho honor a tu padre, que te ha enviado consoladores? ¿No te han venido sus siervos para buscar y derrocar, y para espiar la tierra?

Entonces la respuesta es: lo hemos olvidado. Quizás es por eso que un pastor ni siquiera ha respondido (HBC). Las viejas formas(manera de hacer cosas y responder) son olvidadas.

Un edredón puede ayudar en los momentos difíciles. Me perdí en serio en Nueva Jersey. Estaba angustiada de pensar en mi padre. Fue mientras conducía. Al estar abrumado, me perdí una salida. Iba a recoger mi controlador de socorro.

Al igual que en la película, LineMen, con John Travolta, sin consolador, sin ayuda y con la persona angustiada manejando. Ella es asesinada.

Un edredón está ahí. Lo antiguo es que vendrían a cocinar, a limpiar, a asegurarse de que los niños se ocupen de: "Podrían llorar". Ayudaron a que el hogar siguiera funcionando.

Hemos perdido nuestro camino. Ahora es Llamar a otra persona. Llame a CPS (Servicios de protección infantil). Crisis de llamadas y evaluación Llame a la línea nacional de suicidio. Pero nadie irá, no se puede encontrar un consolador.

Psa_69: 20 El reproche ha quebrantado mi corazón; y estoy lleno de pesadumbre: y busqué a algunos para que se apiadaran, pero no había ninguno; y para los consoladores, pero no encontré ninguno.

No se encontró un edredón en Wendell.

Nuestros hijos necesitan gente con quien hablar. Necesitan ayuda para procesar sus emociones. Ni siquiera saben lo que eso significa "¿Cómo pueden ayudar?"; ellos preguntan.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Prayer and God v the professional v medication

The pretext was a recent conversation with a friend. 

A prayer warrior is of great strength. 

It happened in the early days of my divorce. 
I was in my car.  The kids said, “Mommy sleeps with Mr. Roberts”.
The Garcia Family tended to my kids because I was emotionally distraught and overwhelmed.

I was in my car balling. 

I called Joyce Davis, a prayer warrior, and asked her to pray with me. 
She came to our scantly furnished home.
We sat and prayed,  and spent time together.  God worked.

A convicted felon was averted. 
A prayer warrior responded during a time of crisis, 
This was a crisis support service. 
That was an emergency response person.

I had purposed in my mind to buy a rifle.
I had purposed in my mind to exact revenge. 

I say this only because recently there was a crisis in the midst of a crisis.

My kids since November stated they wanted to see Grandpa. 
The Lord provided an opportunity to see grandpa.
It occurred this month. 

While we were driving up, the nursing home was trying to communicate with me on an emergency basis. 
Grandpa was dying and very sick. 
We left North Carolina the second day my mom’s was hospitalized.  It looks like both were afflicted with the same bad illness that was “going around” killing youth and the elderly. 
My moms ended up being quarantined in her apartment for an additional three days. 

Prior to all this, I received news a friend of mine tried to commit suicide. 
I emailed two pastors for help. 
No pastor responded. 

A prayer warrior did respond.  The prayer warrior responded quickly.

While visiting with my dad in New York, I kept checking my email.  I knew the pastors would respond.  They have experience I thought.  They have numbers and names at their finger tips.  They have on-call deacons and deaconesses.  Not so.  No response was received.  I checked my email whenever I could. 

While distraught in NY because of my father’s health, I thought about my friend. 

Help and support came from a different direction. 

I must say this, we rely on our “professionals”.  We rely on those “medications”.  We forget prayer and God.  We are above the medications and professionals. 

I hate to rely on medications.  Doing so is taking at face value the words of those whom made those medications.  They say, this medication will take care of the voices in your head.  They will take care of the delusions and hallucinations.  Meanwhile, you read the fine print on the side effects.  The side effects are delusions and hallucinations and may cause you to hear voices. 

I remember in New York, one church hosted a free prayer line.  It was manned.  I remember in NY a portion of the church was open for 24 hour prayer and fellowship, on weekends.  The churches had 24 hour response.  Pastors, assistant pastors, deacons, etc.  Some churches in NC have those types of services. 

Remember the high suicide rates among psychiatrist and psychologist, the trained professionals.

How do we know the medications, in this opioid addicted society, do not cause and exasperate the very symptoms we complain of?
That is why I sought a prayer warrior for my friend.  Someone to touch and agree for support since I had to leave town. 

Do not underestimate God or the power of prayer. I received no support from the pastors.  Wow.
Thanks be to God.  He always provides.  

To everything there is a place and time.  If medications and professional help works for you, then chose that.  As for me and my house, I choose God.  

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

After A New York Minute A Talk

Everything is a depression factor in these days. 
I do not understand. 

If you do not respond to my text, I am depressed.
If you do not respond to my Facebook post, I am depressed.
No email response, I am depressed. 

It was refreshing these past few days.  I was up in New York. 
It was the non-depressed females.  They do not have or use Facebook on the Regular. 
The have flip phones and no smart phones. 
They are self-assured.  They have self-esteem. 

No pills or medication to keep them running.
They are sane.  They do not need a man to define them. 
It was refreshing. 

It was depressing.  A man with a wife.  Yes, he cannot come out to play.
Yes, he cannot look after his parent.  He is married now.  Married like I was.

Married like I was means having someone bar you from your family. 

I sat down with my daughter.  I pointed out a few things.  I said, “them four were and are my best friends”.  The fifth, him, was a hanging buddie; we were besties.  Surrounded by four females as best friends. 

No drinking.  No drugs.  No Sexual Immorality.  I talked with my daughter.  These were and are my friends.  If this is what and whom I chose to hang with, what does that make me? 

I pointed out the fact my brother had most of his best friends as mechanics.  They were not alcoholics or drug users, etc.  We did not go to the titty bars. No crack, no coke,  

She started to name her friends and their characteristics,  She tried to identify those like mine. 

We lead by example.  The friends we keep can and do represent us.  I asked her, if they tell you I lived a reckless lifestyle, can they explain the friends I kept and keep?  She looked as if she understood. 

That was reinforced by eating at White Castles in Newark, NJ.  Raquisha walked in.  She was high as a kite.  She was pretty.  She was loud.  She was ghetto.  She had her friend for sale.  I asked her, my daughter, do I keep friends like that?  She said and understood “no”.  I hope she learns and takes it to heart. 

That is my prayer.  We lead by example.