Thursday, January 25, 2018

Prayer and God v the professional v medication

The pretext was a recent conversation with a friend. 

A prayer warrior is of great strength. 

It happened in the early days of my divorce. 
I was in my car.  The kids said, “Mommy sleeps with Mr. Roberts”.
The Garcia Family tended to my kids because I was emotionally distraught and overwhelmed.

I was in my car balling. 

I called Joyce Davis, a prayer warrior, and asked her to pray with me. 
She came to our scantly furnished home.
We sat and prayed,  and spent time together.  God worked.

A convicted felon was averted. 
A prayer warrior responded during a time of crisis, 
This was a crisis support service. 
That was an emergency response person.

I had purposed in my mind to buy a rifle.
I had purposed in my mind to exact revenge. 

I say this only because recently there was a crisis in the midst of a crisis.

My kids since November stated they wanted to see Grandpa. 
The Lord provided an opportunity to see grandpa.
It occurred this month. 

While we were driving up, the nursing home was trying to communicate with me on an emergency basis. 
Grandpa was dying and very sick. 
We left North Carolina the second day my mom’s was hospitalized.  It looks like both were afflicted with the same bad illness that was “going around” killing youth and the elderly. 
My moms ended up being quarantined in her apartment for an additional three days. 

Prior to all this, I received news a friend of mine tried to commit suicide. 
I emailed two pastors for help. 
No pastor responded. 

A prayer warrior did respond.  The prayer warrior responded quickly.

While visiting with my dad in New York, I kept checking my email.  I knew the pastors would respond.  They have experience I thought.  They have numbers and names at their finger tips.  They have on-call deacons and deaconesses.  Not so.  No response was received.  I checked my email whenever I could. 

While distraught in NY because of my father’s health, I thought about my friend. 

Help and support came from a different direction. 

I must say this, we rely on our “professionals”.  We rely on those “medications”.  We forget prayer and God.  We are above the medications and professionals. 

I hate to rely on medications.  Doing so is taking at face value the words of those whom made those medications.  They say, this medication will take care of the voices in your head.  They will take care of the delusions and hallucinations.  Meanwhile, you read the fine print on the side effects.  The side effects are delusions and hallucinations and may cause you to hear voices. 

I remember in New York, one church hosted a free prayer line.  It was manned.  I remember in NY a portion of the church was open for 24 hour prayer and fellowship, on weekends.  The churches had 24 hour response.  Pastors, assistant pastors, deacons, etc.  Some churches in NC have those types of services. 

Remember the high suicide rates among psychiatrist and psychologist, the trained professionals.

How do we know the medications, in this opioid addicted society, do not cause and exasperate the very symptoms we complain of?
That is why I sought a prayer warrior for my friend.  Someone to touch and agree for support since I had to leave town. 

Do not underestimate God or the power of prayer. I received no support from the pastors.  Wow.
Thanks be to God.  He always provides.  

To everything there is a place and time.  If medications and professional help works for you, then chose that.  As for me and my house, I choose God.  

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