Thursday, November 29, 2018

Be Quiet, Justice League, FACTIONIST, and FBOMBS

Be Quiet, Justice League, FACTIONIST, and FBOMBS
  Youtube video death to rey
If you are called by a certain name, certain expectations and behavior are present or should be present.  
FBOMBS should not be a part of your vocabulary, if you are “CHANGED”.

It should never be that you are in a institutional building and have your “life threatened”.
Expressions and expectations, I am about to ANOINT you, as red and angry as he was.

I went to a meeting today and felt like my life and physical well being was being threatened.  I did not expect such.  So, I am attaching a link to a video that sort of expresses how I felt,  

Certain people profess to live by a higher standard.  That higher standard requires, is essential, must evidence, a distinction.  I will not use FBOMBS.  I will not make you feel like you are about to pounce on me.

I remember the days, coming back from SWAN LAKE, and someone had broken into the church.  
The person was brought to the altar and reacquainted with Jesus, so to speak. The person was made to know they erred.

Off to jail they went, and sometime during the travel they would have an additional Jesus encounter.  That is my memories. They arrived bruised and unhealed to jail.

So, when I faced a “Jesus encounter” today, unexpectedly and without merit, I just thought of the FBOMBS and standards Christians Profess.   

Quite literally, I was being told to “shut up” and take my “lashing”.  The standard and stature of the person made such behaviour seem and know to be out of place, Pharisee type behaviour.  They will kill you, Christ, thinking they are doing good.  That is how I felt, like my life was in danger, in of all places, an institution and building of higher level and esteem.  

The church can kill.  “It will kill”, the Forged in Fire Person says, but, this is not a forge, but a place of love and tranquility.  

God bless.  We can be brothers and sisters.  We can have different opinions and feelings.  But when you feel and express your opinion and feelings are the only right ones, then, that is not being a “Factionist”, or justify forceful statements of “Be Quiet”.  

Ask the people whom have gone and no longer participate, as well as those whom attend, what they feel about your programs and institutions; but, do not be so dogmatic that other people’s opinions and feeling do not count. “We have the best program in the whole wide world, you say, but I say let others speak and express themselves, without fear of physical injury.  Wow.  Hum?

if the church is filled with "isms" and factions, then, by commenting on that, the label is undeserving of being called a factionist; as such is present in the overall society and church.  Your actions speak louder than words. 

Expressing oneself, so too, should not be viewed as "Justice League"; rather, a book of rememberance, as alluded to in, is the ultimate objective,  

We live in a country supposedly premised on freedom of speech.  Why then can you feel threatened when you exercise such, in the religious realm? Hum?  Pared-ace

This is a call for prayer.  The people's church included a Jim Jones beginning with "usual acts of violence by the pastor".   Prayer and a consideration, was and is it so awful to ask that copies of sermons be provided to Moma Lou.  Hum?  Or, is it the top of the list of things to be rebuked for when you ask for a button to open the door, or better yet, infrared sensors to allow all with children and packages to enter easily into the church.  Hum?  Can these request justify a "sinner" label.  Wow.  Please join in prayer is what I ask.  

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