Saturday, December 1, 2018

Be Quiet, Buttercup, You Stink

The Glory, again, A dedication to the Living Epistle.

Thanks to the Late and Great Bishop Landon E. Penn for setting up the standard.

The glory was the church bus and the church trips.  
The church bus and the trips were for the impoverished members of the church whom could not drive.
They could not drive to Swan Lake for Memorial and/or Labor day.  A wonderful day with Christ in the Mountains.  

What a fellow ship, What a joy divine.  

Yes, the bus burned oil and seemed like the bat mobile fighting chasing villains. But we were happy and one in Christ.  

Then, you had the church vans being used on the regular to bring all to church.  Nothing sat idle or unused; as a matter of fact, they were over used and often in a serious state of disrepair, but, the glory was self evident, as the praises rang and were televised, both the youth and old alike.  God was being worshiped.  

So, if I reflex on such, and share my testimony, am I wrong to ask for it to be done in the here and now?  Hum?  I remember and have seen the glory. And, you sir, oh high ranking official, have the means to demonstrate and show the same love I saw in the past, but instead, you called me into your confines, to scream and holler at me, “BE QUIET” over and over was proclaimed by you, and, with red eyes busting [with yellow], you made me feel threatened.

Over 25 years of being a Christian, and, not once, ever, did I have a pastor call me into his confines, to be told “I hate you”.  I despise you.  Why, Because I imparted what I saw to you.  Why, because I expressed my hurt for what I was seeing.  Let God judge between me and you sir.  

Again, the living Epistle, the Bishop Landon E. Penn, DD; he had droves of people whom hated him and sought to “take him down”.  But the response was the biblical one, “Shaking the dust off his feet”.  It never troubled him, he kept on in the works of God.  So, I have an example, a saw the proper responses; and, then I experienced and witnessed “your response sir”, and buttercup, you stink, that is what I tell my children when they fart or do not brush their teeth.  Something “stinks” buttercup.  

A testimony and example helps to direct you in times of adversity.  Just follow Christ as he did I will.  He showed me what to do.  So, is it wrong to ask that Christ “be lifted up for all the world to see”?  He said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men onto men”.  

Lastly, and then I was asked, do you want to meet again?  Hum?  Something wrong here, you smell buttercup.  

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