Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Pill or No Pills

understand the concept, a stroke victim, put him on meds, thin the blood; but, the key doctory question, when does the benefit outweigh the risk. We cannot bake our cake and eat it too. Do not change diet, but, take pills to fix the diet. Hum? Makes sense?

Some meds have been proven safe after 50 to 100 years of use. Others, all these new meds, do not have that track history.

It is easy for a person like me and my mom. No alcohol, no drugs, no other life style habits that muddle identifying immediately a side effect of medication. So now my moms does it, if she takes a med and has an adverse reaction, she stops and tells the doctor, and a change in meds ensues. A person that barely uses salt or eat salty foods with High blood. That does not make sense.

I think for example, stopping drain-o early has to be a medical and person based decision. What does that mean? After a stroke, yes, blood thinner, etc, but, anything over six months, then you have to look at age, and risk versus benefits. After heart attack, yes, meds, but, again how long. Long term meds should not be the everyday thing to do.

Penny our dog, we got her about 06/2005. She is still alive more than 14 years later. She already was one to two years old when we got her. The vet said, “she needs monthly meds” for her ear infections. Poor ears and eyes are a chronic problem for this breed for floppy eared cockerspaniels. I said no, I would not do that to our dog. Yet and still she is still alive. She does get 5 vitamin c gummies when her ears get infected and that tends to clear it up quick.

I said in the doctors office, they showed me my green intestines. I went ahead and did the research. I saw the black shriveled intestines in the medical books. It was the adverse effects of prolonged laxative use. I stopped them I had chronic intestinal bleeding. That stopped once the laxatives stopped. Such is life.

What I am saying is this, based on observations, perhaps the medical profession needs to take a better look at prolonged medication use. I think the meds are causing Edward's death. I know placing my dad on meds he was allergic to caused his death. I am scared for my moms in that she is not eating, and still taking meds. Consider changing your life style, instead of prolonged meds use, especially if you are just that old. Why? You may end up thirsty in your last days and not able to have that thirst quenched. I may be wrong, You may disagree. But I write based on what I see, saw, and experienced,

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