Saturday, February 16, 2019

Ten Cuidado

¿Cuándo hace o se cambia un fornicador y adulterio solamente un “amante de muchas personas”? El pecado ya no es pecado por interpretación. Acabo de completar una capacitación [entrenamiento] para ser voluntario y, expresada en esa capacitación, había ciertas pautas para los voluntarios. 1. Golpes de puño sobre apretones de manos y contacto físico. 2. Abrazos laterales, si es una necesidad absoluta, y no frente a abrazos frontales completos. 3. No hay tiempo solo con otras personas que usted cuida, siempre use el sistema de amigos [dos personas]. Qué significa eso? En el movimiento "Yo también", el beso o toque inocente de hoy se convierte en la sustancia del abuso y en la "historia" de la conducta antisocial. Translove y la falta de vivienda o el alcoholismo o la adicción a las drogas no significa que nos convertimos en las personas a las que nos esforzamos por ayudar. Acabo de tener la conversación sin hogar esta mañana y expresé que las personas "a quienes ayudan" las personas sin hogar y adictos a las drogas no suelen ser tan "maleables" cuando ayudan a esa población. Lo que eso significa es que establecen programas que parecen ser "tres huelgas". Si no abandona su adicción mientras está en "nuestro programa" bajo nuestros "términos atribuidos", entonces está fuera y es un fracaso. Esta fue mi experiencia cuando trabajé en un programa para personas sin hogar y no permitieron que se produjera la "recaída", ya que, si así fuera, incluso por un breve momento en el tiempo, entonces usted estaba fuera del programa o tenía que comenzar de nuevo. Digo esto porque cuando "servimos" a poblaciones especiales, tenemos que ser muy cuidadosos. Supuso que "besar" o "tocar" o "palabra" significaba algo más para esa persona, luego se enojan o se fijan en usted. No, el estándar debe ser el 1, 2, 3 descrito anteriormente. Y, aún más loco es esta materia HIPPA. Llevé a mi hija al médico y me dijeron, ahora que tiene 14 años, "ella tiene que darle permiso" para "ver su registro [registros médicos]".

Tenía la sensación de que ella ni siquiera puede venir aquí sola, ni siquiera puede votar, no puede vivir sola, vive en mi casa, pero aún así tiene que darme un "permiso". Digo esto porque aún más, así que tenemos que tener cuidado con el "permiso" para usar cosas como fotos, etc. Digamos que la persona que abusa de sustancias "da" permiso hoy, verbalmente, no por escrito, y luego dicen que yo estaba " alto "y no podía" dar permiso "cuando tomaste y publicaste mi foto [Fui víctima, fui presionado, dirían o podrían decir más tarde], y como tal, todos estos escándalos de METOO. [O mi perspectiva empleador o compañero vio esa foto y me negó una oportunidad debido a eso]. El sexo consensual hoy y los besos, los abrazos y los toques se convierten en atrocidades 20 años después. Por lo tanto, el consejo es abstenerse de cualquier cosa que, en algún momento, en alguna posibilidad remota, pueda considerarse inapropiada o una "señal" de un "abusador". Mis dos centavos en el amor. No puedes convertirte en un adicto a las drogas mientras sirves a tal persona, o en una persona sin hogar mientras sirves a las personas sin hogar. Solo algo en lo que pensar, y algunas veces el que lo alienta o lo apoya hoy [un terapeuta que toma una fotografía], puede ser aquel a quien lo abandona o se vuelve contra usted en el futuro o ellos mismos más adelante, son acusados ​​de un escándalo.

In 2019, you cannot "greet your brethern with a brotherly kiss". 

When does a fornicator and adultery just because a “lover of many people”.  The sin Is no longer sin by interpretation.  I just completed a training to volunteer, and, expressed in that training was certain guidelines for volunteers.  1.  Fist bumps over handshakes and physical contact.  2. Side hugs, if an absolute need, versus full frontal hugs.  3. No time alone with others you care for, always use the buddy system.  What does that mean?  In the “Me too” movement, today’s innocent kiss or touch becomes the substance later on of abuse and a “history” of antisocial behavior.  Translove and homelessness or alcoholism or drug addiction does not mean we become the very people we strive to help.  I just had the homeless conversation this morning and did express people “whom help” the homeless and drug addicted tend not to be so “malleable” when they help that population.  What that means is they set up programs that seem to be like “three strikes” your out.  If you do not give up your addiction while in “our program” under our “ascribed terms”, then you are out and a failure.  This was my experience when I worked at a homeless program and they did not allow “relapse” to happen, because, if it did, even for a brief moment in time, then you were out of the program, or had to begin again.  I say this because when we “serve” special populations, we have to be very careful.  Supposed that “kiss” or “touch” or “word” meant something else to that person, then they become infatuated or fixated on you.  No, the standard should be the 1, 2, 3 described before.  And, even more crazy is this HIPPA stuff.  I took my daughter to the doctor, and was told, now that she is 14, “she has to give you permission” to “view her record [medical records]”.  I was like, she cannot even get here on her own, cannot even vote, cannot live on her own, is living in my house, but yet she has to give me “permission”.  I say this because even greater so we have to be careful about “permission” to use things like photos, etc.  Let us say the substance abuse person “gives” permission today, verbally, not in writing, and they later claims I was “high” and could not “give permission” when you took and posted my picture [I was a victim, I was pressured, they will or might later say], and as such, all these METOO scandals.  [Or my perspective employer or mate saw that picture and denied me an opportunity because of it.] Consensual sex today and kisses and hugs and touches become atrocities 20 years later.  Hence, the counsel is to refrain from anything that may at some point, in some remote possibility, be considered inappropriate or a “sign” of a “abuser”.   My two cents in love.  You cannot become a drug addict while serving such, or a homeless person while serving the homeless.  Just something to think about,  and sometimes the one that cheers or stands by you today [a therapist taking a picture], may be the one whom forsakes or turns against you in the future or themselves later on are accused in a scandal.  

When does a fornicator and adultery just because a “lover of many people”.  The sin Is no longer sin by interpretation.  I just completed a training to volunteer, and, expressed in that training was certain guidelines for volunteers.  1.  Fist bumps over handshakes and physical contact.  2. Side hugs, if an absolute need, versus full frontal hugs.  3. No time alone with others you care for, always use the buddy system.  What does that mean?  In the “Me too” movement, today’s innocent kiss or touch becomes the substance later on of abuse and a “history” of antisocial behavior.  Translove and homelessness or alcoholism or drug addiction does not mean we become the very people we strive to help.  I just had the homeless conversation this morning and did express people “whom help” the homeless and drug addicted tend not to be so “malleable” when they help that population.  What that means is they set up programs that seem to be like “three strikes” your out.  If you do not give up your addiction while in “our program” under our “ascribed terms”, then you are out and a failure.  This was my experience when I worked at a homeless program and they did not allow “relapse” to happen, because, if it did, even for a brief moment in time, then you were out of the program, or had to begin again.  I say this because when we “serve” special populations, we have to be very careful.  Supposed that “kiss” or “touch” or “word” meant something else to that person, then they become infatuated or fixated on you.  No, the standard should be the 1, 2, 3 described before.  And, even more crazy is this HIPPA stuff.  I took my daughter to the doctor, and was told, now that she is 14, “she has to give you permission” to “view her record [medical records]”.  I was like, she cannot even get here on her own, cannot even vote, cannot live on her own, is living in my house, but yet she has to give me “permission”.  I say this because even greater so we have to be careful about “permission” to use things like photos, etc.  Let us say the substance abuse person “gives” permission today, verbally, not in writing, and they later claims I was “high” and could not “give permission” when you took and posted my picture [I was a victim, I was pressured, they will or might later say], and as such, all these METOO scandals.  [Or my perspective employer or mate saw that picture and denied me an opportunity because of it.] Consensual sex today and kisses and hugs and touches become atrocities 20 years later.  Hence, the counsel is to refrain from anything that may at some point, in some remote possibility, be considered inappropriate or a “sign” of a “abuser”.   My two cents in love.  You cannot become a drug addict while serving such, or a homeless person while serving the homeless.  Just something to think about,  and sometimes the one that cheers or stands by you today [a therapist taking a picture], may be the one whom forsakes or turns against you in the future or themselves later on are accused in a scandal. 

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