Thursday, July 25, 2019

She almost was charged with a Felony

Well, just a word on Applications on Smart Phones an Using them Safely for the Teens

A family member was almost charged with a felony. 
It is interesting, President Trump makes posts, threats, statements, allegations. 
Others forward the post, tweets, etc. 

Suppose, you forward a tweet or a post, would you think law enforcement would show up at your doorstep.  

Along that line of thinking, you have Facebook and Snapchat and Instragram.  Supposing, one of your friends, bullies someone, make cyber threats, films and post themselves in criminal acts.  Would you think, if you forward one of those post, you could be charged with a felony. 

The possibility is real and is faced by our teens in North Carolina.  We are talking about activities in the cyber world from, after school, on that Smartphone. 

So, parents need to know, not just how to “take the phone away” but also add some security or consequences when rules are broken. 

Norton App Lock is something I used to lock up those pesky apps.  You want them to be able to call you, on that smartphone, but you do  not want them to use the internet; or, “No SNAP CHAT for you”.  Or, “no playstore access for you”. 

Norton Appl Lock is what I found to help.  It turns on when the phone turns on.  Loads first, and does not allow itself to be uninstalled or by passed.  I tried other “App locks”, but, some did not work so well.  They would take time to lock the apps if you restarted the phone.  The time in between, those few seconds, was the open door to allow a teen to shut off the app. 

So, at times, Snap chat was locked, Chrome Browser and Samsung Internet Blocked, Phone Settings Blocked, Instagram Blocked, etc.  That all depended on the seriousness of the violation or broken rules or broken trust. 

When properly installed, apps are stopped, and usage denied.  But you know teens will just keep working on “undoing” restrictions, so, you continuously need to “check the phone”. 

Again, we live in a world where kids can reach 200 other kids with one click.  A world where you can make one post and reach hundreds if not thousands.  A lot of this internet stuff is just fake.  But some is real. 

So, A friend of that person made a threat, “I am gonna shoot up the school”; the family member shared the post by commenting on it.   The family member intended on getting help to stop the person.  However, the family member almost was charged with a felony for sharing the post. 

Hence, coming back to Trump; imagine if every shared post or commented on post becomes “evidence” that you “partnered” to threaten N. Korea or China, etc.  Hence, the app lock came in to “call in emergency” but that is all. 
Parents and family members and loved ones and friend may want to consider “App Locking”.  One person said they use it for privacy “just incase my wife needs my phone, she cannot see my emails or anything else”  [go figure].   As a parent and as a family member, it is used to lock out those apps that may get them in trouble, or as a punishment “consequence” for just not listening.  

for whatever the reason, sometimes this is just an added level of security to control access to those and by those apps. 

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