Thursday, December 26, 2019

A letter to EWHS "Center for Performing Cinematography: WWF Preperatory"

This is an excerpt from one of multiple letter recent to the school system here in NC.  

Re:  Formal Response [below, what you wrote is in black, my response is in red]

Mr. Olavarria:

Thank you for your email.  I am sorry to hear that your daughter was injured during an altercation.  At any time that your daughter feels that she is not safe or is being pressured to do anything that is violation of law or school rules, then she should notify an adult or administrator immediately.  When students engage in physical altercations, the consequences often range from five days of out of school suspension up to a recommendation for a long-term suspension to students being charged in the court of law.  All consequences issues are in accordance with WCPSS Board policy.

I will debate and disagree with this issue.  My daughter recants anything from 4 to 8 fights per day, and, many incidents of the violations of school policy without repercussions, by other students.  And, “repeat” offenders are so prevalent.  I send my teen to school to learn, not to have a diploma to certify she is a witness to ongoing criminal acts.  A big concern is when she stated you were in the hallway, the teens were on line up, the 12s and 13s, all the cellular phones were out, the fight was about to begin, then you came down the hall yelling “get to class” [two gangs, according to her, were ready to fight in the hallway, and, typically, they line up before they brawl; 12 and 13 are the names of the two rival gangs].  I would hope that perhaps she would be a witness or know of only one fight per month, not, it being a question of just “how many fights will occur in a given day, not if they will occur”.  When the administration creates or created and environment wherein students do not feel comfortable going to them to report incidents, then that is a problem.  To wit, XXXXXXXXXX  is a male student in one of her classes.  He routinely sexually abuses female student.  He wears gothic clothes, black, with chains.  Two female twins are targeted for sexual harassment.  He claims one to be his girlfriend, and describes in lewd details, graphically, the sexual acts, during class time mind you, that he wants to do with them.  And, he “felt up and kissed” a Mexican girl, whom knows no English, violated her, and the girl went to administration, and to her teacher, and one teacher in particular responded in the manner of saying “suck it up buttercup”;  Not literal here.  My daughter wears hoodies most of the time because random “boys” will try to feel up on her, and that was learned and experienced beginning in middle school.  Hence, if you allow or caused to be allowed an environment where females do not feel safe, and, no confidence in telling administration, then, that is something the school and WCPSS is directly responsible for [and let me not recant what happened at ZMS].  When the Dakota’s run the school, and, girls are violated, that is a problem (this is third party hearsay at this point, but, based on all the videos I have seen, and students I spoke with, it is evidence of a school/system failing students). 

How it is that things were so bad that you went on the PA system to threaten students with cancelling the formal dance, the pep rally, and spirit week?  This family spent over $200.00 on the dance, and, instead of maintaining control and order in the school, you used the PA system to issue threats.  Why did you not call central office to ask for help?  I think more professional means should have been used.  Partner with law enforcement if you cannot control the school environment, and partner with parents and students, sir. 

Vaping in all schools in a major concern and challenge.  When I observe students vaping, inappropriate consequence is issued, and the parent is contacted. When teachers notify administration that a student is vaping, the behavior is addressed immediately.  I will follow up with the staff to make sure that they are aware of my expectations and the policy enforcement for vaping.

In my mind, no minor should even have vaping stuff at school.  And, “they all do it ……. In class ……. “ is what is being said.  Again, I do not just take the word of one student.  Hell, one teacher once told me it is so bad in school, we get cursed out so much, that we just go with it.  Really, is that the type of school/work environment you have? 

The school has an established process for teacher submitting attendance daily.  All teachers are asked to submit attendance the first 15 minutes of class when possible.  If a teacher has not submitted attendance, then the school data manager contacts the teachers.  An administrator follows up with the teacher if the attendance is not completed in a timely manner daily.  You have shared that students are cutting class by sitting in an unassigned classroom, can you share the specifics of the class/teacher that this took place so that I can adequately addressed this issue with the teacher.  We visit classroom daily.  If students are not in an appropriate area, the students is addressed and an appropriate consequence is issued if warranted.

I made a suggestion.  Again, I do not feel comfortable putting me or my family in jeopardy, when you have the capability to investigate and find this out on your own.  Do random and surprised attendance verifications?  You have the means in your disposal to remedy and address and verify.   All I know is it was verified by just talking to student(s), on  my end before I even sent out a letter.  Imagine, you have access to a whole school of students; can you not just do random inquiry and survey?  You work right there.  My child and family have been traumatized enough by WCPSS.  Talk to the kids and teachers sir.  Really.

The day that the school loss power during the tornado.  The issue was not that we did not know where the students were located.  We had to implement at paper system of location the students and then a person had to physically go to the classroom because without power, we could not notify the teacher of what student was needed for check out. 

I disagree here.  Again, I take and took the time to verify certain things before I sent formal letter(s).  Let us not forget parents were not informed of the dire weather circumstances at school on that day in a timely manner to add.

PowerSchool records attendance for each period.  So, if she misses a period then the teacher will count her absent for each period.  The system records/shows that four periods are missed.  If the teacher has entered the assignment for you to see the assignment in PowerSchool, that means that your daughter has not submitted the assignment.  If the teacher is not updating the gradebook in a timely manner, please let me know.  I randomly check different teachers’ gradebooks to make sure that they are updating their grades in a timely manner, if not I address this behavior.

Good for you.  My inquiry here is this.   How many suspension hearings do you have per day/per week?  And, how does that compare to other school(s)/district(s)?  In other words, do you even have enough time to do your job if you spend it “meeting” all day on suspensions. Numbers are not revealing confidential school information.  [PLEASE ANSWER THIS FORMAL INQUIRY].

Each lunch is 25 minutes long.  On average we have three different lines for the students to get lunch through.  Our lunch period has not been shortened for over three years.  All students are able to get through the line with over 10 to 15 minutes to spare daily.  All students are allowed to eat and if a student has an issue that prevents them from having enough time, then if the student lets the administrator know then the administrator writes the student a note to class.

All students are able to get through the line with over 10 to 15 minutes to spare daily [WRONG HERE SIR, DENIED]. I Just called Cary High School, and was informed their lunch period is from 45 to 50 minutes.   Millbrook High School has a 35 minutes lunch period.  Hence, I would think 40 minutes should be the norm.  That was just from calling two schools today.  Your written material, letter, shows you are denying children the right to eat, sir.  There is a disparity here sir.  [THIS IS AN IMPOVERISHED SCHOOL DISTRICT/SCHOOL.  INSTEAD OF OFFERING 50 MINUTES, YOU FALL BELOW THE MINIMUM STANDARD ASCERTAINED OF 35.]

On Friday, I did address the student body over the intercom about not meeting my expectations. No, we did not have multiple fights.  However, I wanted the students to understand my expectations.  I shared with the students that my expectations are to get to class on time and behave appropriately in and out of class.  You I told the students that as a school, they do not meet my expectations then I would cancel the pep rally scheduled for Wednesday.  If you feel that reinforcing my expectations as a principal is unprofessional, I am sorry.

Again, as discussed before, this family spent a lot of money on the dance.  Sir, your actions, based on the way it was recanted, seems to disregard the economic state of parents and families, and, seems unprofessional at best (if true).  You need to ask for help sir.   

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns. I will continue to monitor your concerns and will address them appropriately when seen.  I hope that you have a great day.

When you have a student like Dakota, in school making threats against the school and engaging in sexual assaults openly, then something is wrong sir.    This is adult parent and administration discussion, do not talk to my daughter about any of these matters.  It is hard enough for her just to attend school.  I DO NOT EVEN ALLOW THIS ACTIVITY IN MY HOME OR NEIGHBORHOOD, BUT SHE IN IN JEPARDY EVERYTIME SHE GOES TO SCHOOL.  SHE HAS TO SURVIVE IN THAT SCHOOL ENVIROMENT.  AND, SURVIVAL MAY CAUSE NOT MAKING THE BEST DECISION ALWAYS, BUT SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO FACE THAT ENVIRONMENT ANYWAY.

This is my formal response.  Thanks. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Toxic Masculinity

Toxic Masculinity

That was the topic. 
Sexual preference and disposition.  Does the fornicator wear a sign saying I am a fornicator?
Does the adulterer wear a sign, I will “bag” your husband/wife? 
Or the thief and the robber have a sign saying I will take your possessions? 

Is the heterosexual supposed to have a sign saying “I am straight”?

The big question is this, why must everybody be like you.  Can you accept my preference without calling me a “homophobic” person, your first predisposition?

I consider the one whom sleeps with someone else spouse or significant other just as bad as the one whom has a “preference” to sleep with others of the same sex; but, all need a relationship with God, and I will not “Not help them” because of their preference; I just hate when people try to force me to be like them, and say I am wrong.  When you try to make your preference “my preference” then we have a problem. 

You want to use drugs, then that’s you.  You want to smoke, then that is you.  You want to drink, then that is you.  Those are your preference. 

The lovely part of all this is those that consider and judge a person by one attribute.  Oh, he is anti-abortion, so he has to be good.  One quality or preference does not make a person.  This is the political conundrum.  He is a conservative. He is a liberal.  Assign a label and then, “you must support that person”.  Assign a label and you must support that cause. 

I say this only because of the flag, the rainbow flag.  The rainbow has been accepted as the symbol that “God will not destroy the earth again”.  However, modernist have translated it to a sign for an alternative lifestyle. 

Months ago, my daughter misplaced a rainbow flag in her room.  She asked if I had taken it, I responded no.  But I asked why she thinks I took it.  Then, the toxic masculinity came up; “you hate gay people” she said.  I reiterated the fact the rainbow is of God.  Later, she found the flag in the covers. 

Our society has changed.  I think the divorce rate is way above 60%.  Young adults can have sex and accidentally or intentionally start a family at 12 or thirteen, but they cannot work.  Hence, the welfare generation and those that do not believe in work.  Just get a check, have all the kids you want.  The other aspect is go to college, and then start a family, but that does not mean in between you did not have a “relationship” or sexual encounters. 

Let me be me.  Let me “vote my conscious said the politician today.  Let me be me I say, let me have my beliefs.  Do not make fun of me and label me.  Do not shove your preference down my throat.    I will not boot you out of my car.  I will not boot you out of my home.  But do not ever try to make fun of me for my preferences, that is where you are wrong.  It is your life, you live your preferences, I will live with mine.  But if you think smoking weed for breakfast, drawing a check for substance abuse, and not working is okay, then that is you.  Drink 24/7 if you want.  That is your liver, but do not make fun for me for my preference. 

We had a long conversation about “toxic masculinity”.  And, about learning to believe and accept others despite their beliefs and for their beliefs. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Just Let Him Die in Your House

The Death Threats, an Overdose Followed and Death. 

I am a father. 
I have children.
I have a teenage daughter.
My duty is to protect my daughter and son. 

Hence, when drugs are dealt, and, high people are out early in the morning, I fear for the safety of my daughter.  My first inclination is to protect.
Get the drugs off the street.  Get the drugs away from Across the Street. 

So, the calls made, actions done, and in response, the threat of death from the drug dealer. 

But, what happens.  About three weeks ago, the drug dealer overdosed. 
Overdosed in his own home.
A forty year old, plus. 
Allergic to work except drug dealing. 

It is reported.  I found him in his room.  He stopped breathing for three minutes.  I used the narc pen to revive him.  I placed Ice on his balls.  He revived.  He came back from his death.  Death in his mom’s home. 

Fire department first, EMS, Wendell PD.  They all arrived.  She came outside. She said, “I am okay”. 
She was not the dead person, it was her son.  “It is all a mistake”, she said.  She did not want them to arrest her son.  He could do no harm. 

So too, World of Warships, Legends, the PS4 players, most “high as a kite, at all hours of the morning.” 
This morning no different.   I came back from driving my son to school;  Played a game or two, and, there online again, someone getting high early in the morning, for breakfast. 

Addiction of all sort has taken over our society.  That is why.  That is why they marvel “you are not taking any medication”.  A pill for this, a blunt for that, and, of course, snort everything.  Everyone has a bon.  They all are using it while playing. 

The question is, why not let the police and EMS know what happened when you call?  It is not better to have a living son in jail, versus a dead one in you home.  That is my question.  It is a question of how love is expressed. 

Psychosis.  We live in a sick world.  Addiction is everywhere.  Yards away you can find an addiction service at Wendell Baptist Church.  Hum. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Minority Kids Just Cannot Learn Anyway, they lack the brain power

Separate But Equal is Equal. 
Brown v. Board of Education, a 1960s landmark case. 
The face of racism has changed, but the elements and theories remain. 

Charter School.  Here in NC, the charter school is the separate school.  It is the school of the elite; it tends to be the school of whites, as my daughter called it.  She said, “those are the East Wake Academy Girls.”  She went on to describe what “white chicks say, do, and dress, etc.”  However, she lacks at times, the ability to thrive and exceed in all types of environments.  So, what does that mean. 

The pulling of funding from Public school.  They make the schools fail, especially in the impoverished districts.  Then of course, a failing school is targeted to become a charter school.  Then once chartered, they population of students change, hum, poor minorities leave and then come the whites. 

But that is not the focus here.  Another focus is needed.  Special Education.  Special Education, for me, when I grew up was a reality.  It ensured I received an education.  What happened?  Why? 

Being disabled meant I had a different childhood.  Lots of therapy.  Lots of surgery.  Lots of medical appointments; and, physically, I just could not do what other kids did.  I could not get to the next class in less than five minutes.  We needed a head start. 

Sixth grade, I remember that argument well.  The English teacher was destined to fail me.  “He cannot write,” she said.  I missed most of her classes due to surgery.  The end result was “I could not write.”  I did not know what an ADJ, ADV, and all those other wonderful components of English was.  She lost, but in the end I lost.  I was pushed one grade forward, missing a foundation; not knowing how to write.  Who the hell needs a semicolon anyway. 

During surgeries and hospitalization, Special Education was legally bound to send a teacher to the hospital to help me keep up to date, to learn.  Hum.  I learned alright.  Each lesson was endless scrabble games, and, my teacher was angry and yelled at me, as he invented words that did not exists, and I challenged him.  Foe, doe, la, de, etc.  Then, after scrabble, time on the computer to play word games.  No math, no writing, no other subjects. 

High school, my best friend, Norman Siddiqi, he had supports.  He had an educated family that cared.  What happened was they made sure he was not passed along. They made sure he got help and tutoring.  Hence, I made it to geometry, but he went on ahead to calculus.  He became “smarter” due to supports and a fighting family that made sure he gone services. 

College is where I paid the piper.  I took so many remedial courses.  I could not pass pre-cal and calculus in college.  I was doomed.  The lack of foundation I was now paying for.  It cost me over $50000.00, by my count. 

My daughter describes the zoo she attends.  It is not school.  It is separate but unequal.  It was at a height in Middle school.  It continues.  I am adding excerpts from a letter to her school, at the end of this post. 
I do not understand how my daughter took a Spanish class, entered not knowing Spanish, and left not knowing Spanish.  Wow.  New age learning here. 

The end result is this.  I am a advocate because It cost me to be in special education and not get the free and appropriate education I needed, while my best friend did. 

From the letter I wrote:

Facts Alledged:

1.       Multitude school fights, to include over 4 in one day;
2.       Open vaping on campus to include constant offers to vape made to my daughter.
3.       Students in classrooms unassigned.
4.       During the last tornado, teachers could not find students [their students] although they were on campus, because, they were in unassigned classrooms.
5.       Failure to exercise control in classrooms that resulted in open videos on the net of student sleeping on desks.
6.       Record attendance keeping not proper. 
7.       Shorted lunches resulted in children not being able to eat lunch while on campus, and for some that is the only meals of the day.


I am writing to express concerns about the school environment.   The intent is to send my daughter to school and not to a zoo or prison environment.   And, for her to have the proper learning environment. 

                My daughter was accidentally punched in the head within the past two weeks from a fight, although she was not a target or a party to such, just by trying to get to class.  And, reportedly, on the same day, more than four fights occurred.  While the administration cannot stop all fights or be present for such, the perpetrator in one of these fight, where my daughter sustained injury, was a repeat offender and a student whom “she fights with everyone all the time …… for no reason … she is just a bully.”  Hence, this begs the question of whether school policy is being enforced against fighting.

                My daughter says “they vape in class all the time …….. and they keep offering me”.  Hence, if true, then, why are not teachers reporting such.  I am terrified that my daughter would be targeted because of her denial to participate in such an illegal act.  And, I know other student, whom attend that school, whom say, “yeah, everyone does it”  [everyday]. 

                Another fact that I made inquiry of was “are there students in your classes whom are not supposed to be there”; and, the answer to my third party inquiry (not just accepting my daughter’s word) is yes, they are always in other “people’s classes, that is how they cut”.  Whom, new age era here, just cut class in another teacher’s room.  Wow.  Not just hide in the bathroom or skip from school here, just go into another classroom.  Verified by second party.  Did you all every try a “SURPRISE CLASSROOM ATTENDANCE CHECK”?

                The fear also is about emergencies.  Again, it was verified that during the tornado teachers could not find their students, BECAUSE, they were in other classrooms.  Hum.  Does that even make sense?  Is that part of the emergency lock down procedure?  Just loose your kids. 

                The best one is my daughter getting videos, not on Snap Chat or Instagram, but on other social media of kids talking and making videos of themselves on desk during instruction time.  Hum.  I guess they are moving off of youtube to other social media. 

                This one is a funny one.  My daughter was out for one day on 10/3/2019.  So, I go on powershool and it shows she was out for three days.  Oops, nope, she has more than three classes, and each class is counted as an absence, but, but, but, the official record did not reflect the reality.  So, the ability to cut is supported by teachers failing to record attendance, and, as evidence tonight, I was not powerschool  and found MANY missing grades.   Can’t keep kids in check if the records are wrong or not up to date.

                Finally, my daughter reports she cannot eat at school and is coming home HUNGRY.  Dad, “you do not understand ……. They keep shortening the lunch period  …….. and, they do not even know it takes more than 20 minutes just to get lunch because they lunch lines are so big.”  So, is the school depriving kids of the only meals they may have in a day? 

This letter was never responded to by East Wake High School. 

This is not separate but equal. It is the new face of racism.  The kids need to have their own mindset to learn, because, they will not be able to at times in school. 

Maldecir lo ancianos, falta de respecto, estoy es la nueva epoca

Para que usted entienden.  Esta cuenta es de mas de dos visitas.  Una visita a la iglesia Universal Temple en Nueva Yor, y, la otra para ver una anciana de Hephzibah Baptist Church en Wendell.  Ente en la iglesia en Nueva Yor y una miembro de la junta de ancianos de la iglesia dijo y hablo mal del el pastor que tenia la iglesia.  Un hombre maravilloso fue llamado y ladrón.  Fue una supresa.   

No puede equivocarse, es mi hijo, quédate en tu carril, respondió.

Vivimos en un nuevo mundo fangled.
Ella me dijo lo que hizo, lo que Dios la bendijo que hiciera.
Ella, en días de visitas, lo invitó a venir a la iglesia.
Fueron juntos, con su amigo de misiones.
Llamamos a las puertas y nos contaron sobre él, mi hijo.
Estaba estudiando en la escuela de seminario, dijo ella. Nos pidieron que lo invitáramos.
Hablamos con él, y él vino a la iglesia.

Tiene que conducir por mi casa cada vez que va a la iglesia. Vive en el cruce 231.
Todos tienen que pasar por mi casa para ir a la iglesia, pero nunca pasan, ni siquiera para saludar o buenos días.
Todos tienen que conducir por mi casa. Ella dijo que no lo había visto en aproximadamente dos años.
Ella dijo, la próxima vez que salga es para la cita de mi médico en enero. No he estado en la iglesia.
Es demasiado trabajo subir y bajar de un automóvil.
Me dan vida, me dan vida a las piernas.
No tengo hueso en la parte inferior de mi columna vertebral.

Ella describió cómo ama a su hijo, a quien no puede hacer nada malo. Ella todavía no entiende por qué la iglesia no tiene abrepuertas de asistencia aérea, o no tiene más despensa de alimentos, dijo.

Ella extraña a Robinwood. Ella quiere ver el nuevo lugar de Wayne e Yvonne, el restaurante familiar.

¿Qué hace que un buen hombre (hombres) sea pisoteado? Un buen nombre arruinado. Entré y me dijeron: "Ahora sabemos a dónde va el dinero ... no sabíamos a dónde iba cuando él estaba aquí". Una desgracia y vergüenza de un anciano. Sabía a dónde iba el dinero. Lo supe cuando vi al hambriento siendo alimentado. Los trajes sin ropa que se proporcionan. Los hogares para las personas sin hogar. Y el dinero que se da a las personas. Los abogados fueron pagados para proteger a Nuestros Niños.

He can do no wrong, he is my son, stay in your lane, he replied.

We live in a new fangled world.
She told me what she did, what God blessed her to do.
She, on visitations days, invited him to come to church.
They went together, with her missions buddy.
We would knock on doors, and they told us about him, my son.
He was studying in seminary school, she said.  They asked us to invite him.
We talked with him, and he came to he church.

He has to drive by my house each time he goes to church.  He lives by the 231 junction.
They all have to drive by my house to go to church, but they never stop by, not even just to say hi, or good morning.
They all have to drive by my house.  She said she hasn’t seen him in about two years.
She said, the next time I get to go out is for my Doctor’s appointment in January.  I have not been to the church.
It is too much work to get loaded into and out of a car.
They life me, they life my legs.
I have no bone in the bottom part of my spine.

She described how she loves her son, the one whom can do no wrong.  She still does not understand why the church does not have air assist door openers, or no more food pantry, she said.

She misses Robinwood.  She wants to see Wayne and Yvonne’s new place, the Family Restaurant.

What makes a good man(men) be trampled?  A good name ruined.  I entered and was told, “Now we know where the money goes …….. we did not know where it was going when he was here”.  A disgrace and shame from an elder.  I knew where the money was going.  I knew when I saw the hungry being fed.  The clothes-less being provided outfits.  The homes for the homeless.  And the money being given to people.  Lawyers were paid to protect Our Children.

The temple was vacant.  The glory gone, confusion entered and took abode.  No choir, but a semblance and remnant thereof.

So too at Robinwood.  They stole over $65.000.00 of equipment.  But I remembered, I remembered the owners saying they started with nothing and built the business.

I saw the Nursing homes, the Robinwoods.  They had cars galore.  The one day of the year, where parents and brothers and sisters are revived again.  The one time they are people and loved ones again. The one time they are visited.
She told me the story.  Your mom does not want to go with me, he insisted on calling her to ask.  Will you go with me daughter.  To the center, dress up and eat thanksgiving there, me and my friend.  She said yes, and cried.  That is the last Thanksgiving Day she remembers.  This is the first year without him, she said.  This too is my first second year without him, but it feels like first because of unfinished death and cemetery business.

This is our new tradition.  The new tradition is once our old can no longer fend, place them in a home, place and forget.  If they cannot get to church, so what.

No Church protective services.  They elderly abused in their own homes, if they get that luxury, and they churches do nothing; but drive by the house every time they need to go to church, she said.

The elderly die from abuse at the center.  Abuse and neglect.  Building filled with bed bugs, pee, and poor food.

The scandal, good people called bad.  The scandal, pillars of the church forgotten.

The new age is to curse your parents and elders out.  That is the new thing.  If you get that opportunity, then you are blessed.  If they can not drive, they are to be forgotten.

God is good.  My prayer is to be able to do something.  God is good.
El templo estaba vacante. La gloria se fue, la confusión entró y se instaló. No hay coro, sino una apariencia y un remanente del mismo.

Así también en Robinwood. Robaron más de $ 65,000.00 de equipo. Pero recordé, recordé a los propietarios diciendo que comenzaron sin nada y construyeron el negocio.

Vi los hogares de ancianos, los Robinwood. Tenían autos en abundancia. El único día del año, donde los padres y hermanos y hermanas son revividos nuevamente. La única vez que son personas y seres queridos de nuevo. La única vez que son visitados.
Ella me contó la historia. Tu madre no quiere ir conmigo, él insistió en llamarla para preguntar. ¿Irás conmigo hija? Al centro, disfrázate y come el día de acción de gracias, mi amigo y yo. Ella dijo que sí y lloró. Ese es el último Día de Acción de Gracias que recuerda. Este es el primer año sin él, dijo. Este también es mi primer segundo año sin él, pero se siente como el primero por la muerte inacabada y el negocio del cementerio.

Esta es nuestra nueva tradición. La nueva tradición es que una vez que la anterior ya no pueda defenderse, colóquela en un hogar, colóquela y olvídese. Si no pueden llegar a la iglesia, entonces qué.

No hay servicios de protección de la Iglesia. Los ancianos son maltratados en sus propios hogares, si obtienen ese lujo, y las iglesias no hacen nada; pero conduzca por la casa cada vez que necesiten ir a la iglesia, dijo.

Los ancianos mueren por abuso en el centro. Abuso y negligencia. Edificio lleno de chinches, orina y comida pobre.

El escándalo, la gente buena llama mala. El escándalo, los pilares de la iglesia olvidados.

La nueva era es maldecir a tus padres y ancianos. Eso es lo nuevo. Si tienes esa oportunidad, entonces eres bendecido. Si no pueden conducir, deben ser olvidados.

Dios es bueno. Mi oración es poder hacer algo. Dios es bueno.

The Temple is empty, but it has iron clad doors, and new floors and new ac, but the $50,000.00 piano sits idle on the side.   The multi-purpose room, over $300,000 but, it does not look like a church, no worship.  It has the cameras.  It has the TV’s, but nobody is there to worship.  The chief complain, “I am going to say something ……….. if you come late to church”.  But, no glory and prayer at 7:30 AM.  A pastor that never dresses up, looks ragged every Sunday.  Put on a shirt and tie every once in a while.  I remember he talked bad about me, he hated me, but now, in my cripple capacity, walk better than him.  He had a stroke/heart attack here in the church, they said.

She said, I do not know, I guess it is all about missions.  Maybe that is why they cannot come.  It I is a new day.  I know he likes to go on missions.  Hum?  Small town pastor to become big time glory.

The photos on missions, hum, make me think.  They are of lavish hotel rooms and living quarter abroad.  I did not see the huts and shacks and sleeping on hay.  That is the new form of missions for a week or two.  Paid vacations?  Why?  When you come home you cannot talk to your mother.  Why?  The temple is empty.

All she wanted was a cup of soup.  So I went to the Family Restaurant, and paid to have a cup of soup delivered to her.  She said, “I do want to see the new place”,
I wonder if “your son” will go visit her.  I called him while in her home.  Then he responded, “she is not my mother, my mother is Charlene.  Stay in your lane.  Mind your business.  I thought he would respond; yeah, I really need to see her, and see her soon, thanks.  Nope.  Stay in your lane, you don’t know me.  “My son can do no wrong, “she said.

Paid pastors, paid and hired due to like beliefs.  Tell us what we want to here.  Hum.  He wasn’t paid. God bless and the people brought offerings.

I hope yall got to visit your loved ones this holiday season.  God Bless.

El Templo está vacío, pero tiene puertas revestidas de hierro, pisos nuevos y aire acondicionado nuevo, pero el piano de $ 50,000.00 se encuentra inactivo al costado. La sala de usos múltiples, más de $ 300,000 pero, no parece una iglesia, no hay adoración. Tiene las cámaras. Tiene la televisión, pero no hay nadie para adorar. El jefe se queja: "Voy a decir algo ... si llegas tarde a la iglesia". Pero, no hay gloria y oración a las 7:30 a.m. Un pastor que nunca se viste, se ve harapiento todos los domingos. Póngase una camisa y corbata de vez en cuando. Recuerdo que habló mal de mí, me odiaba, pero ahora, en mi capacidad de lisiado, camina mejor que él. Tuvieron un derrame cerebral / ataque cardíaco aquí en la iglesia, dijeron.

Ella dijo: No sé, supongo que se trata de misiones. Quizás es por eso que no pueden venir. Es un nuevo día. Sé que le gusta ir a misiones. ¿Tararear? Pastor de un pueblo pequeño para convertirse en un gran momento de gloria.

Las fotos en misiones, hum, me hacen pensar. Son de lujosas habitaciones de hotel y viviendas en el extranjero. No vi las chozas y chozas y dormir en el heno. Esa es la nueva forma de misiones durante una semana o dos. ¿Vacaciones pagadas? ¿Por qué? Cuando vuelves a casa no puedes hablar con tu madre. ¿Por qué? El templo esta vacio.

Todo lo que quería era una taza de sopa. Así que fui al restaurante familiar y pagué para que le entregaran una taza de sopa. Ella dijo: "Quiero ver el nuevo lugar",
Me pregunto si "tu hijo" irá a visitarla. Lo llamé mientras estaba en su casa. Luego respondió: “ella no es mi madre, mi madre es Charlene. Mantente en tu carril. Ocupate de tus asuntos. Pensé que él respondería; Sí, realmente necesito verla y verla pronto, gracias. No Quédate en tu carril, no me conoces. "Mi hijo no puede hacer nada malo", dijo.

Pastores pagados, pagados y contratados debido a creencias similares. Cuéntanos qué queremos hacer aquí. Tararear. No le pagaron. Dios bendiga y la gente trajo ofrendas.

Espero que puedan visitar a sus seres queridos en estas fiestas. Dios bendiga.

Disrespect fuels our society.  My daughter was, WHERE DO YOU GET THAT FROM?  Respect your elders and older brother.  She, my daughter, had no clue.  So too do the CHURCH TITANS.  No clue.  We were taught to respect our elders, that included elder family members, brothers and sisters.  I recanted to my daughter my experiences.  The heartache of making fun of an old man, cripple, blind, and maimed, and mean as heck.  And, never being able to undo that, because, the next time I saw him was in a casket.  The stories from cousins home were forced to smoke weed and drink by their own grandma.  Visiting the mean grandpa in Connecticut.  Hiding under the bed when Grandma had to care for us, while the drug fest was in our home.  Hephzibah, Universal, Robinwood, etc.  The new tradition.  Stay in your lane,  Say nothing, Mind your business.  She is not my mother.