Thursday, December 26, 2019

A letter to EWHS "Center for Performing Cinematography: WWF Preperatory"

This is an excerpt from one of multiple letter recent to the school system here in NC.  

Re:  Formal Response [below, what you wrote is in black, my response is in red]

Mr. Olavarria:

Thank you for your email.  I am sorry to hear that your daughter was injured during an altercation.  At any time that your daughter feels that she is not safe or is being pressured to do anything that is violation of law or school rules, then she should notify an adult or administrator immediately.  When students engage in physical altercations, the consequences often range from five days of out of school suspension up to a recommendation for a long-term suspension to students being charged in the court of law.  All consequences issues are in accordance with WCPSS Board policy.

I will debate and disagree with this issue.  My daughter recants anything from 4 to 8 fights per day, and, many incidents of the violations of school policy without repercussions, by other students.  And, “repeat” offenders are so prevalent.  I send my teen to school to learn, not to have a diploma to certify she is a witness to ongoing criminal acts.  A big concern is when she stated you were in the hallway, the teens were on line up, the 12s and 13s, all the cellular phones were out, the fight was about to begin, then you came down the hall yelling “get to class” [two gangs, according to her, were ready to fight in the hallway, and, typically, they line up before they brawl; 12 and 13 are the names of the two rival gangs].  I would hope that perhaps she would be a witness or know of only one fight per month, not, it being a question of just “how many fights will occur in a given day, not if they will occur”.  When the administration creates or created and environment wherein students do not feel comfortable going to them to report incidents, then that is a problem.  To wit, XXXXXXXXXX  is a male student in one of her classes.  He routinely sexually abuses female student.  He wears gothic clothes, black, with chains.  Two female twins are targeted for sexual harassment.  He claims one to be his girlfriend, and describes in lewd details, graphically, the sexual acts, during class time mind you, that he wants to do with them.  And, he “felt up and kissed” a Mexican girl, whom knows no English, violated her, and the girl went to administration, and to her teacher, and one teacher in particular responded in the manner of saying “suck it up buttercup”;  Not literal here.  My daughter wears hoodies most of the time because random “boys” will try to feel up on her, and that was learned and experienced beginning in middle school.  Hence, if you allow or caused to be allowed an environment where females do not feel safe, and, no confidence in telling administration, then, that is something the school and WCPSS is directly responsible for [and let me not recant what happened at ZMS].  When the Dakota’s run the school, and, girls are violated, that is a problem (this is third party hearsay at this point, but, based on all the videos I have seen, and students I spoke with, it is evidence of a school/system failing students). 

How it is that things were so bad that you went on the PA system to threaten students with cancelling the formal dance, the pep rally, and spirit week?  This family spent over $200.00 on the dance, and, instead of maintaining control and order in the school, you used the PA system to issue threats.  Why did you not call central office to ask for help?  I think more professional means should have been used.  Partner with law enforcement if you cannot control the school environment, and partner with parents and students, sir. 

Vaping in all schools in a major concern and challenge.  When I observe students vaping, inappropriate consequence is issued, and the parent is contacted. When teachers notify administration that a student is vaping, the behavior is addressed immediately.  I will follow up with the staff to make sure that they are aware of my expectations and the policy enforcement for vaping.

In my mind, no minor should even have vaping stuff at school.  And, “they all do it ……. In class ……. “ is what is being said.  Again, I do not just take the word of one student.  Hell, one teacher once told me it is so bad in school, we get cursed out so much, that we just go with it.  Really, is that the type of school/work environment you have? 

The school has an established process for teacher submitting attendance daily.  All teachers are asked to submit attendance the first 15 minutes of class when possible.  If a teacher has not submitted attendance, then the school data manager contacts the teachers.  An administrator follows up with the teacher if the attendance is not completed in a timely manner daily.  You have shared that students are cutting class by sitting in an unassigned classroom, can you share the specifics of the class/teacher that this took place so that I can adequately addressed this issue with the teacher.  We visit classroom daily.  If students are not in an appropriate area, the students is addressed and an appropriate consequence is issued if warranted.

I made a suggestion.  Again, I do not feel comfortable putting me or my family in jeopardy, when you have the capability to investigate and find this out on your own.  Do random and surprised attendance verifications?  You have the means in your disposal to remedy and address and verify.   All I know is it was verified by just talking to student(s), on  my end before I even sent out a letter.  Imagine, you have access to a whole school of students; can you not just do random inquiry and survey?  You work right there.  My child and family have been traumatized enough by WCPSS.  Talk to the kids and teachers sir.  Really.

The day that the school loss power during the tornado.  The issue was not that we did not know where the students were located.  We had to implement at paper system of location the students and then a person had to physically go to the classroom because without power, we could not notify the teacher of what student was needed for check out. 

I disagree here.  Again, I take and took the time to verify certain things before I sent formal letter(s).  Let us not forget parents were not informed of the dire weather circumstances at school on that day in a timely manner to add.

PowerSchool records attendance for each period.  So, if she misses a period then the teacher will count her absent for each period.  The system records/shows that four periods are missed.  If the teacher has entered the assignment for you to see the assignment in PowerSchool, that means that your daughter has not submitted the assignment.  If the teacher is not updating the gradebook in a timely manner, please let me know.  I randomly check different teachers’ gradebooks to make sure that they are updating their grades in a timely manner, if not I address this behavior.

Good for you.  My inquiry here is this.   How many suspension hearings do you have per day/per week?  And, how does that compare to other school(s)/district(s)?  In other words, do you even have enough time to do your job if you spend it “meeting” all day on suspensions. Numbers are not revealing confidential school information.  [PLEASE ANSWER THIS FORMAL INQUIRY].

Each lunch is 25 minutes long.  On average we have three different lines for the students to get lunch through.  Our lunch period has not been shortened for over three years.  All students are able to get through the line with over 10 to 15 minutes to spare daily.  All students are allowed to eat and if a student has an issue that prevents them from having enough time, then if the student lets the administrator know then the administrator writes the student a note to class.

All students are able to get through the line with over 10 to 15 minutes to spare daily [WRONG HERE SIR, DENIED]. I Just called Cary High School, and was informed their lunch period is from 45 to 50 minutes.   Millbrook High School has a 35 minutes lunch period.  Hence, I would think 40 minutes should be the norm.  That was just from calling two schools today.  Your written material, letter, shows you are denying children the right to eat, sir.  There is a disparity here sir.  [THIS IS AN IMPOVERISHED SCHOOL DISTRICT/SCHOOL.  INSTEAD OF OFFERING 50 MINUTES, YOU FALL BELOW THE MINIMUM STANDARD ASCERTAINED OF 35.]

On Friday, I did address the student body over the intercom about not meeting my expectations. No, we did not have multiple fights.  However, I wanted the students to understand my expectations.  I shared with the students that my expectations are to get to class on time and behave appropriately in and out of class.  You I told the students that as a school, they do not meet my expectations then I would cancel the pep rally scheduled for Wednesday.  If you feel that reinforcing my expectations as a principal is unprofessional, I am sorry.

Again, as discussed before, this family spent a lot of money on the dance.  Sir, your actions, based on the way it was recanted, seems to disregard the economic state of parents and families, and, seems unprofessional at best (if true).  You need to ask for help sir.   

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns. I will continue to monitor your concerns and will address them appropriately when seen.  I hope that you have a great day.

When you have a student like Dakota, in school making threats against the school and engaging in sexual assaults openly, then something is wrong sir.    This is adult parent and administration discussion, do not talk to my daughter about any of these matters.  It is hard enough for her just to attend school.  I DO NOT EVEN ALLOW THIS ACTIVITY IN MY HOME OR NEIGHBORHOOD, BUT SHE IN IN JEPARDY EVERYTIME SHE GOES TO SCHOOL.  SHE HAS TO SURVIVE IN THAT SCHOOL ENVIROMENT.  AND, SURVIVAL MAY CAUSE NOT MAKING THE BEST DECISION ALWAYS, BUT SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO FACE THAT ENVIRONMENT ANYWAY.

This is my formal response.  Thanks. 

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