Saturday, December 7, 2019

Minority Kids Just Cannot Learn Anyway, they lack the brain power

Separate But Equal is Equal. 
Brown v. Board of Education, a 1960s landmark case. 
The face of racism has changed, but the elements and theories remain. 

Charter School.  Here in NC, the charter school is the separate school.  It is the school of the elite; it tends to be the school of whites, as my daughter called it.  She said, “those are the East Wake Academy Girls.”  She went on to describe what “white chicks say, do, and dress, etc.”  However, she lacks at times, the ability to thrive and exceed in all types of environments.  So, what does that mean. 

The pulling of funding from Public school.  They make the schools fail, especially in the impoverished districts.  Then of course, a failing school is targeted to become a charter school.  Then once chartered, they population of students change, hum, poor minorities leave and then come the whites. 

But that is not the focus here.  Another focus is needed.  Special Education.  Special Education, for me, when I grew up was a reality.  It ensured I received an education.  What happened?  Why? 

Being disabled meant I had a different childhood.  Lots of therapy.  Lots of surgery.  Lots of medical appointments; and, physically, I just could not do what other kids did.  I could not get to the next class in less than five minutes.  We needed a head start. 

Sixth grade, I remember that argument well.  The English teacher was destined to fail me.  “He cannot write,” she said.  I missed most of her classes due to surgery.  The end result was “I could not write.”  I did not know what an ADJ, ADV, and all those other wonderful components of English was.  She lost, but in the end I lost.  I was pushed one grade forward, missing a foundation; not knowing how to write.  Who the hell needs a semicolon anyway. 

During surgeries and hospitalization, Special Education was legally bound to send a teacher to the hospital to help me keep up to date, to learn.  Hum.  I learned alright.  Each lesson was endless scrabble games, and, my teacher was angry and yelled at me, as he invented words that did not exists, and I challenged him.  Foe, doe, la, de, etc.  Then, after scrabble, time on the computer to play word games.  No math, no writing, no other subjects. 

High school, my best friend, Norman Siddiqi, he had supports.  He had an educated family that cared.  What happened was they made sure he was not passed along. They made sure he got help and tutoring.  Hence, I made it to geometry, but he went on ahead to calculus.  He became “smarter” due to supports and a fighting family that made sure he gone services. 

College is where I paid the piper.  I took so many remedial courses.  I could not pass pre-cal and calculus in college.  I was doomed.  The lack of foundation I was now paying for.  It cost me over $50000.00, by my count. 

My daughter describes the zoo she attends.  It is not school.  It is separate but unequal.  It was at a height in Middle school.  It continues.  I am adding excerpts from a letter to her school, at the end of this post. 
I do not understand how my daughter took a Spanish class, entered not knowing Spanish, and left not knowing Spanish.  Wow.  New age learning here. 

The end result is this.  I am a advocate because It cost me to be in special education and not get the free and appropriate education I needed, while my best friend did. 

From the letter I wrote:

Facts Alledged:

1.       Multitude school fights, to include over 4 in one day;
2.       Open vaping on campus to include constant offers to vape made to my daughter.
3.       Students in classrooms unassigned.
4.       During the last tornado, teachers could not find students [their students] although they were on campus, because, they were in unassigned classrooms.
5.       Failure to exercise control in classrooms that resulted in open videos on the net of student sleeping on desks.
6.       Record attendance keeping not proper. 
7.       Shorted lunches resulted in children not being able to eat lunch while on campus, and for some that is the only meals of the day.


I am writing to express concerns about the school environment.   The intent is to send my daughter to school and not to a zoo or prison environment.   And, for her to have the proper learning environment. 

                My daughter was accidentally punched in the head within the past two weeks from a fight, although she was not a target or a party to such, just by trying to get to class.  And, reportedly, on the same day, more than four fights occurred.  While the administration cannot stop all fights or be present for such, the perpetrator in one of these fight, where my daughter sustained injury, was a repeat offender and a student whom “she fights with everyone all the time …… for no reason … she is just a bully.”  Hence, this begs the question of whether school policy is being enforced against fighting.

                My daughter says “they vape in class all the time …….. and they keep offering me”.  Hence, if true, then, why are not teachers reporting such.  I am terrified that my daughter would be targeted because of her denial to participate in such an illegal act.  And, I know other student, whom attend that school, whom say, “yeah, everyone does it”  [everyday]. 

                Another fact that I made inquiry of was “are there students in your classes whom are not supposed to be there”; and, the answer to my third party inquiry (not just accepting my daughter’s word) is yes, they are always in other “people’s classes, that is how they cut”.  Whom, new age era here, just cut class in another teacher’s room.  Wow.  Not just hide in the bathroom or skip from school here, just go into another classroom.  Verified by second party.  Did you all every try a “SURPRISE CLASSROOM ATTENDANCE CHECK”?

                The fear also is about emergencies.  Again, it was verified that during the tornado teachers could not find their students, BECAUSE, they were in other classrooms.  Hum.  Does that even make sense?  Is that part of the emergency lock down procedure?  Just loose your kids. 

                The best one is my daughter getting videos, not on Snap Chat or Instagram, but on other social media of kids talking and making videos of themselves on desk during instruction time.  Hum.  I guess they are moving off of youtube to other social media. 

                This one is a funny one.  My daughter was out for one day on 10/3/2019.  So, I go on powershool and it shows she was out for three days.  Oops, nope, she has more than three classes, and each class is counted as an absence, but, but, but, the official record did not reflect the reality.  So, the ability to cut is supported by teachers failing to record attendance, and, as evidence tonight, I was not powerschool  and found MANY missing grades.   Can’t keep kids in check if the records are wrong or not up to date.

                Finally, my daughter reports she cannot eat at school and is coming home HUNGRY.  Dad, “you do not understand ……. They keep shortening the lunch period  …….. and, they do not even know it takes more than 20 minutes just to get lunch because they lunch lines are so big.”  So, is the school depriving kids of the only meals they may have in a day? 

This letter was never responded to by East Wake High School. 

This is not separate but equal. It is the new face of racism.  The kids need to have their own mindset to learn, because, they will not be able to at times in school. 

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