Thursday, April 16, 2020

Rona Censorship

First Time I Experienced Censorship

What does that mean?  On a certain network, like MySpace, it happened.
I posted a link to a Youtube video, and, the link was censored.  A big error sign showed up one time. 
A second time, and/or third, it said the content was private to an individual user, but I know the video in question was public. 

So, let us say, three countries get together,  the countries are 1. Canada Dry, United Klingdon, United Grapes of America, and CCP Chi-Nuh-Rona.  And, supposed these three countries were doing research, genetic research, on virus’.  Suppose, the United Grapes and Klingdon decided to give a sample of a horrendous virus, to study of course, Chi-Nuh-Rona.  However, they knew, and were warned, the virus needed to be destroyed, because it was too deadly.  They knew Chi-Nuh-Rona had bad labs in a highly dense and populated urban area.  And, the virus was “accidentally” release, or, carelessly release; for all the world to suffer. 

Such is the true story told in a youtube video.  The first time in over 10 years I experienced a social network censoring.  The link to the video is herein contained, and cannot be posted on a certain social network.  You owe it to yourself to check it out.  Informative reporting here.  God Bless.

go to you tube
search epoch
search next word is new
search third word is the
search fourth word is origins
search fifth word is of
search sixth word is the
search seventh word is Wuhan
search last words corona virus
Censorship in the US

The link below has been censored more than 10 times

Pandemic Link to Origins of the Corona

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