Saturday, April 25, 2020

Special Needs :Leadership

Why President L. B J. Nixon Trump?

LBJ was known for involving us in the Unpopular War.  That war was Vietnam where thousand of US soldiers died.  It was the unpopular war that could have been avoided.   So too is the current War, the Pandemic.  Here in the US we could have mitigated more deaths, if all the parties involved, too the war more seriously. 
Why Nixon?  Nixon, the Liar and the Criminal President.  He was one whom did “anything he needed to do” to win or stay in office, and, he lost that. 
I had a hard time last night while on my bed.  I could not forward or share the pic, like Lysol IV, Clorox bathes. Etc.  I knew they were coming.  I saw the press brief.  But, my reaction was pity.  Pity in that we have LBJ Nixon and that showed himself as special needs.  He really believed what he was saying to be true and possible. 
I dedicate myself each day to see two press briefing.  One from New York, and one from Our Beloved.  My hopes is that one day our beloved will from now on use a press person to deliver his messages.  I hate the fact that our beloved feels the need to guide every press conference, and, now, lately, use them as political commercials. 
I felt so bad when the pics came out, knowing they were coming.  Some people will take him literally.  They will try to inject themselves with Clorox and Lysol, that is the sad fact. 
I was talking to my daughter, and told her, I saw the political cartoons, and started to laugh, but was overwhelmed by pity.  He really is special needs, and, most of those around him present as such. 
Just look at Dr. Fallacy.  He was asked a couple of days ago if the virus was transmitted to animals through human, knowing confined animals got it in zoo’s, his response was he was with the academics and they were writing scholarly work to prove that is not possible.  Wow, special needs. 

That leads to the recent conversation with my daughter.  I told her I am a certified educated idiot.  As soon as I got my degree, I answered such.  And the rational is a lot of people have degrees, and they are just about as stupid as certain mammals that eat bananas.

I am sorry and am finding it time to pray like never before for President LBJ N T.  And for his counsel and all those other people that lead our country.  This marks the time in the bible, the Holy Bible, where everybody did what they think is right in their eyes.

In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. (Judges 21:25)
This seems like the Lot of the US.  A place ripe to be conquered and without leadership, on all levels. 

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