Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Wake County Government Report


Outcomes of the Investigative Report


            On August 9th of 2021, Orlando J. McClain was terminated from Wake County Government Employment in North Carolina. The place of employment and termination was the South Wilmington Center for Men. The “incident” cited for his termination was when he was executing COVID protocol against a guest at the shelter for men.  COVID is a life threatening disease and can result in death.  The federal government has implemented OSHA and US Department of Labor protection for employee exposed on a regular basis while serving the public in a government capacity on the county level in North Carolina. 


            Attached is evidence with regards to an investigation into the COVID termination of Orlando J. McClain.  The purpose of the submission of the attached reports and documentation is to request a formal investigation into his termination and other alleged acts under the Auspices of Wake County Government and is boards and commissioners.  The determination sought is if criminal charges are warranted against the employees, commissioners, and board member for allowing criminal acts (criminal negligence) to transpire in the past and continue to transpire through their failure to act and/or acts.         




            In order to minimize redundancy, I am providing a link to the upload video report that was placed on Youtube.  The video, the purpose thereof, it to bridge the gap where just a written report may fail to communicate of articulate reporting dynamics.  Additionally, an electronic copy of this report is being placed on a Google Drive that will facilitate your accessing it.  Here are the respective links:  An Analysis and Rebuttal - The Report ( , , .


Recent Updates


            On this past week, there was an incident with a guest regarding parking in the front of the building, long term parking, that is not reflected in the form of any incident reports, although, there was a lot of arguing and threatening and disruption at the Shelter. 


            What has been happening is “now” suddenly they are deciding to act to “cover up” their targeting of Theresa and Orlando.  It seems like they believe “a day late” and a “dollar short” is okay.  But, failure to report and document all incidents, by upper management like supervisors, is a failing to execute your duties under county and shelter policy, etc.


Overall Commentary


            The lack of open and competitive employment is seen with the recent appointment of a new deputy director for the housing department.  I still do not see where you all are hiring the disabled.  Let me remind you all of this, black listing is a criminal offense found in Chapter 14 of the General Statutes. 


            The scary part of all this is the new branch of the investigative process that will begin shortly.  Upon information and belief, Candice Brown is using “beds” to threaten guest(s); the “you better not say anything” or you will lose your bed.  This is really scary when you factor in the law enforcement officer report.  That report includes a reference to the fact that the way the “ladies” talk and interact with Guest(s) is inappropriate.   What is even scarier is the lack of reporting.  Julie was just threatened by a guest, is it found anywhere (nope) [This is the same Julie that is White whom went around telling workers not to complete affidavits, along with Frank and Candice, upon information and belief].  Hence, this reflects the fact that perhaps it comes from the top that Lorena possibly issued a directive to make sure the guest stop going to the commissioners offices to complaint, or, even more scary is that trying to continue to create an environment wherein “what happens in the shelter” stays at the shelter, “OR ELSE”.  I am not sure why you have some many Black female[1] intake workers at a Male Shelter.  It is known that Black females tend to treat Black males with disrespect and disdain.  All the while homeless females are sleeping out in the cold at the old Amtrak Station, and is the City of Raleigh and Wake County Housing Department really making efforts to help them?  Did the county commissioner allow the flourishing of an abusive relationship between the men of the shelter and the upper management female staff?  Or, is it possible, as alleged in the part, that Male upper management staff hire female staff to get “sexual favors”?  You really need to investigate. 




Reinaldo Olavarria  

CC:         Office of Wake County District Attorney; US Department of Labor; US Department of Health and Human Services, US Attorney Genera; North Carolina Attorney General;              North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services; North Carolina Department of Labor; OSHA; Wake County Government/Commissioner/Board Members/Employees; Wake County District Attorney

Links to Evidence may be Found on An Analysis and Rebuttal (

Friday, September 24, 2021

From Babylon to Timbuktu Universal Spotlight on Literature


The Black Dr.

The Black Theologian.

The Black Man of Wisdom.


From Babylon to Timbuktu was one of the books recommended by the Great Bishop Landon E. Penn, D.D..

The book is about another historical perspective. 

Your eyes see things, but, others may tell you a different story. 

I have no problem with Canadians looking white, or, of Indian heritage.

Like I have no problem with an Italian being white.  Or, an African being Black.

So, when you look at Israel, and you see the region is mostly comprised of people of color, then, how did the stretch come to proclaim Jesus was white not black.  This book is an examination of presumptions, and challenges beliefs.

The pyramids of Egypt with their noses missing.  These are just some of the alterations of history that need to be examined.  This book does such.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

From Colonia to Community Virginia Sanchez Korrol


From Colonia to Community Virginia Sanchez Korrol


I am not going to say this is a book that I remember as loving.

However, I will say this, this is a book that if you are writing a Sociology Thesis or Paper on Hispanic Culture that you may want to quote from. 

And, a shout out is this, Virginia Sanchez Korrol is a scholar.  She is the “Puerto Rican” go to person.

Remember this or rather know this, in the big cities, is it authors like this that made the effort to retrace our heritage.

The book has stats, it has charts, it has the things you need to provide a good idea of life way back when in the Hispanic Community. 

My take away is that is shows how far we have changed.  The Puerto Rican culture has been assimilated or rather, we have become white.

Now, you need an appointment, at least two weeks in advance, to visit family.  No more of the drop in anytime, we will help no matter what.  Nope.  No more a pot of rice always on the stove for visitors, Nope. 

The extended family does not exist nowadays.  Rather, the home is just for me and my kids, stay away you boarders. 

Hope this helps in terms of advancing your knowledge base. for books people

Monday, September 6, 2021

Lorena McDowell Fails Us

 The What If’s.  What if you fail to do your duty, while chasing the spotlight.  Failed to protect government employees, Lorena McDowell.  Failed to protect our community against predators.  Failed to care but chase after the spotlight.  No open and competitive hiring, but rather BDE, we will hire only blacks. 

What does this mean?  Lorena in her capacity of Housing Director in Wake County failed to even have concrete oversight of the centers and programs she runs.  You cannot be so focused on being on the radio, in the televisions spotlight, on Twitter, on Instagram, and fail to administer and preside over the government programs you are in charge of.  What does that lead to and result in?  The result is employees, government employees, at a heightened risk for personal harm and injury at places like the South Wilmington Center for Men.  What that means is just Warehousing of the homeless without concrete services.  “Low Barrier” has been transformed to a government safe haven to OD, sell drugs, and engage in illegal activities on or around government property. 

Gentrification of Raleigh has resulted in the push to get the eyesores, the homeless, out of “our streets”.  The result is to just warehouse them at SWSC and other sites.  With COVID, a government employee was wrongfully terminated for enforcing COVID policy, and, all under the auspices and control of Lorena. 

Countless numbers of sexual predators live within feet of a family center with children. SWSC and Oak City. 

It should not be a practice to allow homeless high individuals to threaten other homeless guests and employees with the blessings of Lorena and other staff.  The administration and policies need to be scrutinized.  That is the bottom line.  A call for an investigation beginning at the South Wilmington Center for Men.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Pedro Albizus Campos

 Some of the most memorial things I remember from my college years was this book.

Operation Bootstrap, and, the torture of Pedro Albizus Campos

This is contained in the Book by Arturo Morales Carrion

The title of the book is Puerto Rico:  A Political and Cultural History

I really recommend this book

It is not an easy read, it is a hard read.  

But, it is the early years of Puerto Rico in a nutshell.  

Hope you will take the time to find and read the book.  

Especially the part of torture and radiation therapy, etc.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Wake County Does Not Want Open and Competitive Hiring


The icing on the cake, is the lawyers, called the county attorneys.   They ultimately are responsible for the lack of diversity in Wake County Government.   Black Dang Egypt.  That is the term I use to describe some of the departments run at Wake County Government.  The death of Multiculturalism.  The death of diversity.  God forbid if you are disabled and want a job at places like Wake County Human Services and the South Wilmington Center for Men.  

The what if’s.  What if Trump was wrong with his racist dialogue?  Then, What if the same is present, but, articulated by minorities in Wake County Government?  You cannot combat racism with prejudice.  And, can the attorneys be the very ones that support false allegations and fail to refer actions for criminal prosecution. 

It is found on their website:

The County Attorney's Office advises Wake County officials and departments on legal matters and represents the County in court and legal negotiations. The office provides legal advice and answers questions relating to statutes, rules, regulations or court interpretations. The office also drafts legal documents, researches legal precedents, advises officials on legal implications of actions, and studies County policies, procedures and actions to ensure compliance with the law.


Can employees be targeted and fired under false pretenses and written up under false pretenses?  Can a shelter willingly decide not to serve the Hispanic population and focus rather on Blacks?  Over 20 years and not a disabled employee hired at the South Wilmington Center for Men?  Where are the Wheelchairs at Wake County Human Services?

What are their names?  Scott Warren, Lorena McDowell, Angela Crawford, Frank Lawrence, Candice Brown, and the names go on.  What is the request?  The request is be treated fairly and treat Wake County Residents fairly.  Not tit for tat.  Just be fair, open, and competitive. 

Universal Spotlight on Puerto Rican Literature


BA in Sociology


College life was the opening of a new world.

The exposure to new things. 

The realization of a greater community, the world is out there, not just your hometown.


Business Administration was my intended major.

The focus, computer programming.

The first Apple Computer, I worked on those installing adaptive technology.

The VIC 20, I had at home, the Commodore.  I wanted the Commodore 64.

The labs I made in my home that opened the computer center for the community. 


I did not know anything about Puerto Rican Studies.  But, the rich heritage I learned changed me and my perspective.

I enjoyed some books, and, this book was one of them. 

The Way It Was and Other Writings, I was assigned to read for my studies, but, it was pleasurable reading. 


I just wanted to share some of the book with Yall.