Thursday, August 10, 2023

Unequally yoked

I had the honor of participating in an online bible study. 

The pastor was a female, and here are my reflections.

Let's face it, most churches are composed of predominately women.  

Women tend to seek God when they get into trouble.  

But, let me say this, that composition does not justify the whole "unequally yoked" concept churches have.

What does that mean?  Unequally yoked refers often to unbelievers, non-church goers, getting into a relationship with a church goer, and the frown and disdain towards that believer for doing such.

But, here is the thing, if you look back to the letters of Paul, you see a lot about if you Burn in Passion, and, you must marry, then do so, while it was preferred to be like him, asexual.  

A dear sister in the Lord turned to lesbianism.  The letters and scriptures are clear that is sin and of the worse kind.

Did that sister turn that way due to the religious elite condemning going outside the church to get a mate?

Paul was clear the married believer would sanctify the unmarried.

The only question or really steadfast thing is to make sure the mate you seek is not an adulterer.  That is my opinion and interpretation of the bible. 

The preacher is struggling with this issue it seems to me.  So are the churches composed of many women.

Go marry rather than burn in Hell.  Just make sure that person is not a fornicator or adulterer.  In other words, if they have been married and with kids too, just make sure they were not the cheater in the relationship or have "side people" and want "open relationships", etc.. I would rather marry someone whom was cheated upon, then sin and marry a habitual cheater.  I would rather marry someone whom was abandoned, than someone whom is contentious and just walked out of a relationship with their children.  

Just pray and think and we need not revile each other for marrying outside of church.  Lastly, equally yoked relationships are some of the best and longest lasting ones from what I observed.  Yes, go shopping at churches, and, visit other churches to find your mate.

 Tuve el honor de participar en un estudio bíblico en línea.

El pastor era una mujer, y aquí están mis reflexiones.

Seamos realistas, la mayoría de las iglesias están compuestas predominantemente por mujeres.

Las mujeres tienden a buscar a Dios cuando se meten en problemas.

Pero, permítanme decir esto, que la composición no justifica todo el concepto que tienen las iglesias de "yugo desigual".

¿Qué significa eso? Yugo desigual se refiere a menudo a los incrédulos, a los que no asisten a la iglesia, a entablar una relación con un asistente a la iglesia, y al ceño fruncido y el desdén hacia ese creyente por hacer tal cosa.

Pero, aquí está la cosa, si miras hacia atrás a las cartas de Paul, ves mucho acerca de si te quemas en la pasión, y, debes casarte, entonces hazlo, mientras que se prefería ser como él, asexual.

Una querida hermana en el Señor se volvió lesbianista. Las cartas y las escrituras son claras en que es pecado y de la peor especie.

¿Esa hermana se volvió así debido a que la élite religiosa condenaba salir de la iglesia para conseguir pareja?

Pablo fue claro en que el creyente casado santificaría al soltero.

La única pregunta o cosa realmente firme es asegurarse de que la pareja que busca no sea adúltera. Esa es mi opinión e interpretación de la biblia.

Me parece que el predicador está luchando con este problema. Así son las iglesias compuestas de muchas mujeres.

Ve a casarte en lugar de quemarte en el infierno. Solo asegúrese de que esa persona no sea un fornicador o adúltero. En otras palabras, si han estado casados ​​y también tienen hijos, solo asegúrese de que no hayan sido los infieles en la relación o que no tengan "personas secundarias" y quieran "relaciones abiertas", etc. Prefiero casarme con alguien a quien hayan engañado. , luego pecar y casarse con un tramposo habitual. Preferiría casarme con alguien que fue abandonado, que con alguien que es conflictivo y acaba de salir de una relación con sus hijos.

Solo oren y piensen y no necesitamos insultarnos por casarnos fuera de la iglesia. Por último, las relaciones igualmente unidas son algunas de las mejores y más duraderas de lo que observé. Sí, vaya de compras a las iglesias y visite otras iglesias para encontrar a su pareja.


you will probably avoid divorce court if you marry within the church and avoid family dysfunction.

Su Talento

What is Your Ministry ….. What is your Service?

When I was in New York, that was clear. That was JFA Social Services. That was the computer lab, that was helping others in every capacity I could.

In North Carolina, that was short changed. Marriage, births, family.

It started with Singles for Christ through Elevation and Cross Roads, and the book is still being written post divorce.

But, here, the divorce led to prophecy. It was continuing in part the New York work.

The expression of God in that the church, members, did not want anything to do with a disabled person, as in singles for Christ. But it was fun each Friday nigh out with Christian, but, none could overcome disability. I ended up like Hosea, God blessed.

However, others my interpret my actions as sin. Marriage to an adulterer, fornicator, my sin is expressed, but that was not the intent but a response to the reality then, the church rejects the disabled.

My sin has consequences. Now I face the fear, a parent’s worse fear, of burying one or more of my children.

I warned her, do not make fun of me or my disability. She did not and ended up with a disabled child.

Drug use does affect births, that is clear for me and everyone.

She ran off with another, then, in the past weeks, the word reached me, the one she ran off with died.

Then came the word, the one whom refused to help me in Wake County Housing, died early.

God will defend His own.

Bottom line is sharing and reiterating the charge to the churches, to take care of the disabled and elderly and widowed. And, calling for the end of the ethnic, racial, culture, and disabilities divides that plaque the churches.

In this United States reality, the churches tend to believe that the government will help you, “and we the church” will not; but sound off “bring the tithes and the offering.”

My inners and belief is that God is sending me with a word to the churches to shape up and do what it is charged to do, Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc..

There are awesome moments in fellowship. Eating tacos tonight was awesome. Colonial/Shepherds has an awesome disposition for the disabled. Next is Word. But it was nice being asked if I needed help at Primera.

An example, at Asemblea, they every couple of minutes asked if they could get me something, offering to bring me food and drink. Tonight, I struggled to get to my table with a tray, hum, no much help until I almost made it to the table.

Let us suppose, you are at work, in a high position, a position to hire others, but, you do not want to hire any disabled people, that would mess up productivity. Well, you get your truck, your house, and that minivan, while the disabled still squander in poverty. You have your reward and if you do not make it to heaven that is you, because someone suffered due to your remaining silent. That is how it goes in the church.

You don’t want to deal with them, and you believe an SSI check or disabilities check is what they deserve. You haven’t tried living at that unlivable rate. You have your reward, that man was not in the water when the water was troubled, you jumped in. What is the price of you jumping in?

Taking the unequally yoked to the extreme when the bible is clear if you burn in passion you should marry unlike Paul, he wrote it. As long as you do not take an adulterer or fornicator. Why lead to sin with turning to lesbianism or homosexuality when if you burn you should marry?

The church should be the example, but, they are the leaders in solidifying discrimination. Such is such. That is why God led me to go and tell and point out the behavior. So is my lot. Spreading a Universal Message. Get together and be one people, there will not be sections in Heaven. Dismantle the walls and barriers. I love that your clubs have awesome club events, but, at the end of the day, you are a club not a church if you continuing acting in certain ways.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

What Section Will You Be In in Heaven?

As we sat there, the food was great.

What is my role? What is my gift? Someone asked.

A comment was, you need to be rooted in one church, Greater Joy.

Here is the reflections as articulated in that restaurant, some good old Hibachi Chicken.

Hispanics worship one way; Mexicans worship one way, Puerto Ricans another way altogether.

The language is the same, but the songs represent different cultures. The old ways are represented in the Puerto Rican church, versus, the “new style of worship” in the Mexican churches, modern choreographs.

Black people have a distinctive style of worship. Their songs are of a different legacy.

The people in action, the white church, Wendell Baptist, are doers. They help. They get out there. Hence, tonight, I was supporting them and supping with them, and, they had tacos, good stuff too.

Hephzibah has the songs, the white songs, but I have long been departed from them. The are the Hills Song type, awesome at times. They worship moreso with Hymns, etc. of the white tradition. The preaching tends to be sounding brass and tinkling cymbal because no field work from the head, but the body is not the same.

So, what is the reflection. You cannot get everything from one church. Nobody fellowships with each other. Blacks stay blacks, Hispanics with Hispanics, whites with white.

A stark example, was in the lobby of the church, a church picture of all the members there, all white, not a Mexican in sight; but, the Hispanic church is housed in the White Church. Some Hispanic churches have services in the evening, but, can attend other services during the day time. So too, the whites in the morning, but can come back in the evening to fellowship with the Hispanics, in the same building, but, that does not happen.

The days in New York, at Universal Temple, included 7:30 AM service, 11 AM service, and 4 PM service. But during the week and on Sunday evenings, it was often going on the road to visit other black churches, all over, Get on the bus and go to that Revival in the Bronx, etc.. It was always attending other church services.

Because I love all worlds, I visit multiple racial churches.

It was hard in the parking lot of Colonial/Shepherd’s church, when she told me, “I do not feel comfortable with the whites in our services”. But, the Hispanic church there housed in the White church, did not want the mixing of races.

Tonight, I asked my son, you want to go to the white church with me, he said “no”. Why I asked? Because they look at me funny, look at the monkey “they don’t want me there”. I told him that despite others, you have to show yourself friendly. I feel out of place at most churches, because, there are just no other wheelchairs there.

We discussed when I first came to North Carolina. Elevation Baptist church had slews of church vans bringing the wheelchair and elderly and the disabled in. That was the discussion with two brothers, one from Word Tabernacle and one From Primera Asemblea.

I feel most comfortable at Word Tabernacle because, they have the most disabled people. The second place is Greater Joy. But, Word also, like Hephzibah and other churches, have slews of vans and autos that are not used to bring the disabled on Sunday Mornings or during the week.

If we all are Christians, then, there should be a universal membership and no balking at attending services at different churches, “all whom are called of God” they say. She said, tonight, but they have different beliefs. Pharisee, Sadducee, argument I heard tonight. Then, they left my table.

The scripture never changed to invite the disabled to be with you and take care of the widow, etc.. Not only are the churches divided based on race and culture and keep that boundary intentionally, but, they also elect not to have the disabled in their midst.


Where are the Crips?

Reflexiones sobre Primera

Fui a la Men's Fellowship (servicio de hombres) este mes y, también, asistí a una vigilia.
El pensamiento es esto, el hombre, lisiado, en el estanque de agua. Cuando las aguas estaban revueltas, nadie, la iglesia, lo ayudó a entrar. Es el mismo egoísmo que enfrenta hoy.

En los Estados Unidos, la creencia de la iglesia es que una vez que envejeces y te vuelves incapacitado, te apartan no es parte de la iglesia mas.
Estás institucionalizado, tienes el privilegio de estar en un asilo de ancianos. Nadie te ayudará a llegar a la iglesia. Te has ido antes de tu muerte y fallecimiento.

Entonces el hombre les prestó atención, esperando recibir algo de ellos. 6Pero Pedro dijo: “No tengo plata ni oro, pero lo que tengo te doy: en el nombre de Jesucristo de Nazaret, ¡levántate y anda!” 7Tomándolo de la mano derecha, Pedro lo ayudó a levantarse, y al instante los pies y los tobillos del hombre se fortalecieron... Hechos 3.

Hablamos esa noche. Expresó su deseo de tener más discapacitados en la iglesia, estuve de acuerdo con el predicador, el hermano. Si la iglesia no tiene a los incapaces en medio de ellos, entonces, ¿cuál es el propósito? Él dijo: “Los conductores no son fieles para recoger a la gente” ……… Entonces recuerdo que el obispo Penn conducía él mismo la camioneta de la iglesia. 

Reflections on Primera

I went to the Men’s Fellowship this month, and, also, I attended a vigillia.

The take away is this, the man, cripple, at the pool of water. When the water’s were troubled, nobody, the church, helped get him in. It is the very selfishness faced today.

In the United States, the church belief is that once you become old and incapacitated, then you are set aside.

You are institutionalized, you get the privilege of being in a nursing home. No body will help get you to the church. You are departed before your death and passing.

So the man gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. 6But Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!” 7Taking him by the right hand, Peter helped him up, and at once the man’s feet and ankles were made strong.… Acts 3.

We talked that evening. He expressed a desire to have more disabled at the church, I concurred. If the church does not have the incapcitated in their midst, then, what is the purpose. He said, “The drivers are not faithful to pick up people” ……… Then I remember Bishop Penn would drive the church van himself.

We talked that evening. He expressed a desire to have more disabled at the church, I concurred. If the church does not have the incapcitated in their midst, then, what is the purpose. He said, “The drivers are not faithful to pick up people” ……… Then I remember Bishop Penn would drive the church van himself.