Thursday, August 10, 2023

Su Talento

What is Your Ministry ….. What is your Service?

When I was in New York, that was clear. That was JFA Social Services. That was the computer lab, that was helping others in every capacity I could.

In North Carolina, that was short changed. Marriage, births, family.

It started with Singles for Christ through Elevation and Cross Roads, and the book is still being written post divorce.

But, here, the divorce led to prophecy. It was continuing in part the New York work.

The expression of God in that the church, members, did not want anything to do with a disabled person, as in singles for Christ. But it was fun each Friday nigh out with Christian, but, none could overcome disability. I ended up like Hosea, God blessed.

However, others my interpret my actions as sin. Marriage to an adulterer, fornicator, my sin is expressed, but that was not the intent but a response to the reality then, the church rejects the disabled.

My sin has consequences. Now I face the fear, a parent’s worse fear, of burying one or more of my children.

I warned her, do not make fun of me or my disability. She did not and ended up with a disabled child.

Drug use does affect births, that is clear for me and everyone.

She ran off with another, then, in the past weeks, the word reached me, the one she ran off with died.

Then came the word, the one whom refused to help me in Wake County Housing, died early.

God will defend His own.

Bottom line is sharing and reiterating the charge to the churches, to take care of the disabled and elderly and widowed. And, calling for the end of the ethnic, racial, culture, and disabilities divides that plaque the churches.

In this United States reality, the churches tend to believe that the government will help you, “and we the church” will not; but sound off “bring the tithes and the offering.”

My inners and belief is that God is sending me with a word to the churches to shape up and do what it is charged to do, Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc..

There are awesome moments in fellowship. Eating tacos tonight was awesome. Colonial/Shepherds has an awesome disposition for the disabled. Next is Word. But it was nice being asked if I needed help at Primera.

An example, at Asemblea, they every couple of minutes asked if they could get me something, offering to bring me food and drink. Tonight, I struggled to get to my table with a tray, hum, no much help until I almost made it to the table.

Let us suppose, you are at work, in a high position, a position to hire others, but, you do not want to hire any disabled people, that would mess up productivity. Well, you get your truck, your house, and that minivan, while the disabled still squander in poverty. You have your reward and if you do not make it to heaven that is you, because someone suffered due to your remaining silent. That is how it goes in the church.

You don’t want to deal with them, and you believe an SSI check or disabilities check is what they deserve. You haven’t tried living at that unlivable rate. You have your reward, that man was not in the water when the water was troubled, you jumped in. What is the price of you jumping in?

Taking the unequally yoked to the extreme when the bible is clear if you burn in passion you should marry unlike Paul, he wrote it. As long as you do not take an adulterer or fornicator. Why lead to sin with turning to lesbianism or homosexuality when if you burn you should marry?

The church should be the example, but, they are the leaders in solidifying discrimination. Such is such. That is why God led me to go and tell and point out the behavior. So is my lot. Spreading a Universal Message. Get together and be one people, there will not be sections in Heaven. Dismantle the walls and barriers. I love that your clubs have awesome club events, but, at the end of the day, you are a club not a church if you continuing acting in certain ways.


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