Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Where are the Crips?

Reflexiones sobre Primera

Fui a la Men's Fellowship (servicio de hombres) este mes y, también, asistí a una vigilia.
El pensamiento es esto, el hombre, lisiado, en el estanque de agua. Cuando las aguas estaban revueltas, nadie, la iglesia, lo ayudó a entrar. Es el mismo egoísmo que enfrenta hoy.

En los Estados Unidos, la creencia de la iglesia es que una vez que envejeces y te vuelves incapacitado, te apartan no es parte de la iglesia mas.
Estás institucionalizado, tienes el privilegio de estar en un asilo de ancianos. Nadie te ayudará a llegar a la iglesia. Te has ido antes de tu muerte y fallecimiento.

Entonces el hombre les prestó atención, esperando recibir algo de ellos. 6Pero Pedro dijo: “No tengo plata ni oro, pero lo que tengo te doy: en el nombre de Jesucristo de Nazaret, ¡levántate y anda!” 7Tomándolo de la mano derecha, Pedro lo ayudó a levantarse, y al instante los pies y los tobillos del hombre se fortalecieron... Hechos 3.

Hablamos esa noche. Expresó su deseo de tener más discapacitados en la iglesia, estuve de acuerdo con el predicador, el hermano. Si la iglesia no tiene a los incapaces en medio de ellos, entonces, ¿cuál es el propósito? Él dijo: “Los conductores no son fieles para recoger a la gente” ……… Entonces recuerdo que el obispo Penn conducía él mismo la camioneta de la iglesia. 

Reflections on Primera

I went to the Men’s Fellowship this month, and, also, I attended a vigillia.

The take away is this, the man, cripple, at the pool of water. When the water’s were troubled, nobody, the church, helped get him in. It is the very selfishness faced today.

In the United States, the church belief is that once you become old and incapacitated, then you are set aside.

You are institutionalized, you get the privilege of being in a nursing home. No body will help get you to the church. You are departed before your death and passing.

So the man gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. 6But Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!” 7Taking him by the right hand, Peter helped him up, and at once the man’s feet and ankles were made strong.… Acts 3.

We talked that evening. He expressed a desire to have more disabled at the church, I concurred. If the church does not have the incapcitated in their midst, then, what is the purpose. He said, “The drivers are not faithful to pick up people” ……… Then I remember Bishop Penn would drive the church van himself.

We talked that evening. He expressed a desire to have more disabled at the church, I concurred. If the church does not have the incapcitated in their midst, then, what is the purpose. He said, “The drivers are not faithful to pick up people” ……… Then I remember Bishop Penn would drive the church van himself.

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