Monday, November 13, 2023

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County


A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

I am black listed, I am a former employee of Wake County.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

I am a disabled person whom uses a wheelchair, and, it is clear that Wake County does not stop the discrimination against the disabled in Wake County.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

I am a Hispanic person, and, my bilingual skills are an offense to Wake County.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

Over one year ago, I visited the county commissioners, and I asked for them to end the discrimination against the disabled and Hispanics.

That did not end.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

I am harassed and fear to attend live meeting, because, the county labeled me a level four threat at all Wake County Buildings.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

I did nothing to warrant the threat to my life by having overly zealous Officers possibly accidentally kill me.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

I did expose discrimination and unfair employment practices in Wake County, as in

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

For that I have been threatened and harassed.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

The last time a person worked with a disability at the South Wilmington Center for Men was 2002, to my knowledge, through Urban Ministries.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

Just look for yourselves, how many people are employed, that have disabilities, at Wake County Human Services.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

The county adopted customary practices of hiring their friends, black and while persons.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

Never did the county embrace open and competitive hiring.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

The end result are things like hiring persons at the men’s center that end up performing, repeatedly, unethical things like having sex with residents and other acts at the South Wilmington Center for Men.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

The end result is just about no Hispanics use that center.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

The end result is at Wake County Human Services, the disabled and Hispanics are discriminated against by not having access to basic county services.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

North Carolina leads the nation in removing the disabled unjustly from the school system through suspensions.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

WCPSS not only does not hire the disabled, when students come, they are removed and treated unjustly.

A Call to End Black Listing and Discrimination in Wake County

Discrimination needs to stop especially in the Wake County Housing Department.

End the discrimination by making all material available to Hispanics and the Disabled.

End the discrimination by having open and competitive hiring practices.

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