Monday, November 20, 2023

Jesus Loves You

 Jesus Loves You

Dedicated to My Friend Elizabeth A.

I would think about it this way, it is before the creation of the world.

God calls out for volunteers, He knows Man will fall.

The tree is too much of a temptation.

Who will go for me?

Without a thought, I raise my voice and answer the call.

But then, the description is reiterated and more details given.

Son, they will hate you. Son they will treat you with disdain.

Son, they will look at your twisted body and revile you.

Son they will say you do not deserve an opportunity.

Son they will say you need to be locked away.

Son, your body will be twisted and mangled.

Son, you will have to roll into their synagogues and places of worship.

Son, you will be alone.

Son, they will not listen to you.

Son, they will not invite you to their dinners and celebrations.

Son, they will ask for blessings, and not consider the blessing of helping you.

Son, you will not be able to control your bowels.

Son, you will live off of vitamins just to control your body.

Son, lewd men will ask to have sex with you due to your contorted body.

Son, you will be alone in their houses of worship while your friends are confined to institutions and group homes.

Son, I will send you to them to ask them to go get them from the institutions and bring them to worship.

They will say, we will go to them, once a year, and “reach out” because “they do not belong here.”

My house, He says, is for all those they reject. It is to include them, the ones that cannot talk, the ones that cannot hear, the ones that no longer can travel on their own, the ones whom served me but their bodies were stricken with illness and can not come to my house anymore.

He says, I need you to remind my people and show them by being their alone; I need you to show up in your crippled body and ask them to go get my people from the institutions they are forgotten in.

He says, tell them that you must make time to serve them and fellowship and worship them.

In this context, God asked you and me before the making of this world if we would take on the crippled bodies and serve as a witness for Him with greater glory. And, we did my beloved. They did not answer the call; they did not say “yes send me”. They wanted Man’s glory and now have their reward.

We are the blessed, we are the chosen.

Now my body yearns for me to be absent. I suffered many years, when will it end. I do not know, that is God’s timing. And yes, we make mistakes, we are human. In trying to deal with this crippled body, we may have tried remedies that did more harm than good. That is the nature of this world with all its sinfulness, but in the midst God blesses.

Yes, I yearn to be absent from the body to be with Him. My body is tired, but, I have not heard, “It is done ……. Well done, my good and faithful servant”. He still wants me to be His witness.

I believe He asked me to go for Him in this crippled body. I believe He asked us before the making of this world. I believe I am blessed to serve Him in this crippled body. God has been Good to both of us. Amen.

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