Sunday, July 14, 2024

7 a 10


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As I rolled around the house of God

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I implored God to help to change the minds of the people

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God, the hearts of the people are hardened

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The glory is outside of your house

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I remember the Glory, I have seen the glory

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They could not walk

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The could not be understood as they talked

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But they sang and read the bible and listened attentively to the sermon

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They, the church, went to their facility.

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The church was not accessible

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The claim to fame, the bragging of the works

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That is the modern church

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We feed those in Palestine, we feed those in the Ukraine, and help those in Korsovo

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We help the child in Mexico, Honduras, all over the world

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We bring back the photos of the missions trips

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We feed the elderly there, had schools, helped with supplies, etc

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All I ask and pray is you do the same here

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Have at least 7 to 10 disabled persons, persons you helped to get to the church be in your midst

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That is the glory.

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If you can go all over the world on your mini vacations, then, help them get there, to the House of God

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Just 7 to 10, if not just once a month to start

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The argument is we have a lot in the US. With all that we have we place our elderly in jails

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The jails are the nursing homes and assisted living facilities

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If you can go all around the world, for two to three weeks at a time, then you can visit the places they abide in

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Help Jonathan

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Make Christ Alive

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That is my prayer.

As I rolled around the house of God.

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Mientras rodaba por la casa de Dios, afuera con mi perra

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Le imploré a Dios que me ayudara a cambiar la mentalidad de la gente

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Dios, los corazones de la gente están endurecidos

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La gloria está fuera de tu casa

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Recuerdo la Gloria, he visto la gloria

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No podían caminar

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No se entendían mientras hablaban

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Pero cantaron y leyeron la Biblia y escucharon atentamente el sermón

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Ellos, la iglesia, fueron a sus instalaciones.

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Ellos, la iglesia, fueron a sus instalaciones.

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La iglesia no era accesible

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La pretensión de fama, la fanfarronería de las obras, mira lo que nostros hacen en otros piase

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Esa es la iglesia moderna

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Alimentamos a los que están en Palestina, alimentamos a los que están en Ucrania y ayudamos a los que están en Korsovo

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Ayudamos al niño en México, Honduras, en todo el mundo

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Traemos de vuelta las fotos de los viajes misioneros

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Allí alimentamos a los ancianos, teníamos escuelas, ayudábamos con suministros, etcétera

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Todo lo que pido y rezo es que hagas lo mismo aquí

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Tener al menos de 7 a 10 personas discapacitadas, personas a las que ayudó a llegar a la iglesia, estén en medio de usted

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Esa es la gloria.

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Si puedes ir por todo el mundo en tus mini vacaciones, entonces, ayúdalos a llegar allí, a la Casa de Dios

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Solo de 7 a 10, si no solo una vez al mes para comenzar

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El argumento es que tenemos mucho en Estados Unidos. Con todo lo que tenemos, metemos a nuestros ancianos en las cárceles

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Si puedes ir por todo el mundo, durante dos o tres semanas a la vez, entonces puedes visitar los lugares en los que habitan

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Ayuda a Jonathan

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Dar vida a Cristo

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Esa es mi oración.

Mientras rodaba por la casa de Dios.

This is while I am hope sick after caring for weeks for my mom.


God placed it in my heart to roll around the church praying, 7 to 10 let the Glory Come

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