Sunday, July 28, 2024

Wake Med Kills ANA

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 Wake Med Kills

It is the early days of January 2024, my mom gets sick.

Wake Med Kills

Multiple Emergency room visits

Wake Med Kills

Once at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Emergency Room, nothing wrong while mom seeks carafate, January 2024

Wake Med Kills

Multiple times at Western Wake Medical Emergency Room

Wake Med Kills

They say in January, all emergency rooms, nothing is wrong with my mom it is all psychiatric

Wake Med Kills

Acid burns in her throat and esophagus down to the intestines.

Wake Med Kills

The 17 plus meds, most from Monarch

Wake Med Kills

She cannot swallow, she cannot eat, she says, the patient

Wake Med Kills

All emergency rooms say, it is psychiatric, all in your head

Wake Med Kills

She just wants carafate to cool her throat

Wake Med Kills

The Wake County Ambulance comes, she is almost dead

Wake Med Kills

The Western Wake Medical Emergency Room discharged her,

Wake Med Kills

The next day, she almost dies in our car

Wake Med Kills

January 16, 2024, the attempted murder, criminal negligence

Wake Med Kills

She just wanted Carafate to stop the acid burn, she knew that had, but they said it is in your mind

Wake Med Kills

In January 2024, it was Kidney Failure, all the emergency doctors missed

Wake Med Kills

They continue the murderous plot

Wake Med Kills

We are giving you Invega

Wake Med Kills

They administered the poison, not once checking the liver

Wake Med Kills

The next time the liver is checked, next month, it is too late, the liver is killed

Wake Med Kills

Then the attempts to kill continue

Wake Med Kills

She almost has a stroke, is delusional

Wake Med Kills

They try to discharge her again, it is February, 2024

Wake Med Kills

I appeal and rebuke, they admit

Wake Med Kills

But they said, “Nothing is wrong with her again”

Wake Med Kills -Western Wake

February 2024, the poison worked its magic, she almost died again NH3 is at 84, liver is dead

Waked Med Kills

NH3 is invega, killing my mom

Wake Med Kills

NH3 84 is my mom off her rocker, no one can console her

Wake Med Kills

Here we go again, July 2024, NH3 Abilify and others, the new poison

Wake Med Kills

She want to the Western Wake Emergency Room, just for a Neurologist and to stop the burning pain

Wake Med Kills

They give her the Gabe, but, they also give her new poison

Wake Med Kills

The children join the murderous assault, family now in discord fighting

Wake Med Kills

Mom say no more poison

Wake Med Kills

The murderous doctors do not listen, they are intent on killing, keep the psychiatric medications

Wake Med Kills

They violate mental health standards, they violate medical ethics standards, they fail to report abuse, neglect, and dependency

Wake Med Kills

We will listen to the murderous surrogates whom want to kill too

Wake Med Kills

Now she stands on death row

Wake Med Kills

NH3 now is 89, higher than February, as they administer the poison

Wake Med Kills

NH3 is ammonia levels, poop in the blood

Wake Make Kills

When we had her, she was healing, NH3 55, just two points above 53

Wake Med Kills

The poison is acting NH3 89 consistent, the murders are killing, bye bye brains

Wake Med Kills

NH3 89, higher than February at 84

Wake Med Kills

They are killing her, but say, we are making her safer for society

Wake Med Kills

The pills cocktail, gabe, lorazapam and other unknown meds

Wake Med Kills

Administered by one of the surrogate killers, with the consent of two others, got her off her rocker again

Wake Med Kills

The Wake Medical Doctors are alerted

Wake Med Kills

They do not report the cocktail, no sir, they want to kill

Wake Med Kills

The do not follow ethics, because, they want to kill

Wake Med Kills

My mom says no poison, but they continue

Wake Med Kills

Ethics says it is mandatory, sent to ethic committee when family is fighting

Wake Med Kills

Established public policy says, you must have Adult Family Team Meeting

Wake Med Kills

You cannot justify the killing, the surrogate cocktail is gone, but you continue to administer the poison

Wake Med Kills

The patient mom is saying no, but you continue to kill her

Wake Med Kills

My mom is dying on death row at Wake Med Hospital, this is how Wake Med Kills.

Room 355 is the place of the execution

Wake Med Kills

Here is the address and number of the execution site

1900 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC 27518 · 24 mi

(919) 233-2300

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